A/N: I don't have a beta yet, so sorry for any mistakes. And I don't own any piece of the Stargate legacy.

Worry About You – Elizabeth

What Happened Was...

I look down at a blank sheet used for reports, having no idea where to start. Reflecting on the recent events, I close my tired eyes to replay the moments leading up to now.

When I saw that look on his face, I knew there would be trouble. I didn't think that man would react the way he did, and I really didn't think he'd strike me. Watching John's eyes change from carefully genial to cold calculation was something I never want to see again. The lines of suspicion, then anger, marred his boyish features, and the air around him became electric.

He had changed. It was as if a dark cloud had passed over the sun.

The blow to my face shocked me; it surprised me more than it hurt. I could only stare as the scene unfolded before me. Everything moved in slow motion. People always say that, but I never believed it until now. The colonel gave them a chance to apologize, but when the window closed, he moved quickly, deliberately. Big ones first, then the others. He and Ronon had the upper hand for a while; then the situation changed. I suspected Sheppard set himself up as a diversion while Teyla and I escaped. We finally did, with Teyla leading the way back to the 'gate. If she wasn't there, I don't think I could have found my way, even though the Stargate was not far away. My last vision of the colonel and Ronon Dex, they had lost the advantage. Sheppard went down first in a flurry of fists.

Teyla dragged me to the 'gate. In a daze, I gave my IDC, looking back for two men to emerge from the trees. She raised her gun, ready to lay cover fire, and told me to go through the gate. As I walked slowly up the ramp, my whole face began to throb painfully.

Before stepping into the shimmering field, I turned back once more, searching the trees. Ronon came bursting through the small stand of trees, half-carrying the colonel. Both were bloodied and bruised, but alive.

Teyla covered our six, as the military would say, and Ronon pushed Colonel Sheppard through the gate. I followed, catching the colonel's elbow as he swayed on the other side.

"Are you okay?" he asked through clenched teeth.

Was I okay? It was always the first thing he asked. Always. I wasn't the one bruised and beaten. His breathing was fast and shallow as he searched my face. Under purpling bruises, he was pale and getting paler. Is that a word? Maybe not, but that's the only one that came to mind.

I shook myself to answer, "I'm fine." Someone had called Carson, and I saw him place a hand on the colonel's shoulder. Sheppard looked like he would melt on the spot, but I watched him regain his composure and walk slowly towards the infirmary, with Carson now holding his elbow.

I – we, including Ronon and Teyla – followed the med team out of the control room. "Good job, everyone Thank you," I said, completely on automatic. The words fell out of my mouth, without thought.

Habit, I guess.

My eyes wandered to Carson as he steered John down the corridor. The colonel struggled to keep his head upright. Carson kept asking questions, but I couldn't hear John's answers if he said anything at all. His stoicism could be admired, but there had to be limits. Right?

We finally gained the infirmary, and Ronon marched forward to assist the colonel onto the exam bed. I sat on a bed opposite John, watching him watch me. He could barely keep his eyes open as Doctor Beckett checked him over; Carson had to forcefully push the injured man down to lay flat. Then, and only then, did he succumb.

"Colonel? Can you hear me, son?" He poked and gently prodded, seeming to know where to touch.

My heart skipped a beat until I heard him speak. "Yes, Carson, I can hear you. You're standing right here."

"All right, we'll certainly have to get X-rays. Casey, luv, why don't you clean up these cuts while I check on my other patients." He turned his affable smile on me, trying to distract away from his piercing doctor's glare. "Well, dear," he said, placing my chin in both hands. "It looks like you joined in the fray."

More like caused it. "Really, Carson, it's nothing. I just got in the way." I thought I heard a snort from the neighboring bed. Got in the way of a very large angry man. Then I began thinking of everything that could have happened, a knife instead of a hand, a gun instead of a fist, etc.

"Let's attend to that, Elizabeth." A nurse handed him a cold compress. "Now lay back, and relax. Sleep if you like, but keep this on that on your cheek to keep the swelling down." He smiled kindly again. "I'll come back soon." He moved towards Ronon, who had already placed a pilfered bandage on his arm. I could've sworn I heard him growl at the doctor.

I smiled cautiously, aware of my minor injury. My eyes sleepily wandered over to the bed next to mine again. The colonel lay with his eyes closed; his body looked tense and uncomfortable. I watched him breathe, his left arm pressed firmly against his rib cage.

"Okay, Colonel. Time for pictures of your gorgeous bones," Nurse Casey winked at John. Although he didn't open his eyes, he smiled.

"Why, Miss Casey. I do believe you're flirting with me," he drawled.

Casey Weber was old enough to be his grandmother, but she was so full of life. She was definitely someone I could aspire to be when I reach her age.

"Of course, handsome. You're my best customer," she chuckled as she grabbed hold of his right hand. She placed her free hand behind his back, ready to support him as he sat up. When he hesitated, she moved forward getting her shoulder under his raised head. "Ready?" At his slight nod, she pushed him up until he was upright.

Sheppard let a gasp escape his lips. "Man, that hurts!" After taking several deep breaths, he stood on shaky legs.

"If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times... You don't have to walk over there," Casey quietly scolded. I smiled as I watched them leave. John Sheppard wouldn't have it any other way. He would never admit defeat by injury.

"Well, how else am I gonna get your attention?" In spite of everything, he tossed a grin at her. He always had a smile ready, whether he meant it or not.

"Now who's flirting with whom? Flattery will still get you to an X-ray."

I watched their slow progress to another part of the infirmary until they disappeared behind a curtain.

"Elizabeth. Yer not keeping that pressed to yer cheek," Carson startled me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I said numbly. Closing my eyes, I let the coolness seep into my skin. I think I may have dosed off when I felt like I was being watched.

His gaze was dark and penetrating. I had not heard him come back and settle on the bed. "How's the face, Doctor Weir?"

"It'll be fine, Colonel." I decided to take the opportunity to check him over once more. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on his brow, and his breathing was still not quite right. "I–"

Casey had interrupted me. I wasn't sure what I was about to say, but I was thankful for the distraction. "Time for scrubs, Colonel."

"Carson!" Sheppard called. "I'm fine! I don't need to stay–"

Beckett put up a hand to quell Sheppard's whining. "Colonel, ye have three bruised ribs, and a sizable knock on the head." He crossed his arms, frowning. Then he shook his head. "Yer not fighting me on this, John. Now, change so that we can treat the rest of those cuts and scrapes." He sighed greatly. "If yer blood work comes back clean, ye can leave in a few hours." He pointed a severe finger at the pale man sitting on the edge of the bed, his voice was calm and dangerously quiet. "I'll be back to check on ye."

John huffed and pulled off his shirt. I think that if he wasn't so distracted by Carson, Sheppard would not have removed any article of clothing in front of me. Now, I could see the extent of his injuries. His whole left side was a mottled mess of purple and yellow, with intermittent cuts and scrapes. Casey started on his back, then helped him turn to lie back against the pillows and began on his chest.

My eyes wouldn't leave his body. I couldn't understand how someone could say they were fine looking like that. Why did he do that? Carson had told me that Sheppard had a high tolerance for pain. I surmised that it had something to do with his tour in Afghanistan. But why put on a brave face for everyone? His eyes were now closed, but he was smiling at Casey's jokes. How did he do that? I admit to being a little awed. Soon, his breathing evened out, and the smile faded away. He was finally asleep.

"That's better," Casey cooed, a pleased smile split her face. As she began removing his boots, she caught my eye. "The doctor only wanted him to stay long enough so that he would eventually drop off to sleep." She covered the colonel's inert body with a thin blanket, not bothering with the scrubs. "Patient man, our doctor. It always comes down to an argument between them, but the doctor knows how to wear John down." She smiled again, a little sadly now. "After missions like this, the colonel never sleeps. He'll wander the halls checking on everyone. Then comes the headaches, and the loss of appetite. Just when he gets right, something else happens." She smoothed John's hair away from his face. "So much worry for one person to carry."

"He's not alone," I said lamely. Truthfully, I felt embarrassed. I had some idea of what was going on with Colonel Sheppard; I even thought I knew him well enough to know when he was lying to me. He'd suffered a lot physically and mentally, and what I knew only scratched the surface. Feeling guilty, I pulled my eyes away from him.

"Don't worry about him too much," I heard the nurse say. "He always bounces back. But he gets under my skin, and I worry about him all the time." My eyes catch a glimpse of something, a faint expression on her face. But she snaps her sharp blue eyes to me. "Will you be staying the night?"

"No, I think I'll leave now." I rose from the bed as Carson entered the area.

"Ah, Dr. Weir. Leavin' us so soon?" He rooted me to the spot with a critical eye.

"It'll be fine," I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Will I have to answer that question again? "I've got to get started on this report–"

"Mind if I ask ye what exactly took place, lass?" Beckett's voice was quiet and low when he interrupted me. He seemed suddenly concerned.

"Are you trying to steal Kate's business?"

He gave me a quick chuckle. "No, no. Just curious, is all." The concerned tone never left his voice.

Glancing over at the sleeping colonel, I hesitated, looking from him to the doctor. "Can we –" I pointed to Beckett's office. We walked quietly away from Carson's most frequent patient. "I'm not sure where to begin. We arrived through the 'gate all smiles. The people were willing to trade, but the colonel suspected they were hiding something."

"Always so distrustful, isn't he?"

I smiled sadly. He was suspicious, and I relied on his uncanny intuition. "We came to an agreement, eventually, and John relaxed a little. Then–"

"All hell broke lose," Carson nodded, understanding.

"Rebels from the neighboring town decided that was the time to pay a visit to the governor's home. They thought we were basically evil travelers from the Ancestor's Ring, bent on bringing destruction to their planet. Knowing I was the leader of the expedition, one of them took a swing at me. I tried to duck away, but he caught the side of my face." I stole another glance at John. His head moved back and forth; he seemed to be having a dream. Or nightmare. "And the colonel felt the need to become a distraction." I couldn't stop the yawn that reawakened the pain in my face.

The doctor frowned thoughtfully. "Sounds like him. He'll be fine. I'll let ye know otherwise, but ye know him. When he wakes, he'll be itchin' to get out of here. And I'm sure you'll be the first person he'll want to see." Carson stood slowly, taking my hand. "Have a bite to eat, get some rest. Come see me in the morning, but by all means, call for any reason."

Another yawn crept up on me, but this time I placed the compress on my cheek to ease the pain. "Good night, Carson." I knew it wasn't quite late enough for bedtime, but I really needed to sleep. Exiting the infirmary, I knew he was right about John. I left without looking back for him.

That was yesterday.
