OMG, this is just a funny, random Pikmin thingy that I felt like making a fanfic out of. I already have a comic so here we go….

A little blue leaf pikmin walked in shyly. "Hi. I'm Willy. This is just an introduction to all of the characters here…WAUGH!" Willy's leg fell off!

"Aww!" Willy cried and slipped his prosthetic leg back on. "Why me?"

A leaf red pikmin stumbled in, wherever "in" is, followed by a leaf yellow.

"Oh!" Willy introduced them too. "The red one is Billy. He has ADD." "I have ADD!" The yellow shrieked. "Um…no." Willy said, practically falling off his leg again. "You're Benny and you have short-term memory loss." "Oh…and who are you again?"

"Hey!" Billy interrupted. "Wanna go swim in the lake? The lake in the place where the lake is, but isn't?"

Willy was getting annoyed. "You guys can't swim! Besides, we have to introduce everyone else!" Billy stared at him.

"You can swim if you BELIEVE you can! Ooo, ooo, and let's go get enchiladas! I want chocolate on mine! And let's invite some Doodlebugs, oh, I love those things! Oh, by the way, have you ever—"

"Okay! Meet Bob!" Willy screamed, blocking out his annoying friend. A red bulb pikmin ran in. "Hey!" He said angrily. "Don't I get a big introduction? What about me!" Willy looked nervous. "Uhh, this is Bob and he has big anger management problems." Bob went crazy.

"I DO NOT HAVE ANGER ISSUES!" "B-b-but-!" Willy stammered. "SHUT UP! I AM A NICE PERSON!" "You're a nice person, you're a nice person!" Willy cried.

A yellow bulb pikmin came in. "This is…this is…" Benny decided to take over the introduction for now. He racked his brain to remember the guy standing in front of him. "Thiiiiiiiis iiiiiiiis…A PIKMIN!" The other pikmin stared and left, clearly confused. This guy had problems.

Benny proudly waited for the next one.

And-you guessed it- a blue bulb came in, holding a piece of moldy cheese. "Hey, I'm Rob and I likes Bleu cheese. Mouseses like it too, but it's aaaaallll mine."

Benny turned to him. "Hi. I'm…uh…Beany. I mean Benny. Which was it?"

"Okay! This intro is taking way too long!" Willy screeched, getting away from Bob. "Let's hurry up!" Billy came over to Willy. "I have to tell you something important." Billy said, looking nervous. "Okay, but hurry up." Willy growled. Billy glanced around.

"It's a secret." He whispered.

"Go on." Willy urged.

"Are you sure? Maybe I shouldn't tell you…"

"Then don't."

"No! I have to! I need to tell you this…"

"Just tell me!"


Billy grabbed Willy and whispered. "I…have…………….a nose."

Willy nearly exploded. Instead, he just took deep breaths and backed away. "Okay." He said through clenched teeth that pikmin don't have, but let's just say I'm using personification. "Next is Dennis, the red flower…Charles, the blue flower, and Bruce the yellow flower."

Denniscame in, followed by his huge fan club.Charles came in and just stared. "So bored…" He said to himself. Then Bruce came in. "Yo, whaddup Hommie G?"Charles said to Bruce, who didn't look at him.

"So disrespectful, Charles. Bruce is deaf, remember?"

Charleslooked away, mumbling about his own disability…he couldn't swim. Don't ask why.

Dennissmiled, cheerily. "Well, I'm off to defeat a spotty bulbear, single-handedly!" His fanclub cheered and they left.

Willy sighed. "Okay. Intro's over. I'm going too."

"Wait!" Olimar entered. "What about the spacemen and stuff?"

"Dude!" Rob rolled his eyes while glomping his cheese. "It's called a pikmin comic, not a random Olimar comic! We're done so see ya round!"

Willy left, then Rob, and pretty much everyone followed, Billy leaving last.

"Enchiladas, here I come!"

Heehee. It's stupid, I know, but please R&R! Also, NO flames. Chapter one soon to come to this weird, random story.