last chapter, my brain is board of this story so im just going to finish it. and one other thing, how can this story have 1567 hits and only 13 review? come on work with me people and if you read my story, review please

Fire that helps Chapter 13

The figure slipped away and down back to the rebel camp. He walked around all of the soldiers who were clearing away the remains of the old main tent. He walked into the new main tent. "Our plan worked. They all think that they are safe, that it is over with. Your brother is dead, as you wished."

"Excellent." Gigo looked up from his paper work and grinned, "I am happy to see how well you conduct your services. I have a new task for you." Gigo held up a paper with a picture on it. "Find this woman and bring her to me. Tell her the Black Robin requests her presence. She'll understand." he tossed the scroll to the figure who nodded and left. "Soon I'll have the Fire Nation under my control."


Mia smiled as her students completed the move with ease. "Class dismissed." she called. She walked through the halls of the school, remembering her days here. 'Why did that specific day's events come back to me last night?' she wondered as she walked outside. The sunshine felt good on her skin. She tilted her chin up so that it was bathed in sunshine. She sighed. "Boo!" a voice came and knocked her out of her trance. She jumped and turned her head.

"Sokka." she groaned as he came up to her and lifted her up from behind. She smiled.

"Ready?" he asked her. She nodded and he led her to the fire nation palace.


Katara was in the great gardens with her son by the duck pond. He waddled around happily.

Katara picked up her son and hugged him. "I can't believe I almost lost you." She said as she hugged him.

"If you hug him that hard you're going to suffocate him." Mia stood behind her with Katara's brother. Both girls squealed and hurried to hug each other. Sokka rolled his eyes behind them. The two women broke apart. "How's he holding up?"

"His nasty cough is almost gone."

"That's good, can't have the heir to the throne dying on us now!"


Jun rode her Xierxu through the woods and down to a local tavern near the fire capitol. She quickly made a bundle of money arm wrestling. Men are such idiots. She thought as she loaded up the money into her pocket. She exited the tavern as quickly as she had come. So many places to hit. She thought as she remounted her Xierxu and rode off again. Suddenly, a figure jumped down and landed on her Xierxu's head. "The Back Robin requests your presence." He spoke. She nodded. She understood the message.

"Take me to him."


Rya walked down the street happily. She had the night off tonight from the palace, tonight the queens brother and his wife were there. Whenever the two visited, she had the night off. She stopped when she heard something interesting.

"I'm glad that you were near the capitol, this job needs care and that is what you give with your jobs my dear, care." A male voice said

"Tell me what you need me to do." a woman voice answered him

"I hear you've met the prince, now Fire Lord, of the Fire Nation."

"Yeah, a couple years back. Angry boy, correct?"

"Yes, that would be him. You see, my little sister is supposed to be the queen, not the water pheasant that is on there now."

"I see."

"I need you to remove the heir to the throne first. You know the deal"

"Deliver him to you, alive so you can do the killing."

"This is why I chose you, you always get it."

"I do my best."

"Good, now go get started."

"Tonight, that is when part two will go down." Rya hurried back to the palace, she had to warn them, she just had to. She ran all the way back to the palace using the main roads. Whoever it was wouldn't be stupid enough to use the main roads. When she got to the main gates, she showed her ID to get back in. She hurried toward the servants' entrance. Then she saw it, a large black…thing with a person on top running from the palace, unnoticed. She hurried in.

"Rya, what are you doing here? You have the night off." Her best friend, Shiroishi, was doing the dishes. She looked up at her.

"I need to… prince Shang… kidnapped…. Rebels…" she was out of breath and leaning against the doorframe.

"What?" she stopped and looked at her.

"I was walking down the street and I heard something. Some people, planning to take over the Fire Nation and remove all of the royal family, so that he can take over the throne."

"Did you see who?"

"No, I ran here to warn you all, but I think I'm too late. I saw someone running from the palace on a giant…thing is all I could call it."

"Hurry, go tell his highness, they're all in the main sitting room of his suite." Rya nodded and ran for that room. She stopped and knocked twice to enter.

"Enter." Came the Fire Lord's voice. She opened the door. "Rya, don't you have the night off?" he asked her. She nodded.

"Its just, I was walking down the street and I heard something. Some people are planning to take over the Fire Nation and remove all of the royal family, starting with Prince Shang, so that he can take over the throne. They planned to eliminate him tonight. When I got here, I saw someone running on a giant…thing is all I can describe it as from the palace. " She stopped and looked at them. Katara stood up and hurried for her son's room. Everyone looked at each other, and then hurried to follow her. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her. She was on her knees crying in Shang's room. His window was broken and they baby was missing.

"Rya, did you hear anything that could help us with this?"

"I heard a whip crack when I entered."

"I'll go this time. I know how to take this one down." Mia said, but first she walked up to Katara's side. "Katara, It's okay. I'll get him back."

"This is ridiculous." Sokka said. Mia glared at him and stood up. She walked over to the window, and jumped out.


Babysitting, that is what I've stooped to, babysitting this little boy. Jun thought coldly as she looked at the baby. She couldn't kill him, and the poison in a Xierxu's lick would do that to one so small. He is actually kind of cute. Too bad he's going to die. He's going to be really sexy when he gets older; I wish I didn't have to do this. She stopped in front of the back entrance to the tavern's back hall and entered. She opened the door to the back room. He was still sitting right where she left him. "Well?" he asked.

"All went smoothly." She replied and held up the baby.

"I think you have something of Lady Katara's." Mia had found and followed Jun back to the tavern. Jun had, fortunately, not been in a hurry, giving Mia an opportunity to follow her.

"Sister, how nice of you to join us." Her eyes narrowed.

"What do you want with him."?

"To kill him of course, Jet." He called.

From behind, some grabbed her and held both her arms at her sides. "Damn this one is fine. Not as fine as Katara, but still fine."

"You're nuts. She is defiantly prettier." Jun argued with Jet

"Shut up you idiots." Gigo commanded.

"What's your plan asshole?"

"My plan? I don't plan to tell you that. But I do plan on brain washing you so you can't remember."

"And how do you plan to do that?" she demanded and he moved closer to her so that their faces were inches apart.

"Trauma." He whispered in her ear. She felt his hot breath along her neck. "Tell me sister, when Zhao raped you did he ever use two people at once to do so?" Her eyes widened

"You wouldn't." she said

"Believe me, I would." He replied. "After all, me and my apprentice haven't gotten some in so long."

"I'm married."

"What's your point?" he whispered and began to kiss her neck. That was enough. She wasn't about to sit back and let another man take her; only one deserved her as far as she was concerned. And she wasn't about to be raped for the 6th time. She looked over his shoulder and saw Jun roll her eyes and plop down on top of a crate and clean her nails. She felt Gigo shift so that his groin was above hers; she felt his erection press against her inner thigh.

"You. Are. A. Sick. Bastard." She said and brought her knee up to knee him in the groin. He groaned and stammered backwards. She took the opportunity to stomp on Jet's foot, causing him to let go of one of her arms. She swung this arm around and hit him hard in the temple with her elbow, knocking him out. Gigo had recovered by now and came at her. She ducked and flipped her over him, stomping on his stomach, them stomping on his temple knocking him out as well. She walked up to Jun. "Give me the boy."

"No way."

"I'll fight you for him."

"Are you crazy? I'm not stupid I trained you Angel, and I know better than to fight you."

"What's your point?"

"Now you sound like him."

"Just give me the baby."

"Then I won't get paid."

"Yes you will, technically you did your job and delivered him. They were just too stupid to keep him."

"True. Here." Jun said and passed her the babe. "Good work." She said with a smirk as she looked down at the two men, knocked out on the ground.

"Thanks." Mia said and slipped out of the back door and back to the palace.


Mia sat in the main box, watching as her brother walked to his death. She held her head high. She spotted the boy walking.

"Attempted kidnap of the prince of the Fire Nation. Attempting rape on a married woman. Planning to kill the royal family. Any last words?"

"Rot in Hell sister." Gigo snapped.

"You are all dirty fire bending mother fuckers." Jet snapped. The man rolled his eyes and put bags on their heads. He raised the ax, the brought it down, chopping their heads off. He then set the bodies on fire and everyone began to file out of the town square.

"You okay?" Sokka came up behind her once they were home. She nodded, "You sure?"

"Yes" she told him, tears coming to her eyes.

"It's okay to cry. He was your brother after all."

"No, he wasn't my brother. He was a monster. Just like Zhao….Just Like Zhao." She said. She spun around and flung her arms around Sokka. "Promise me you won't ever hurt me like they did. Promise me." She said into his shirt.

"I promise." He ran his fingers through her lose hair. "Because unlike them, I love you." He told her. She smiled and looked up at him.


"Really." He said and leaned down, connecting his lips with hers.

The End

vist my profile, i have 2 other stories, one is a humors one shot that garentes that i am going to hell, and the other is a story that i have marked as complete, but i think i might continue it. depends, if you freaking people review it and say continue then i will.

please excuse my beotchey behavior, i had a concussion today and this is what happens after i get the concussions. damn pool walls, why oh why do they have to be white? why can't they be purple or something?