Chapter one

Destiny Islands

Sora sat on the sandy beach with his hair blowing in the wind. Sora was a 15 year old boy with brown spiky hair. He wore black pants, black gloves, and more black. He was thinking about the letter king Micky sent to them.

All of a sudden, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around expecting to be Riku, except it wasn't it was a certain red head girl, Kairi.

"Hello lazy bum!" greeted Kairi. Sora groaned and fell back into the sand. "I'm not lazy!" Sora cried. Kairi asked, "Then how come one time I found you sleeping on the beach?" Kairi laughed. "Nothing exciting happened so far since you came home huh?"

Sora answered, "Yeah, I guess so. Well, you have new clothes, longer hair, and a new look….Wow." Kairi replied, "Wow? That's all you can say?" Kairi laughed. "You're just as beautiful as ever." Sora said. Kairi blushed a red that matched her hair.

Then Sora blushed. "You didn't hear that last part did you?" Kairi answered, "Unfortunately for you, yes I did." They sat there in silence until Sora said, "So, I guess that you've seen my picture in the cave…type…thing." "Yeah, I did. I added on to it. Sora blushed. Sora stood p and stretched. Kairi also stood up. Then to his surprise, Kairi placed her lips softly on his. Sora kissed back. It was pure bliss. After a while Kairi released her lips. "Riku told me how you've always wanted that kiss." Kairi said.

Sora looked away and blushed. Kairi closed her eyes and giggled. "Oh, and he also told me that you loved me." Sora replied, "Ummm, I guess I do." Kairi said, "Well, guess what? I love you too." Kairi kissed Sora again. She wrapped her arms around Sora's neck and Sora put his hands on her waist. They both collapsed in the sand, kissing.


Riku was at the secret place. He was spying on Sora and Kairi. When he saw Sora and Kairi kissing, he thought, "Finally! After all these years, Sora and Kairi are together. How many years has it been? 15?"

Kairi broke the kiss. "It's getting dark. I have to go to school tomorrow." Sora said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who needs school? You can skip it and just hang out here." Kairi laughed, "If you went to school, maybe you wouldn't be so lazy!"

Sora went home. It was in the middle of the night when he heard a loud crashing sound. It was raining but the lightning was black. Then he saw something familiar, too familiar. The Heartless. Sora rushed outside. He saw Riku and Kairi. Sora cried, "What's going on here?" "There's Heartless! We've got to fight them!" Riku cried. Sora ran beside Riku. Sora said, "Kairi, stay out of this!" Riku said, "We can handle them by ourselves." They both summoned their Keyblades at the same time.

(Battle Music)

Allies: Riku

Information: Defeat all of the Heartless while protecting Kairi.

After the battle.

Sora- defense increased, aerial recovery.

Riku- maximum mp increased.

Sora and Riku were getting tired and Kairi was too scared to fight. Then, Sora saw a bright orange ship. Sora cried, "Look! It's the king and the other guys!" The gummi ship landed and Donald called to Sora and the others. "Let's go!" They all ran to the gummi ship went in. As the gummi ship flew, they saw Destiny Islands being devoured by the heartless…

That's Chapter 1! Please review! Chapter 2 is coming soon!