Naruto stared blankly from his perch on a branch of Konoha tree, as he beheld his homeland for the first time in five long years. He'd been away on a multiple mission of sorts, with Ero-Sennin. As far as he was concerned it was just a huge training mission, however, there were some objectives that they had to meet so Ero-Sennin's mission could be completed and they could return home.
Thankfully their time together was rather pleasant as the old man, who had started out almost completely ignoring Naruto, began to really take a shine to the boy and now thought of him much as his own son.
Naruto, however, had never stopped calling Jiraiya Ero-Sennin; however, he had taken it to heart that it was something that quite simply was out of his control.
"So are you ready to go yet or are we jut gonna start reminiscing about that time the eagles thought we were gonna take their eggs." said Jiraiya "We are running low on daylight ya know."
"You know as well as I that that was your fault, and if I remember it correctly they only became angry when you 'accidentally' kicked one of there eggs out of the nest in an attempt to get a better viewing spot on those ladies playing in the lake." snorted Naruto "If I hadn't caught it and apologized you would have been dead meat."
"HA, you truly believe those small insignificant eagles could defeat me, I am Jiraiya after all." Manically laughed the man with white hair
"No, but I do believe the LORD of the eagles and his four hundred or so nest mates stood a pretty good chance or killing the both of us and using us as lining for their new nests." glared Naruto, staring holes into his sensei."
"Well I suppose you have a point there." laughed the frog hermit nerviously, if there was one thing Naruto had learned over the past three years it was winning arguments with facts rather than bluster.
"Konoha hasn't changed much has It." said Naruto sadly, changing the mood amazingly quickly to one of mourning.
"Yes, Konoha does age well, and its beauty has never diminished even after all the time I've lived and learned there." said Jiraiya adding as he surveyed his charge" However, it will be a different story for those inside, it may actually surprise you… and I suspect they'll be surprised with how you turned out as well."
Naruto had grown much longer hair which was pulled in the back into a sudo pony tail which left some falling in his face and said face was now that of a man. Chisled and hardened from years of hard work and activity.
He now dressed in black loose fitting pants with mesh outer linings, as well as a rather tight mesh/fabric shirt which was sown together with orange thread to give it a look of a rather cold…or an extremely hot fire. It was also embroidered with nine orange outlines of tails coming up from the bottom of the shirt.
He now also wore black, tinted blue bracers on his for arms and pink threaded gloves, which had on the back hand side had an embroidered cherry blossom.
Accompanying his now new wardrobe was his chunnin vest which he had earned during a mission to the Country of Wave to protect the "Great Naruto Bridge" from the remnants of the Gatoh group, which had tried to retake the country about 4 years earlier.
"Yes I suppose your right Ero-sennin.", Naruto chuckled and thought ' I wonder how Sakura-Chan looks after all these years, I bet her hair has grown back, though I must admit I like it short.'
In the back of his mind a new voice responded that he hadn't expected.
'Yeah I have to agree with you there Kit, that Sakura chick would be perfect for you and the short hair did make her quite attractive if I may say so myself. 'said Kyuubi
'When did you start taking an interest in my friend's bastard fox?' responded Naruto rather annoyed that the fox was speaking with such disrespect to Sakura-Chan
'Heh, well I must admit you've proven quite a bit tougher then I expect for a cage of your sort and unfortunately my time limit has passed.' said the fox sounding surprisingly friendly, though Naruto
'Well, this is the first time you admitted deficiency to me.' Naruto sighed 'As much as I want to continue this conversation about how much you weakened, I have some things I have to attend to.'
'Hey brat I never said I'd been wea…' That was all kyuubi could get out before Naruto could cut off the connection, though he was sure he was going to get a head full later on for that little stunt when he actually did try to get the gist of what the fox was telling him.
"Well, kid, shall we start making our way to the town, now that your conversation is over." stated Jiraiya who had become quite used to Naruto's distance as conversations with the fox. "Come on let's get going you can tell me about what he said later alright"
"Yeah sure thing Ero-Sennin." Said Naruto
And with that they made their way to the gate at Kohona.
"HALT!" yelled one of the Guards at the gate. "What is your Business in Konoha?"
"Would you shut up you idiot, god your troublesome!" yelled a voice apparently belonging to the Chunnin who had just jumped down from the wall. "If they were enemies they wouldn't be wearing that leaf now would they, and they would also not one of the Legendary Sannin"
"Shikamaru-sama, I swear I didn't know who it was sir" responded the apparently junior chunnin "I apologize but we still must check their purpose for being here."
"Go up to the wall you idiot, I'll take care of this." commanded Shikamaru
"y-YES SIR" stuttered the chunnin as he clamored up the wall
"Sorry bout that Naruto, Jiraiya-sama." said Shikamaru giving a very rare smile to his returned friends. "Good to see you"
"Shikamaru-san, How have you been?" asked a very happy Naruto, glad to be reunited with one of his friends at last.
"Oh fine, fine, just trying to keep away from my wife at the moment." said Shikamaru " I swear Temari get so pissed off now that she's pregnant, it's so troublesome"
"WHAT? YOUR GONNA BE A FATHER?" yelled Naruto in classic style after falling on his face
"Good to see you haven't changed much Naruto." Shikamaru now wiping the blood from his ears, " Yeah, and I've been married to Temari since We were I was 15…of course she was 18 but what can I say it was the least annoying match and I've hadn't needed to do much till now."
"Sorry to interrupt but I have to get over to Tsunade to Deliver this report and you know how she can be." interjected Jiraiya
"Yes, go on through and don't mind the guards they'll be quiet if they now what's good for them." said Shikamaru, saying the last part a bit louder then the rest to give the guards a hint.
"Alright, seeya later Naruto." chuckled Jiraiya
As he left Shikamaru moved to sit against the wall to continue their conversation.
"So what are you gonna name the kid?" asked Naruto
"Who knows, it's just to troublesome to pick one…."said Shikamaru
At the Office of the Hokage
"Hey, Tsunade, I brought the report and the scrolls as promised." said Jiraiya climbing through the window
"I realize we are both ninja but you could at least have the decency to come through the door, baka." retorted Tsunade taking the scrolls and the report "But as long as you have the scrolls I suppose I can let you off without a beating."
"So why, exactly, do you need those scrolls about regenerating cells anyway?" asked Jiraiya
"Essentially, for my training of Sakura. She's almost at my level now and only needs these to bring her completely up to speed." Stated Tsunade matter of factly "And when I say at my level I mean in every respect, so don't even bother asking."
"You know you always have had a way of taking the fun out of things for me ya know flat chest." Said Jiraiya
"Since I know that happens to not be the case of my chest I will ignore that and say it was a…affectionate…nickname Jiraiya-sama." responded Tsunade glaring at him
"Well, I think that's definitely my signal to exit" saying as he hurriedly left and thinking 'Ya know I really have to think about my health next time I decide to get a rise out of her…next time could be my last after all gulp"
Back at the Gate
"So your thinking about wanting a boy because having a girl would be to troublesome later on but you don't want a boy because he would be troublesome to train but you wouldn't mind having one later on because he'd be independent but you don't' want a girl later on because she would have boyfriends but you don't want to have to clean the sheets of the boy if he brought home a girl…with a boy…of the girl…GAH JUST ADOPT WOULD YOU!" shouted a finally confused Naruto
"See nobody understands my plight, it's so troublesome" sighed Shikamaru
"Nobody understands your plight because you don't have a plight you little brat, your married to a gorgeous woman and your going to have a beautiful child no matter what the sex is, a NORMAL father would be quite elated with this news" said the newly arrived Temari voice dripping with venom "Now are you going to come home now or do I have to drag you to the Nara compound sweet husband."
"Ummm...yes dear I'm coming presently." responded an obviously scarred Shikamaru "Uh, nice seeing you again Naruto sorryit was cut short."
"Don't' worry I understand." responded Naruto who in all truthfulness had never seen something more intimidating in his life…and wasn't that sure it didn't cause a certain release function.
"Oh Naruto-Kun, sorry I didn't see you there. I would like to talk to you further but I must discipline this man first, I hope to see you later." Temari said about noticing him absolutely contradicting her previous demeanor and stormed off dragging a sobbing Shikamaru by the collar through the gate.
Chuckling slightly Naruto stood and slapped the imaginary dust off the back of his pants.
'I suppose I should go see the old hag now, I better prepare for a beating since I left without saying goodbye sigh well nothing I can do about that now' thought Naruto promptly walking through the gate and hopping onto the rooftops to make his way to the administration building of Konoha.
In the Office of Hokage
Tsunade perked up at the sound of the knock at her door, surprised that she might have a visitor but glad for the distraction from all her paperwork and debts none the less.
"Come in" said Tsunade
"Naruto is here to see you Hokage-sama." Said Shizune
"Oh is he really…well let the boy in so that I might be hold my forgetful little brother." said Tsunade
Naruto cringed visibly at those words, 'Well it seems she truly did remember…well so much for hoping I wouldn't break a bone on this visit'
Naruto thanked Shizune who gave him a comforting and supportive smile that you might give to someone you wouldn't expect to see again except possibly in a body cast.
As soon as he entered the room he notice that he had probably misread the situation quite badly as Tsunade was only looking at him in fondness rather then being…well pissed as he expected. However, as to not take any chances Naruto decided it would probably be to his benefit to give an apology none the less and fast as to not be stopped.
"Tsunade-sama I am sorry that I did not tell you that I was leaving but Ero-Sennin asked that we leave right away and I wanted to go so I did not argue" stammered a very nervous Naruto who promptly found Tsunade right in from of him faster then he could follow in his state.
The look in her eyes was something very upset but not angry. But it softened as time went on and finally Naruto felt two arms wrap around his back and he was placed into a much softer hug then he was expecting but he could here what he though was gentle sobbing.
"I've missed you so much Naruto, don't you ever leave without telling me goodbye again, I've lost to many people that way and you don't get to make me suffer like that too you understand me." said Tsunade between sobs while Naruto held her and rode the emotion burst through, with the only person that he had every truly thought of as a sister.
Tsunade after she had calmed down stood up and straightened herself up only to find that she was still looking at his chest. 'Jiraiya was right he has grown quite a lot…and the resemblance is as uncanny as he says it is…well except for the whiskers.' She thought chuckling softly to herself as she gestured to the chairs next to the fireplace where they might sit and catch up. Thankfully, Naruto accepted without protest…which probably would have lead to his being beaten to a bloody pulp.
"So, you have definitely filled out over these last few years Naruto-tei, I'm please that you have taken care of yourself, you know if I was a few years younger..." Tsunade trailed off
"You would still be too old for me." chuckled Naruto, laughing as Tsunade stuck a tongue out at him
"Still you look good, and I know everyone will be glad your back, after all that's happened here you will definitely be a moral boost among the ninja that know you well." Stated Tsunade as a shadow passed over her face.
"Don't worry Tsunade-sama I'm not leaving any time soon, I've been away long enough that I never want to leave again unless I have to, and there is only one thing I have left to accomplish before I can just stay here." Said Naruto
"Oh really and what, may I ask is that?" asked Tsunade seriously, though she believed she knew what this was about.
"I still haven't kept my promise to Sakura-Chan, I have to find Sasuke and bring him back so she can be happy. I sworn to do it and nothing stand in my way to complete this task not even my own death." Naruto stated with conviction, enough so that even though Tsunade disagreed with such a promise she didn't do it directly.
"Are you sure she still wants this Naruto-tei, I mean, after all he did put a hand through your chest and almost killed you, even with the Kyuubi inside you. You may be surprised about how that might change a person." Said Tsunade, although truthfully she didn't even know what Sakura might think about all of this, after all he didn't' tell her good bye either though Tsunade had told her where he went, and she wasn't near as forgiving.
"Well, I suppose, but I won't be leaving on that journey for at least a while now and I hope to at least see her once" Laughed Naruto, and Tsunade joined him in that.
She was glad of it, the laughing, it was good to have him back…after all she hadn't laughed in the least after he left and things only seemed to get worst after he did. Cloud joined with sound as did Mist, Rock and Waterfall decided to remain neutral. Star and Grass well they were on their side but with so few ninja in Stars village and with Grass being…well Grass they could only count on so much support. Thankfully, the one good bit of news was that Sand was still there ally and only stronger since the Nara boy and Temari of the Sand had gotten together since Gaara, her brother, was now Kazekage.
"Well, Naruto I hate to break the jovial mood but I might as well tell you the current state of affairs in our country at the moment." Said Tsunade
She did at that, the whole shebang, with nothing left out. After all this was Naruto we were talking about, if he wasn't trust worthy no one was in Konoha.
"Well that's about the size of it Naruto-tei." Sighed Tsunade "It's not exactly promising is it"
"Well not if you count the fact that they have more in the way of numbers but that's only because there are neutral parties." stated Naruto "They will join us eventually if we prove ourselves on the battlefield and with the San Ninja with us that shouldn't be a problem, after all they believe in quality over quantity."
"You always did have an upbeat attitude Naruto, but how can you be so calm about it?" asked Tsunade
"Simple really, Rock respects strength as shown in their character and Waterfall respects perseverance. Quite simply if we stand up to the Sound and Orchimaru and defeat them in battle after battle they will come to our aid eventually because sound attacked us without reason. Really we only need to worry about keeping Orchimaru in check at the moment. We're fine and if worse comes to worse I'll go out and fight him in a one on one duel and Kick his ASS for ya Tsundae-neesan."
"Well alright then." smiled Tsunade, inwardly thinking she was right about his moral boosting qualities. But while she was thinking she failed to notice the door to her Hokage archives opening, as it seemed that she had forgotten about a reasonably special visitor still at the administration building.
Upon recollection of course her smile faded quickly and was changed to concern as both she and Naruto turned to see the new addition to their group.
I'm leaving it here as because I wrote this on a whim, I am going to continue this but this portion was just what I though up at the moment, I just have to have some time to write more. Probably have another chapter, MUCH LONGER, up in about 3 days.