Thank-you and Epilogue

Sappy Speech Time:

Wow guys, thank you so much, I can't believe I made it this far, I never thought this story would be so long, but what can I say, you guys motivated me, every time I checked my email and something said 'Review Alert' It would make my day, and make me want to write more. Yes there have been times when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up, but then I thought about you guys, my readers and all the hard work I'd put into writing and I kept going. But what I'm really trying to say is: Thank's guys, it means a lot that you enjoyed my story and I'm glad I wrote it.


Here I'm going to thank all the people who have reviewed this fic, or added it to their favorites list or alert list: (In no real order)




Uchiha Aelita






Soleil Sanctuary


Kairi Aerith








Final Haven1205

-Thanks guys.


Sora and Kairi: Kairi and Sora got engaged after college and got married a year later, Rikku and Namine both attended the wedding. They now live in a peaceful house by the beach in Twilight Town, Kairi is seven months pregnant with a baby girl. Sora is the star player in the professional blitz ball league, and Kairi is unemployed due to her pregnancy. They see the others as often as possible, Namine tries to make daily visits to keep Kairi company.

Roxas and Namine: Roxas and Namine are still dating but rumors are going around that he could pop 'the question.' any day now. They live in a quaint two-bedroom apartment together on the far side of Twilight Town, where Namine works at an elementary school as an art teacher and Roxas is a police officer. They still keep in touch with the others.

Rikku: Rikku moved away from Twilight Town for a few years to study nursing in a prestigious college, She has recently returned and works at a local hospital in Twilight Town, she still keeps in touch with the others, and much to her delight, they all are still the best of friends.

Tifa: Why do you care what happened to her? She's evil! Evil I tell you, EVIL!

Thanks so much for everything guys, I hope you enjoyed my story, Heartaches. I will be starting a new fic called 'Memory' Soon, which is another Roxas X Namine thing.

Anyways I guess this is it. -cries- Heartaches is now officially over.