Sorry, last chapter. I'm sad, but. . . I'll write another Riku/Sora fic soon. HEY! If you guys give me some ideas, and I find one I like, I'll write about it. I haven't had any good ideas for a long time, so if you have any that you'd want me to write, just tell me!


Riku watched the television intently, having heard about this times news. Something important.

"And this just in, the police have busted the potential hide out of a cereal kidnapper, Kadaj Akimono. They've captured him, and now him and his brother, Yazoo Akimono, are in potential custody. They've claimed to have no accomplices, and when asked about a third brother, they said that he died a while ago. The police are going on this information, and are continuing to think about the punishment,"

Riku smiled, then looked over at Loz, who was sitting next to him, "Kadaj did that for you, he knew that you ran away,"

Loz looked down at his hands, "Did he? Did he really? Or did he just see that as some reason to keep his legacy alive?"

Riku winced in his hospital bed, and he felt Sora's hand tight on his. Loz was still severely saddened by his brother, but Riku was just glad that man was put away.

"I don't care what you think Loz, but..." Sora looked at Riku with a small smile, "I'm glad that man's behind bars,"

Loz looked at Sora, then at Riku with a small smile, "As sad as it is, So am I,"

Riku smiled at him as he walked out, and then let his head fall back on the pillow, "Shit, I'm tired,"

Sora reached up and put his hand on Riku's cheeks and forehead, "You don't have a fever anymore, but you'll need to stay here one more night to keep getting an IV."

"I'll be fine," Riku said with a small smile and slightly drooping eyes.

Sora pouted, "Yeah, everyone who has massive blood loss, infection, and malnourishment is perfectly fine,"

Riku sighed and pulled Sora down to him. Sora took the hint and climbed all the way on the bed, his body pressed against Riku's, "Should I even be up here?"

Riku sighed and put his face in Sora's hair, "I don't care."

Sora smiled, and put his arms around Riku's torso, linking his fingers on Riku's back.

Riku closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep when the daze-educed sentence rang out, "do you really love me, Sora?"

Sora jolted and looked up at the silver-haired man, only to see that he'd fallen asleep. Sora smiled warmly, pressing a kiss on Riku's temple, "Of course,"


Leon watched in on Cloud teaching his class. Leon couldn't help but be so awed at how Cloud could be sightless, yet still be loved by every person in this k-8 school. It was such a wonder.

"Then, the little elf suddenly jumped out and scared the grasshopper," Cloud said, his smile growing. He was reading from a braille children's book, and all the children were paying so much attention, that Leon wished his students were that into it, "'why did you do that Mr. Elf?' The grasshopper asked, feeling sad that his friend would scare him."

Leon laughed at how all the children whined when Cloud finished, and Cloud just whined with them.

"I'll read you another story tomorrow," Cloud said, then smiled at them all, "and guess what? If you're really good today, I'll read another one just after nap time!"

There was a chorus of cheers, and then Cloud laughed, "alright, try and guess what time it is now?"

"ART TIME!" The children screamed, and Cloud put his finger to his lips.

"Shh, you don't want big Mr. Meanie pants across the hall to hear you!" Cloud warned, and all the children went quiet. Some of them looked really scared, "Good, now, everyone, get out your finger paintings from yesterday. Remember, we want them to look pretty for mom!"

Everyone ran to their cubbies, and Cloud stood, patting off his butt. He smiled in Leon's direction, then waved. Leon was actually surprised, how did Cloud know he was there? And plus, why did he have a bad feeling that this 'big Mr. Meanie pants' was him?

Leon smiled, and Cloud started in the general direction of him. He turned toward his eighth grade teachers aide and smiled at him, "Can you keep watch for me?"



Cloud smiled as he handed one of the cups of coffee to Leon.

"Man, I wanna make out with you," Leon said, grunting and taking a harsh sip of his coffee. How come all the coffee Cloud made was really good? I dunno.

Cloud chuckled and sat down on the faculty lounge couch, next to Leon, and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, "We can after work,"

"but I dun wanna wait," Leon whined, sounding rather pathetic. But, Cloud was the only one that could reduce Leon to 'pathetic'.

Cloud laughed, then patted Leon on the head lightly, "It's a short day today,"


Auron slammed down the queen of the chess pieces and exclaimed, "CHECK MATE!"

"We'll, I'll be damned," Cid laughed, "You actually beat me,"


Jack sighed, turning up his music. Yuffie was once again playing that infernal video game, yes, a new one, DDR. It had to be the most annoying game yet. But the songs were mildly catchy, Jack had to say. Better than having all those men running around here, but they were out playing basketball.


Reno knocked on the door, putting his hands in his pockets as he waited. He wondered what Rude would think. Reno would have thought that Rude would have known that Reno was back, wouldn't he? He DID have a sixth sense like that. Reno wondered if Rude would be happy.


A man answered the door, and Reno didn't know him. He was in a white uniform, so Reno thought that he must be a doctor or something.

"Hi, is Rude here?" Reno asked, raising an eyebrow and looking in over the doctor's shoulders. The man raised up higher so that Reno wouldn't be able to see.

The man nearly glared, "He's not having any visitors at this time,"

"Please?" Reno asked, giving his infamous puppy-dog eyes. The man glared, then sighed, opening the door further.

"I shouldn't since I've never seen you before," The man said, sighing and rubbing his temples, "he's going through a rough time, so you can only stay for a minute or two. He's having some emotional trouble, ever since his friend got kidnaped."

"I have a feeling I'll make everything better," Reno said with a smirk, and nearly went running to Rude's room.

"Rude!" He exclaimed, walking up to where he saw the bald man sleeping, "Baldy, wake up you stupid lazy worm!"

The man groaned, then looked up at the other. His eyes widened momentarily, then he looked away, "You're probably just another dream,"

Reno sighed, then smacked Rude upside the head. The man grunted, then Reno continued, "If this were a dream, doofus, you wouldn't have been able to feel that!"

Rude gasped, then sat up quickly, putting his hands on Reno's shoulders, "W-w-what? Wh-when!"

"Just about now," Reno said, then sighed, "Can you just hug me and get this emotional part over with?"

And Rude did.


Vincent didn't understand this game. The others at the homeless shelter Riku had taken him to were trying to explain it to him, but he just wasn't getting it. All of them were scared of him, too, so they weren't explaining It as well as they would have someone else.

"Ignore them,"

Vincent looked up and saw a man with long silver hair and glowing greenish eyes. He tried to remember his name, but just couldn't.

"Sephiroth Sachi," He said, extending his hand. He smirked when Vincent shook it. He held up the basketball and smirked wider, "Now, wanna learn some basketball?"

Vincent suddenly found out what it was like to have someone to protect. That feeling of having someone like that. Just like with Sora and Riku, and Cloud and Zack.

So suddenly, too.

(AN: SephirothxVincent, weirdest paring ever. -gasp- who'd be the uke?)


Riku sighed, then patted Sora on the back, "You ready for dinner?"

"No, I got to search one more thing!" Sora exclaimed, looking through the paper.

Riku sighed, sitting next to him, "We have plenty of time to look for a house, So-chan. We're going to live upstairs in my parents, and they don't want me to leave, we're fine."

"But I want our own house!" Sora whined, looking at them again, "Just for ourselves! I don't even care that you're paying for it, with little help from your parents. I just want you and me and a house!"

"So impatient?" Riku laughed, watching his darling Sora acting so cutely.

Sora pouted at him, "but, I wanna live with you so bad,"

Riku sighed, reaching over and pecking the other on the cheek, "We're always together, we don't need a house to prove it,"

Sora smiled.


okay, sadly, this time it really is over.