-1Prue looked at her big sister, ready to chew her out, or at least lecture her about safeness, and the importance of it, but as she took a double take at the pregnancy test she somewhat calmed down.

"Your…..Your not pregnant?" She asked confused.

"No Of Course not!" Piper exclaimed hitting her sister on the upper arm playfully, although she was hurt because her sister didn't trust her.

Prue rubbed her upper arm which was beginning to bruise, although Piper hadn't really hit her that hard at all. She looked to her little sister slash best friend in a confused way.

"Well so why would you take a pregnancy test if you knew you wasn't pregnant?" She inquired in a smart ass attitude that you could only describe as Prue-ish.

Piper looked down, a little embarrassed , but then looked her big sister in the eyes , knowing that she could talk to Prue about anything at any time, but not wanting to tell her the whole truth, not yet.

"Well I took the pregnancy test, because Leo and I have been seeing each other for two years now, and we have been, um together since last year, and so when I skipped my period……." Piper looked at Prue wondering if she could wing it. "Twice." She said although she hadn't had her period in the last year. "I figured that I better make sure. It's better to be safe than sorry." She said looking at Prue.

"Ok sweetie. I'm glad that you told me." She said and then she heard a crash downstairs, she and Piper exchanged a look like oh-shit what now.

"You better go." Pi told her sister. "Before they kill each other." She said giving Prue a knowing look.

"OK well I want you to lay back down and rest. Your still very pale and you look weak." She said in a bossy big sister way as she helped Piper to lay back down. "I'll be back up to check on you after I get your sisters settled for supper." She said quietly. She tucked her sister in and then walked very quietly towards the door. She turned out the light before looking at Piper one last time. She looked so angelic. Her little sister, the good one, the one who never did anything wrong.

Prue walked downstairs and saw her two little sisters in full swing fight mode. She ignored them, stirred the spaghetti sauce which was boiling away merrily, and put the noodles on to cook before walking into the living room to see what all the fighting was about.

"Phoebe! I want to watch the Baby-Sitters Club!" 12 year old Paige shrieked at the top of her lungs, her sister turned to look at her and sat up. Paige also sat up and glared angrily at Phoebe.

"I really couldn't care less what you want to watch. I'm watching Bewitched!. And I WILL NOT turn it off for some dumb Disney television show." The 14 year old Phoebe yelled to her younger sister.

"That's not fair!" Paige yelled in an angered tone. "We've seen this dumb television series fifty hundred million times!" She exclaimed as she flung her arm accidentally causing a bookshelf full of movies to fall and nearly land on Phoebe. Fortunately she moved out of the way just in time. She moved over to her sister and slapped her across the face leaving an angry hand print.

"Bitch." Paige yelled hitting her sister back, and causing her lip to bleed. Phoebe took this personal and levitated into the air, kicked Paige and caused her to fall to the ground.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Prue exclaimed as she took a whistle which was around her neck and blew it hard. Both girls looked up shocked and walked over to Prue. Looking up at her like little lost puppies.

"She started it." Paige mumbled.

"DID NOT!" Phoebe yelled.




"DID NOT DID NOT DID NOT!" Phoebe yelled back very loudly.

"Shut up already!" Prue yelled at her little sisters. "I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it." She said as she held Phoebe back with one hand and Paige with the other, for they were swinging trying to hit each other. She used her powers to glide them across the room and sit them on the couch. Which was a different situation because normally they would have been flung onto the couch, if she had used her powers on them. But this was very gentle and it didn't hurt them.

"Phoebe, Paige I want the two of you to stop this useless fighting! I'm sick and tired of breaking you two up. Now listen to me. I want the two of you to go up to your rooms and close the doors. Stay there until I come back up to get you for supper. And if I hear one more word form either of you you'll both be grounded for the rest of the week and the weekend too." She said in an angered tone.

Phoebe got up and silently walked to her room, she closed the door behind her, but Paige was a bit more testy. She wasn't going to go without a fight.

"Your not my mom Prue. You have no right to tell me what to do, or how to do it." Paige said giving her big sister a look of hatred as she kicked her feet up onto the coffee table which she knew Prue never allowed.

"Oh yes I am." Prue said before she had a chance to think about it. Then she stopped and looked to Paige.

"I'm sorry, your right I'm not, but I am the only mother figure you've ever known." She said looking to her younger sister. " Now get your feet off of my table." She said in a demanding tone.

"No! Your not! Grams was and I DO NOT have to listen to you!" She exclaimed. "Grams is my boss. Not you.!" She exclaimed through a angry hatred look.

"GRAMS IS DEAD!" Prue exclaimed "She's not coming back. I'm the boss now. I'm in charge. I'm the one with the custody papers saying that I am the legal guardian of yourself, Phoebe and Piper. Now, since grams is gone and we have that understood you have to listen to me now. I'm your boss now. And although I'll never be Mum I'll still be your boss until you turn eighteen years old little missy." She said, refusing to let Paige see how much she had hurt her.

"I hate you!" Paige hissed to Prue. As she stormed up to her room and slammed the door.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Pure responded as she watched her little sister and then walked back into the kitchen to finish up supper. She fixed two plates, and two diet soda's and then called Phoebe and Paige back down to eat. Paige had told her that she hated her so many times it since grams had died that it didn't even hurt her anymore.

Phoebe came downstairs and anxiously sat down. Being ever so careful not to look at Prue as she silently ate her food. She took a drink of her soda before speaking.

"Prue I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"It's ok Phoebe. I'm just so tired of the two of you fighting." She said simmering down. "Where's your sister?" She asked Phoebe quietly.

"She's in her room pouting. I tried to tell her that supper was ready but she ignored me." Phoebe said quietly as she took another bite. Prue was just standing there by the kitchen sink. The light from the sunset shone in around her making her appear to glow.

"Well that's fine, let her do as she wishes, at least for now." Prue said extremely stressed out.

Phoebe looked at her sister and was instantly hit with a feeling of regret and sorrow. She reaches out and touches her sisters hand

"Everything will be ok sis." She said in a comforting tone. " I'll try harder to get along with Paige." Phoebe said in a sweet tone. "What she said was uncalled for." Phoebe comforted her big sister who looked sad.

"You've always been a mom to Paige and I. We never had a chance to know mom, and you filled her shoes. You took care of us all of our lives. I mean grams was there, but you were always the mother figure." Phoebe said quietly as she looked down to the ground.

Meanwhile upstairs

Paige laid pouting on her bed, she snuck over to her door and locked it, she put on a short skirt, a very lo cut red shirt and orbed out of the house. She landed right outside her window down on the ground and walked very quickly down the street. She turned the courner and then walked behind a bush and orbed to her friends house where a rave party was going on.

"Hey girl." Emily said to Paige as she slapped her a high five. "See you got past your big sister. What'd you tell her ?" She asked sweetly. And then realized that Paige had been crying.

"Honey are you OK?" she asked.

"I'm fine, my sister and I got into a big fight and I snuck out," Paige said with a mysterious smile.

"awesome. Well I know something that'll make you feel better." Emily said as she pulled Paige by the hand over to a cooler and pulled out a beer.

"Have some of this." She said. "It's really cold."

Paige took the drink and drank it in a couple of gulps and then took another and drank it down.

The music is really loud and Paige and Emily are watching the guys gulp down beer and other liquids. Paige smiled at a blond haired blue eyed guy and walked over to him. He was at least a senior and really nice looking.

"Hey….." She said in a sexy tone…."Wanta dance?" She asked.