Chapter 13

By: NarutoUzumakiLuver

Author's Note: This might be the shortest chapter.

The next few weeks for Mya and Naruto were good. One day though…Mya came to Naruto with a book, she laid it in front of him an sat down at his right side.

"What's this?"

"Just read it. You'll understand what it is after a while."

Naruto started read. When he got to the last page he read aloud, 'I'm afraid to have kids with Naruto, because I'm so scared that our child(ren) will be shunned like we did or worse, the fox demons will be passed on to him/her/them'

"I know it sounds kind of stupid, but—" Mya was cut off again, but his time it was because Naruto was giving her the funniest look she had ever seen.


"Mya, it doesn't sound stupid. It makes sense, but I don't think the demons can be passed on." Naruto said as ha hugged Mya. At this point, tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Years later…

Mya and Naruto were outside watching their son (named after their sensei, Kakashi, who taught them the most.) and daughter (named Naruka, because if Naruto turned out to be a girl he…well she would have been named Naruka.) play together, with smiles on their faces.



Please review! This was my first fan fiction; I want to know how badly or how well I did!