Oh I made a mistake on chapter seven. I meant to say that the 4th italics passage was my own, not the first three. Hope this clears up some things. Now onto chapter eight...
He got closer and squatted down to Miranda's height.
"Hi...Bess," he said, smiling.
Chapter Eight
Title: Bad Things Just Keeps On Coming
"W-Who are you?" Miranda stammered as the gentleman wrapped his arm around her, like he was hugging her. But really, he was checking the ropes that was tied behind her back, bounding her hands together.
"You don't remember me?" the man asked, shocked.
Miranda didn't say anything. She was absolutely petrified; every time the man spoke to her, it was very chilling and not in a good way; it sent a very strong chill down her spine. The way he spoke to her just kind of rubbed her off the wrong way, like she didn't like the vibe he was giving off. He really scared the hell out of her. Miranda squirmed in her chair; it was pretty obvious she couldn't wait to find a way to escape, and unfortunately the man caught it.
"Can't wait to get out of here, eh? Well feel free 'cuz we're in the middle of nowhere. Scream all you want; no one's going to get you. Not even Mommy," the man taunted her as he laughed.
Kendall, Bianca, and Josh continued to stare at Derek for a long while, hoping he had other news. Better news. But they all knew it was too good to be true; he had Miranda.
"That son of bitch," Kendall said as she looked at the drawing in Bianca's hand.
"Erhem," Derek cleared his voice to try to get all three's attention, "there's something else that-"
Derek was interrupted by loud noises and shouting in the headquarters lobby. He quickly zoomed into the lobby and couldn't believe his eyes: his deputies were holding J.R. Chandler back, and it was very apparent that he was more than angry. But most of all, what Derek didn't realize was that Josh, Kendall, and Bianca were just standing outside his office. He blinked and then by the time he opened his eyes, he witnessed Kendall doing something very typical of her.
"You bastard!" Kendall said as she slapped J.R. in the face really hard.
"What the hell was that for?" J.R. bellowed back, even more pissed off than ever and apparently fighting back the deputies that were holding him back. He wanted a piece of Kendall, and it didn't matter if she was going to press charges against him for sexual harassment.
All of sudden, Derek crashed into the desk that was next to him as Josh ran past him and threw a punch at J.R. As J.R. fell onto the ground from the impact, the deputies' clutch on him also broke apart. J.R. sat on the ground, holding his cheek; and that was when Josh picked him up and shoved him against the wall, J.R.'s feet dangling in the air.
"WHERE...IS...SHE?!" Josh yelled as he applied additional pressure on J.R.'s chest, causing J.R. to have a hard time trying to breathe.
It was at that moment when Derek pulled Josh back, and J.R. fell onto the ground again, massaging his chest.
Josh still wanted to go after J.R. but Derek was holding him back. "What did you do with Miranda?! I swear to God, if she's hurt, I'll kill you!"
"Josh," Derek was getting impatient, "you need to get control of yourself and wise up. I'm here to do my job. You, get out of the way."
Josh calmed down and shrugged his shoulders. He walked to Kendall and Bianca, and wrapped his arms around their shoulders for comfort and support.
"Adam Chandler Jr., you are under arrest for the disappearance of Miranda Mona Montgomery--" Derek said as J.R. shot him a incredulous look and yelled "I did what?!"
Derek ignored J.R. and continued reading him his rights, "--you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."
"Oh for blasted sake, release my son right now!" Adam Chandler Sr.'s voice boomed as he stumbled onto the scene.
"We have real evidence that your son did a crime," Derek informed Adam, "and it's going to stick."
One of the deputies took over Derek's job and led J.R. to Derek's office to prevent some further conflicts.
"Your imbecile, disgusting, piece-of-crap of a son kidnapped my niece, and Miranda's no where to be found!" Kendall spat at Adam.
"What in the devil are you talking about? J.R. did no such thing!"
"Really? Then look at this!" Kendall said just before shoving the sketch into Adam's face, "that is J.R.!"
Adam fixed the paper and looked at it, and his eyes practically bugged out. "Jesus Christ..." he whispered.
Kendall smirked; she felt that her job was done and it was time for Jackson Montgomery, the newly-reinstated District Attorney of Pine Valley, to prosecute the case against J.R. for hopefully the last time, and he WILL be found guilty. She felt so sure of herself. She left Adam gaping at the paper and walked on to join Bianca and Josh.
Bianca felt a whole new level of hate toward J.R. It wasn't just because he pushed her off the porch that caused her to slip into a coma; it was because he didn't want her to have Miranda. It was also because he felt that Miranda was his prized possession and deserved to be raised as a Chandler: ignorant, narrow-minded bigots. And now, he took her precious child away from her for the second time. There won't be a third time, she thought, I'll be strong for my daughter. She needs me as much as I need her. J.R.'s going down, thanks to Uncle Jack. But as she carefully watched Adam as he reacted to witnessing the sketch drawn, it was very apparent in Adam's eyes that he knew more things than he was telling and it was up to her to find out. There was only one person to go to.
"Kendall, Josh, I have to go," Bianca said abruptly as she fixed her purse and left the station lobby without even looking back.
"You can't leave me here with the kids all by myself," Bianca said as tears steamed down her cheeks profusely, "I need you, the kids need you, heck even Erica need you. Please don't go..."
"I'm sorry, I have to. It's for the best," Maggie said with no emotions attached. She picked up her luggage and set it outside their house and the life they both worked so hard to have together. She reached in for the doorknob, gave Bianca a sad facial expression, and closed the door of their house and their lives.
From that moment on, Maggie was never welcomed back into the house to visit the kids, not even her biological daughter whom she carried and gave birth... until tragedy loomed around the corner many years later.
Here Maggie was, sitting a few chairs away from Bianca... in the E.R. waiting room. The Kanes and the Montgomerys were fussing over Bianca, asking her if she wanted food or something to drink. And Maggie only had David and Babe with her. Some family, huh? But Maggie didn't care... just as long as her son was okay. Little Davey had spiked up a high fever and Bianca was unable to get it down, so she rushed Dave to the hospital with Miranda and Brooke (Maggie's daughter) following the ambulance. Maggie found out from one of her staff member who informed her; Maggie was on a long break from her shift as a doctor.
Bianca got up from her chair and walked over to Maggie, dragged her off her seat, and went someplace private. But privacy was an understatement for everyone heard Bianca and Maggie arguing rather loudly. Then they all saw Bianca leave in a huff... and it was the last time they all saw Bianca.
A few hours later, Bianca was brought into the E.R. in critical condition after being involved in a terrible, terrible car accident, and only a minute later... Bianca was pronounced dead.
After Bianca's doctor informed the family as well as Maggie, Maggie knew that her whole world has changed and that there was no way she could ever make peace with Bianca. But she was very certain that she had to take over for Bianca and raise their kids the way Bianca would. It was her duty to put the kids first above everything else and also to raise all three of them by herself. Maggie had just lost the love of her life, and she was set to be alone and lonely for the rest of her long life.
Maggie slowly woke up with a blinding headache, and immediately closed her eyes shut. She tried to move, but the more she moved, the painful her whole body got. So she laid there without moving until her headache went away slowly. When it did, she slowly opened her eyes and found someone standing next to her.
After a while, Miranda was still stuck in an unknown place but she was no longer tied onto the chair. Instead, she was chained by the wrists and connected to the wall so she could have a slight more freedom.
The sliding door slowly opened, and no light came through so Miranda realized that it was night time. She squinted her eyes to look for the mysterious man. She heard the door close and the man walking toward her. As the man walked closer, Miranda got up onto her feet and faced the man as he slowly came to a stop. She heard some rustling sounds going on in the man's pocket, and she also heard a brief clicking sound. She realized that a fatal weapon was pointed at her, but before she could do anything, something interrupted her.
Miranda fell onto the ground.
Alright, sorry for the lack of updates. I was very surprised to find that I hadn't updated since February :x Hopefully I'll put in another update before I leave for vacation. Please Review! Have a good day