Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I'm just borrowing, will have them back by supper time.
Fidelis Ad Mortem
Rogue Amazon Boo
Lindsay Monroe sat across from Alex Davis in interrogation room four and willed her expressive face into a hard mask. The man made her skin crawl and by the smirk on his face he knew it, the bastard. Her sometime partner Danny Messer was standing a few feet off to her left with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked casual but his ice blue eyes were as hard as polished diamonds.
Alex Davis; arrested for suspicion of sexual assault and murder. Lindsay suppressed her shudder. In her mind's eye she could still see the crime scene she and Danny had processed four days ago.
A jogger had found them in Central park lying under a tree. Two pre-teen girls, their bodies stripped and bleached, both with hands and feet bound, and both asphyxiated, Sid had determined, while they were being raped.
The bodies had been identified as Julie Martinez and Rachel Adams. Their faces, frozen in silent screams, haunted her waking hours and followed her into her dreams and she had a feeling that time would not erode this particular memory.
Danny glanced at her just then and that was the signal. She stood up her eyes never leaving Davis's and placed a folder in front of him. She opened it and extracted two of the most gruesome crime scene photos they had and placed them in front of the suspect.
"Rachel Adams, twelve." she said, placing the picture of a bound African American pre-teen in front of their suspect. Davis smirked slightly but didn't re-act any other way.
Lindsay pushed the second photo forward.
"Julie Martinez, thirteen." she paused, "You killed them Alex."
This time he leaned forward and pulled the photos closer so he could get a better look and then pushed them back and looked up at Lindsay.
"You're hot, did you know that? A little old for my tastes but still…very pretty," he drawled and gave her the once over. "I bet you're an animal in bed with that tight ass and those perky tits. A real animal."
Danny twitched slightly and Lindsay caught it out of the corner of her eye. She shot him a warning look. She could tell by the tension in his forearms that he had not appreciated Alex's comments to her but she also knew that Davis had just been trying to get a reaction out of him. She looked back at the slimy excuse for a human being lounging in front of her and frowned at the knowing smirk that he was shooting her and Danny.
Davis turned his attention on the Danny.
"Well, well, well Detective. You've been hittin' that at night haven't you?"
Lindsay watched her partner's facial muscles twitch and was proud that he didn't give Davis the satisfaction of a response.
Her feeling was short lived.
"You must not be doin' a very good job Romeo, she looks unsatisfied. I'll tell you what. When I get out of here I'll look her up and satisfy her."
Danny moved then and slammed his hands down on the table, causing it to jump.
"You listen here you sonovabitch…" he started but Lindsay cut him off and shot him another sharp glance.
That isn't the way to do this; she seemed to shout at him telepathically. He backed off.
Lindsay turned cold eyes on their Perp, sat down, and methodically started to lay out the facts.
"You aren't going any where Davis. We've got you cold. After we are done with you the only place you are going to be spending any quality time is in Attica. I'd say probably for the next thirty or fifty years. You're going to be real popular there. I know how much Cons love baby killers, and believe me when I say I'm going to personally make sure that the worst offenders in there find out exactly what you have done.
Davis's smirk turned to a snarl as he glared at Lindsay with pure hatred in his eyes. Seeing the look Danny back off a little more; knowing that his partner was going to break this asshole and feeling damn proud of her.
"She's right you know. You were real sloppy lover boy. Real sloppy and real stupid," he goaded and had the satisfaction of seeing Davis's face go molten red.
"You ain't got nothin' on me," Alex said, but he didn't sound sure. Lindsay watched his eyes and knew that he was going through the crime, trying to see where he might have slipped up. She almost smiled. It was going to be her pleasure to inform him just how screwed he really was.
"You thought you had it all worked out didn't you Alex? Get some work at that fancy prep school, pick the girls, get them to your house. You even had a special room set up just for them and after you were done with them you cleaned up everything, bleached the whole place. You even remembered to use a condom so that you wouldn't leave any semen in the girls and that is where this seemingly perfect plan goes to hell. You placed the used condoms and the cleaning supplies inside the plastic bag you used to kill those girls and threw them into the dumpster three blocks from your house, foolishly thinking that we would never find that bag."
Lindsay paused and this time she had a small victorious smile on her face as she pulled out the lab results.
"But DNA don't lie, does it?" Danny finished for her. Alex looked from the paper to Lindsay, and then back at the paper. He was shaking with rage.
"Not to mention that plastic in an excellent conductor for imprints. We have perfect molds of each of the victims' faces that had imprinted into the plastic when you suffocated them and do you want to know the best part Davis?"
Lindsay bared her teeth in a predatory imitation of a smile and leaned forward.
"You didn't wear gloves when you threw away the bag. You left us fingerprints."
Suddenly before anyone could react Davis launched himself over the table and wrapped his fingers tightly around Lindsay's throat.
"You bitch! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!"
Lindsay's chair toppled over from the combined weight of her and the suspect and she felt her head smack the concrete floor. Stars swam behind her eyes and she couldn't breath.
In a desperate state of panic she clawed at the vice like hands that were cutting off her air supply, tearing skin with her fingernails. She vaguely heard shouting in the back ground as the fluorescent lights swam in and out of her vision.
Lindsay felt herself slipping into oblivion as the abyss called her. Her whole body felt weak and lethargic and she just wanted to sink into it, away from the pain.
Suddenly the pressure on her throat eased and she saw two bright specs of blue swimming in her vision. A voice seemed to be calling her but she couldn't answer back, her throat hurt too much. Lindsay tried to push through the pain and towards the voice. She fought to keep her eyes open but it was just too much, it hurt too much. Her last thought before passing out was that blue was her favorite color.