Chapter three: Finally out

I heard thumping from what sounded like very heavy feet. I curled in on myself more to hopefully keep what ever was out there away from me. I didn't work. As I cried I could feel hot breath going down my neck, it seemed almost like Bowzer's but I knew it wasn't. I was the only one down here, and I was just imagining things. 'Yeah! That's has to be it!' I thought, trying to make myself braver. And in what seemed like magic the hot breath was gone and so were the noises, but the strange presence was still in the room. I could feel it. That was when I felt some thing warm, and slimy go up my face, I screamed as load as I could and then everything went black.

Link was still staring at his bowl of soup, when the Smashers heard a load scream comeing from the basement. Link looked up and then to the floor. The scream could only belong to one person… And that was Young Link.

"Where is Young Link!" Master Hand yelled this time. Most of the Smashers pointed at Link, trying to tell Master Hand to ask him and not them. Master Hand clearly understood because he had floated up to Link and was drumming his fingers on Link's table.

"Well Link? Where is Young Link?" He asked. Link looked back at Master Hand. He shook his head and shrugged.

"If he's not in his room, then I have no idea where he is." He said. If Master Hand could nod he would have.

"I see." At that point Master Hand grabbed Link by the collar of his tunic and lifted him up. "Tell me the truth Link. Where is Young Link!" Link crossed his arms across his chest.

"Fine, I'll tell you. I dared him to go into the basement for three whole hours without any weapons. Are you happy?" Link said. Master Hand dropped Link onto the floor.

"YOU WHAT? YOUNG LINK IS WHERE?" he yelled. Link looked at the giant hand with fear in his eyes. Never had they heard Master Hand yell like that.

"Umm… He's in the… basement…" Link said cautiously.


"What do you mean dead? What can be down there that could kill him?" Zelda asked. Master Hand faced her.

"Haven't you ever wondered where I kept all the creatures, like the Redeads and all the others?" He asked. Some of the Smashers nodded.

"Well I keep them all down there. And now Young Link is down there with all of those creatures. And he doesn't have any weapons, what do you think is going to happen?" Most of the Smashers eyes went wide with shock, while for the others it was fear.

"He could be hurt… or killed." Ness said.

"That's right. And if we don't hurry we'll be too late."

When I woke up I was in the mansions hospital room. I looked around and saw lots of gifts, even a toilet seat that said Get well soon buddy, that way we can prank people again!. I knew that one was defiantly from Ness. I also found get well cards, even one that said. Get well soon boy; if you don't I wont have anyone to kick around. Ganondorf I bet.

"So you're finally awake Mini-me?" I heard from beside me. I looked to my side and saw Big-me sitting next to me. I tried to sit up but I fell back down onto the bed.

"Careful, you're still a little weak." I looked over to the bedside table and saw chocolate. I reached over and grabbed it. Big-me laughed.

"Yeah, I kept trying to steal some chocolate but Zelda kept telling me to stop." He said. I heard him sigh so I looked at him.

"What's wrong Big-me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I put you in that danger Mini-me. If I had known what was down there I wouldn't have dared you to do that, I probably would have dared you to drink grass flavored milk or something." I gave him a grossed out look and he laughed, I laughed along with him.

"It's ok Big-me. I forgive you. There was no way any of us would have known about that." I said. Big-me sighed with what sounded like regret.

"It's not just that Mini-me, when we found you I was worried that you were dead, I mean you weren't moving and…"

"The only important thing is that I'm alive. That should be the thing that counts right? What was down there any way?"

"Yeah I suppose you're right. Master Hand lied and said that all the creatures we fight were down there when it was really a baby Koopa was down there."

"So I was scared of a baby Koopa?"

"Yeah, but hey… Even if you have a concussion you still had it easy; you don't want to know what Master Hand made us do as punishment." Big-me said.

"Try me." I said.

"First he bored us by telling us one of his long winded "You had better listen to me next time" scolding then he made us wash old people, and let me tell you that can get really ugly." He said laughing. I laughed along with him. It seemed that everything was back to normal.


I hope I did a good job on this story.