Second half of "Rescue". It ended up a little longer than I expected, but I just had to write this. It sort of grew after I started…
Disclaimer: See chapter 1…
Chapter 2
Two sets of brown eyes looked at each other, one pair quite a bit older than the other. The younger of the two started to flutter, and began to close.
"Kaley! Don't fall asleep!"
"Huh…?" She looked back up into the caring brown orbs of the man who was there to protect her.
"That's it. I don't want you to fall asleep. It looks like you've had a good hit to the head. Do you feel any pain?"
"N… no. Not really. My head is kinda numb, and my ankle is a bit sore. If I try to move though, my ankle will really start to hurt."
"Everything is going to be alright." Ron said, and gave another little grimace.
"Y… you're Ron Stoppable, aren't you?"
"Why yes, I am. Do I know you?" Ron looked to be genuinely shocked by the fact that this little girl recognized him.
"No, not personally. But I know about you and your wife, Kim."
"Now how did you… know that?" Ron shifted a shoulder again.
"I actually just wrote a paper in school describing who our heroes were, and why. I picked Team Possible."
"Then you must know quite a bit about us." Ron said, and continued to make conversation. " Tell me… oof… what have you learned?"
"Ron!" There was that angelic voice of Kim Possible again. "New plan! We've got some mine experts here now, and they're going to dig a parallel shaft to this one, then tunnel over and get you out. OK? How are you doing down there?"
"We're doing good Kim. Kaley and I are just getting to know each other. Oh, and if you can… tell them to hurry a bit… please.
"Sorry 'bout that Kaley." Ron continued. "You were going to tell me what you've learned about us."
"Oh yes." She said, her eyes bright as ever. "I learned that you and Kim were best friends for almost 14 years before finally getting together, and that you were married just 6 months ago."
"6 months 12 days, to be exact." Ron said smiling.
"I think I might know something that the public doesn't know yet, though." Kaley said with a conspiratorial sound to her voice.
"What…?" Ron asked in almost a whisper.
"Kim's pregnant, isn't she?"
"Umm… well… ahh… yeah. She is." Ron finally gave in to the hopeful young face looking up at him.
"That's why you came down here, and not her. Am I right?"
Ron couldn't lie to such a cute little face. "Yes, your right. But don't tell anyone. OK? She's not showing yet."
"I understand." Kaley said. She understood many things in the adult world as her parents had taught her right, and felt that their daughter was smart enough to understand things. They were right, and she was.
"Kaley?" Ron asked.
"Yeah Ron?"
"I'm going to try… something, and if you see anything strange, can you keep it to yourself?"
"Sure. What are you…"
Almost immediately Ron closed his eyes tight, and concentrated. Originating from the middle of his chest, small tendrils of what looked like blue arcs of electricity began to move in and around Ron's body. His tightly closed eyes looked to be glowing a bit blue as some of the light was filtering through his eyelashes.
Kaley saw him rise a bit as if suddenly charged with tremendous strength. A grunt issued from his clenched teeth, and he shrugged his shoulders upwards. The sound of scraping metal and then the sound of falling dirt was heard for a few seconds, and then stopped.
"Harrumph…" Ron said. "There, that's much better."
He opened his eyes and looked back at Kaley who would almost swear that she saw a blue haze fade out, and then be replaced by the normal brown of his eyes.
"Whoa…" Kaley said, astonished by what she had just witnessed. "That was your Monkey Power, wasn't it?"
"You know about that?" Ron asked surprised.
"Hey, I researched you guys completely for my paper." Her eyes began to flutter again, and finally closed.
"Kaley! C'mon Kaley! Don't fall asleep! Wake-up! Please?"
"Huh…? What…? I'm sorry Ron. I'm just sooo tired."
"I know Kaley, I know. Can you be strong, for me? Tell me more what you've learned about us."
"Oh… I read all about Rufus too. He's such an amazing animal. How did you teach him to speak like he does?"
"Well…" Ron said, shrugging a bit. He was visibly more relaxed. What he had done earlier with his power must have helped quite a bit. "He sort of… already knew how to do that."
The two continued to talk for the next 20 minutes, and suddenly they both heard a scraping sound behind Ron. A small hole appeared in the side of the shaft, and a small pink head poked through.
"Hello." It said, in a small squeaky voice.
"Rufus!" Both Kaley and Ron yelled out at the same time.
"Good to see ya buddy! Is someone coming down after you?"
"Yup… yup." Rufus said, bobbing his head up and down. "Kim."
"What!" Ron exclaimed. "She shouldn't be doing that! She's…"
"Ron! We're here!" A new voice said, and more dirt fell from the hole, revealing flowing red hair, and shimmering green eyes. Her face was illuminated by Ron's flashlight, and it was the most beautiful site that Kaley had ever seen.
"Kim Possible…" Kaley said with awe as she continued to sit against the side of the shaft.
"Actually, it's Kim Stoppable now. I wish people would get used to that." She said with a smile.
"Kim…" Ron said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "You shouldn't be down here. It's too much stress…"
"Shush Ron! Not in front of Kaley. Besides, I'm perfectly capable of rescuing Kaley here, and you too."
"Hey…" Ron said jokingly at her last words.
"Kaley? Honey?" Kim said. "Can you crawl over to me?"
"I… I don't know. My ankle will start to hurt, I know."
"I know. I'm sorry. But if you don't, we can't get you out of here." Dirt started to fall around all four of them causing Rufus to chatter excitedly, and Kim and Ron to exchange a serious look.
"Ok…" Kaley said, and leaned forward, causing her face to contort in pain. "Owww… ow ow…"
"C'mon Kaley… You can make it." Kim said with a bit of urgency in her voice.
Whimpering in pain, Kaley was able to get up on all fours, and crawl between Ron's legs and towards Kim. Just as Kim grabbed her hand, a large amount of dirt gave way, and landed on Ron's back.
"We have to hurry Kim. I don't think it's going to hold much longer. The rig really weakened the walls with its fall."
Kaley yelped in both surprise and pain as Kim wrenched her into the other shaft. "Go, go, go!" She yelled upwards, and both Kim and Kaley were whisked up and out into the light.
They both landed with a thump on the ground, Kaley on top of Kim. "What about Ron?" Kaley asked, her eyes tearing at the question.
"He'll be OK." Kim said. "Well see him real soon."
"But… how…?" Kaley started to ask, and then heard coughing behind her as a disheveled and very dirty Ron Stoppable lifted himself out of the shaft that had just been dug.
"Are you three...(cough)… OK?" Ron asked as he knelt down beside Kim, who was holding Kaley in her arms. Rufus chattered annoylingly beside Kim. "Sorry Rufus. You four?"
"Yes, we ALL are OK Ron." Kim said with a smile on her face, and a hand on her tummy.
A man in a blue shirt that had the white letters EMT on the left front reached towards Kaley. Instinctively she shied away, and clung on to Kim.
"It's OK Kaley." Kim said. "He's here to help."
"You sure Kim?" Kaley said, her brown eyes looking up at her with a bit of worry.
"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I think your parents want to see you." Kim pointed at an older woman in the crowd who had a blanket over her shoulders and a gentleman beside her with an arm wrapped around her.
"Thank-you for saving me." Kaley said, and wrapped her arms around Kim, giving her a big hug. "You too, Ron."
She took Ron's hand and pulled him down as he was standing at the time, and wrapped her little arms around his neck. I'll never forget you." She then lowered her voice a bit and whispered into his ear. "I won't tell anyone anything."
Ron stood up, still holding onto Kaley, her legs falling freely underneath her. She whimpered slightly from the pain in her ankle. Ron handed her to the EMT, and Kim rose by his side.
Kaley was then placed on a wheeled gurney and then rolled into the ambulance, her parents at her side holding her hand. A needle was pressed into her arm, and almost immediately the pain in her ankle went away. The EMT then tried to place something plastic over her mouth, but was having trouble because of the big grin on her face.
"Mom? Dad?" Kaley said, her face bright and shining through the dirt and grime.
"Yes dear?" They both said at the same time.
"Guess what?" She paused for a bit, and her parents shrugged. "I met Team Possible!"
The medication took hold and little Kaley closed her eyes, and dreamed of fighting bad guys with a certain duo who had a naked Mole Rat for a pet.
The end…
OK… guess that was more of a "2-shot"… Hope y'all liked it! Now I'll get back to my other story…