Sorry this took so long guys, my beta didnt want to give it back to me, and I had a scary encounter with a a car...

Anyways, last chapter of the trilogy, hope you enjoyed it.


Waking up to an incessant knocking on the door, Edo grumbled and tried to burrow even more into the warmth encapsulating him. Said encapsulating warmth wriggled and tightened its embrace around the blond.

There was a pause in the knocking, before it started up again, even louder than before, if that was possible, as it was near to deafening them.

"Brother! Wake up, you have a guest! Nii-san, you have to get up!" Edo cursed whatever deity that was listening to get rid of his 'guest'.

Groaning, Edo tried to free himself from Envy's vice-like grip that was the warmth around him, to answer his younger brother.

"I'm coming, Al. Just give me a minute."

"Hurry up, brother. He's getting impatient," Al's response was slightly quieter, so as not to be heard by Edo's 'guest' downstairs.

After finally managing to both escape the sin's grip and wake the sin up without realizing it, Edo opened the door to find his younger brother glancing anxiously towards the stairs, as if fearing the 'guest' would come up to find out what was taking so long.

"Well, Al? Who is it?" Edo asked, yawning.

"It's someone you probably don't want to see, Brother. I told him you were sleeping, but he insisted that I wake you up," Al's response caused Edo to freeze in tying his hair back, his face paling as he realized who it was.

"Crap. This can't be good. Envy…Al, can you stay here and make sure Envy stays here?" Edo practically begged Al to watch over the half-asleep Envy, to which Al reluctantly agreed.

"What the fuck does the Flaming Pony want this time?" The two brothers jumped in shock as the lump on the bed produced an intelligent question at this time of the morning.

"I don't know, and I don't particularly want to know, but I will probably have to know, if I want to keep my job," Edo answered with a sigh and a scowl.

Shaking his head in defeat, Edo slowly made his way out of his room and down the stairs, praying to every deity that the 'Flaming Pony' had gotten fed up of waiting and left already.

'No such luck,' Edo thought as he entered the sitting room to find Roy Mustang sitting on the couch, an impatient look on his face, which quickly turned to amusement as he took in Edo's appearance.

Wrinkled clothes, hair in disarray and loose because he hadn't finished tying it up and it had all come loose, Edo looked – to Mustang – like he had just woken up, and in actual fact, he had.

Mustang held up a thick yellow A5 envelope, and smirked in triumph, but Edo just looked at him in confusion.

Mustang shook his head, "What were you doing yesterday, Fullmetal?"

"Uhh…working?" The confusion was clear in Edo's voice and plain to see on his face.

"Hmmm. Okay then. What were you doing last night?" Mustang's smirk widened as he watched Edo's face pale.

Just as Edo was about to attempt an answer, a large, black, ferocious-looking mongrel came tearing down the stairs and flew at Mustang.

While Mustang tried to get the dog off him, while trying desperately not to get bitten, the dog managed to kick the envelope – seemingly not even noticing – towards Edo, who shoved it behind a cushion he was leaning against on the couch.

Whistling sharply, Edo called the dog – 'Ripper' – over to him, trying to stifle his laughter as an irate and ruffled Mustang glared at him.

Growling menacingly, 'Ripper' cut off Mustang's reply as he opened his mouth to yell at Edo.

Muttering, Mustang glared at both 'Ripper' and Edo, before stalking to the door and leaving, slamming the door behind him.

Edo dropped to his knees beside the mangy dog and wrapped his arms around its neck, while burying his face in its fur.

'Ripper' changed back to his 'normal' form and embraced his Chibi.

"He knows. Oh god, he knows," Edo whispered, pressing his face into the crook of Envy's neck.

"Knows what, Chibi?" Envy murmured, holding Edo to him tightly.

"He knows about last night. He – Oh God, the envelope!" Edo pulled away from the sin and quickly pulled out the envelope and opened it, tipping it up so its contents slid out onto the floor where the two teens sat.

About a dozen Polaroid pictures fell out, all from the previous night, and all of them featuring either one or both of the teens. Envy picked up the note that fell out with the photos, can grinned as he read it.

"Hey, Chibi, don't worry bout the photos. This is all of them. But, I think the Flaming Pony wants to play too," Envy's wicked grin wasn't mirrored on the blond, as Envy was hoping. If anything, the blond looked totally freaked out by the fact that Mustang wanted to join in in their 'games'.

"No! He-he can't! It's…No!"

"Chibi, hey, calm down. He asked if he could play, not demanded that he play. We'll just say no," Envy calmed the blond down with the logic that he never usually displayed.

"Yea. You're right. He can't play," Edo's voice was soft and slightly scared, but Envy still heard it.

Envy smirked down at the note again, knowing now that it was the Flaming Pony he had heard in the forest during their game. But at least they now had all the photos.



The Flaming Pony…I mean, Roy Mustang, sat in his car, staring at a photo, grinning in victory.

'They haven't beaten me yet,' he thought with a grin, 'They'll never beat me!!!'

Ordering his driver to go, Mustang slipped his favourite photo into his pocket.

The photo showed the sin, Envy, straddling Edward Elric, and leaning over him and nipping his ear, while Edward's face contorted in pleasure.

Mustang smiled, knowing the teens weren't going to let him play, but at least he still had this photo. He wouldn't let them get it, ever.


Hope you liked the trilogy. Might be more in the future, but not too sure.
