Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh.

Summary: What if Seto was the younger, stiff one and Mokuba was the older, carefree one. What would happen to Kaiba Corp? Actually, would they even have Kaiba Corp.? R&R

A Different Path

Chapter 1

By: crystalice614

At the orphanage…

"You didn't want that lunch, right kid?" Dale, a mean ten year old bully, asked small five year old Seto.

"Actually, I really do," the five year old replied. He had brown hair, dark blue eyes, and was very smart.

"Well, you better give it to me or I will make you so sorry you will never eat again!" Dale shouted. Most kids Seto's age would have probably run off, cried themselves to sleep, and never come out of their rooms after this angry outburst, but Seto was different than other children.

"If that was supposed to scare me, you failed miserably in your attempt," the young child stated with ease in his choice of words.

This only made Dale extremely angry. All of his friends backed away, just to be safe.

"You little punk, think you can do whatever you want. Well, guess what, you can't. People like me will teach you to respect your elders!" Dale screamed angrily.

The young boy raised his eyebrow. "I loved to see you try," he said in a voice that could probably scare anyone off. Of course, Dale was too stupid to take a hint.

"Oh, I will," he replied while pulling his fist back. He moved in with the punch quickly, but not fast enough to hurt the five year old. Instead, Seto quickly dodged it, grabbed the outstretched arm, and pulled it behind Dale's back all in a few seconds.

The bully was too shocked to do anything, giving Seto another opening for an attack. He quickly pushed Dale down with his foot, pulled the arm farther back, and waited for the bully to give in. He probably would have, but his three friends jumped to his defense.

"No one messes with Dale and gets away with it," one said. The other two nodded their heads in agreement.

I wonder what will happen, stay tuned to find out. Please review with your opinions.