Summary - That was what drew her to him, the alluring sound of his voice. Her eyes were latched onto him; she couldn't focus on her meal, and was inconspicuously drooling in an unfortunate manner over her rice. Sun Chan is the daughter of Sun Ce and Da Qiao, her father died a year after her birth, and she now follows her Aunts Xiao Qiao and Sun Shang Xiang in believing that women have an important part to play too. But then, she meets Lu Xun, handsome, irresistible, but with an annoying fault… wait – he IS annoying. Full stop. But geeks have a chance too, don't they? However absolutely-smack-it-in-your-face-gorgeous they may be…

Notes – Hi there – welcome to my fanfiction! This is the intro of my story based on an OC, the OC is Sun Chan, the daughter of Sun Ce and Da Qiao. This whole story is COMPLETELY inaccurate… so don't go round flaming me for that, thanks. ;)

First Impressions

There he was, sitting several tables away from the eighteen year old Sun Chan, munching silently on his evening meal while he conversed animatedly with two other people, her aunts,Sun Shang Xiang andXiao Qiao. The man - he must have been at leasttwo or threeyears older than Sun Chan – happily laughed at the antics of his friends, and his smile seemed to light up the whole room, his tinkling laughter chiming sweetly in the air. That was what drew her to him, the alluring sound of his voice. Her eyes were latched onto him; she couldn't focus on her meal, and was inconspicuously drooling in an unfortunate manner over her rice.

He was, in a word… beautiful.

His hair was a honey coloured mess on the top of his head, messed up scruffily, but handsomely so. His eyes… they were a deep, penetrating hazel, and they flashed with zeal when he spoke passionately about something to his friends. Sun Chan herself was goggle eyed staring at him, she couldn't believe she hadn't noticed this person before…

He wore a red shirt, which was open down the middle, revealing a modest six-pack – now that her made drool… if anything, an his body was tanned gloriously, heavenly.

Sun Chan didn't want to stop staring, the man was all she could fully focus on, it was as if she was staring at an angel.

An angel fallen from heaven just for her to observe.

A voice inside her head tormented her; 'go over to him,' it said softly, 'go over and speak to him.' Sun Chan had never been entirely confident, though, she had inherited that annoying trait from her mother, Da Qiao.

But that was most probably the only inherited trait, for Sun Chan was clumsy, loud – to a certain extent – and chatty, though also bubbly and witty, with a long, passionate streak for adventure.

Just like her father, her mother had always noted tearfully, eyes growing misty and threatening to burst as they always did when she thought of her passed away husband. Sun Chan didn't know how close the two had been, but she knew that Da Qiao had been greatly in love with Lord Sun Ce, from the way she spoke about him…

Sun Chan tried not to dwell on it – there's a man for everyone, so they say.

Speaking of which…

Sun Chan stood up, pushing her plate forcefully to a side and taking a deep breath – as said before, this was not her area of expertise – while plucking up a rare dose of courage.

Her aim was to start a conversation, but she could only helplessly watch as the man waved goodbye to her Aunts, cleared away his plate, and made for the door.

He didn't even give a second glance back or look over his shoulder as he strode out of the hall and into the corridor.

Sun Chan felt positively deflated.