Disclaimer: I don't own CotT, I only own the OCs I fit into the story. I don't own TimHortons either...and thank god I don't own Starshmucks-I mean Starbucks! Or a Terraza. My friend does though. Lucky...

A light snowfall showered down on the silver Terraza as it drove down the highway. At the wheel sat a hansom blond man. His dark blue eyes kept on the desolate road, only light being that from the street lamps and the moon. Yawning, he pulled over at the side of the road. He unbuckled and stood, crouched under the low ceiling. He pushed past the mountains of luggage, just able to peak over the top of all of it. Smirked, he wished he had a marker or a can of whipped cream as he watched the couple sleeping.

Stretched out across the back seat lay his two friends. One, a pale woman with slightly wavy brown hair, reaching down to her elbows in a loose pony tail. Her petite figure wore a pair of grey, camouflage cargo jeans and a black shirt with butterfly sleeves. The other an African-Canadian man with an afro, the same as it had been when he had been a teenager. He wore a loose, grey jacket over a blue shirt, loose jeans and the same green tinted glasses.

The young brunette woman lay with her back to him, hugging onto the African-Canadian man whose arms were draped around her. Always being one to ruin the moment, the blond reached over the luggage and poked the man's forehead. He couldn't help but smirk when the man mumbled something that sounded like 'Five more minutes' in his sleep. Rolling his eyes, the blond poked him again, only harder. The man opened a dark brown eye to look up at him, an annoyed look on his face.

"Its bad luck to wake a man up from a good dream, Neil." he whispered, trying not to wake the woman in his arms.

"Not for me it isn't. Lucky, remember?" Neil asked. "Besides, I'm tired. Plus its your turn to drive, Odie."

"I'm a little tied up." Odie said, motioning to the woman.

"Mind if I take over here with Nik while you take the wheel?" Neil asked, a dumb smirk gracing his lips, earning a stern look from Odie.

"You know guys." interrupted the supposedly sleeping woman, catching them off guard. "I really wouldn't mind if you both shut up so I could go back to sleep."

Odie smirked at his fiance's antics, picking her up and pushing his way past all the bags to the front seats. He set her into the passenger seat and sat in the driver's. He looked back to see Neil had already taken the back seats. Rolling his eyes, he buckled then started the car.Yawning, he looked over at his to-be wife. She looked over at him, no longer asleep as she had intended to stay.

"TimHortons?" he asked, voice quiet.

"You know me too well." she whispered back, kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh, get a room!" Neil yelled from the back. The two turned.

"We did till SOMEONE woke us up!" they yelled back, laughing.


"Are we there yet?"

"No, Neil! For the millionth time, NO!"

Nikky slumped in her seat, arms crossed, a very annoyed look on her face. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looked over at Odie. Sighing, she uncrossed her arms and looked at the highway ahead of her. Her eyes searched for something on the sides of the road. Giving her and odd look, Neil, who had pushed some of the stuff aside to sit in one of the middle seats, was about to speak when she beat him to it.

"Next coffee place, we stop. I need my buzz." she ordered, not taking her eyes off the road. Odie laughed.

"You need to cut back on your-"

"COFFEE HOUSE!" Neil yelled, interrupting Odie and pointing to one.

"Pull in there!" Nikky yelled, pointing with Neil. Odie pulled into the parking lot.

"I don't know how you can drink coffee at noon." he said, sighing.

"Oh well, dealing with Neil is like dealing with twenty kids. Its tiring." she said, unbuckling herself and slipping out of the car. "I'll get everything. Three coffees, jelly doughnut, Carmel glazed, chocolate." she said, remembering their previous coffee shop orders.

The two guys watched as she left the car and walked into the small coffee shop. After a few minutes she came back holding a coffee trey and a bag. Though instead of looking to be in a good mood, she looked mad at something. Piling back into the car, she handed everyone their coffee and doughnuts.

"Whats wrong?" Neil asked, holding back a laugh.

"Its Starbucks. Starbucks coffee." she said. Both the guys burst out laughing.

"I told you she'd be mad." Odie said through his laughter. Nikky sighed.

"You two are impossible!" she yelled, throwing her arms up. They kept laughing. She sighed and leaned her back against the window, sipping her crappy coffee and flicked on the radio. She turned the station and smirked. The guys faces were wiped of colour, terrified by what they were hearing .

"CHICK MUSIC!" they screamed, causing her to laugh.


By the time the Terraza pulled into the big driveway, dusk was settling and the air was cooler and more crisp. Neil pulled his designer, blue jacket over his white shirt and walked out of the car to the door. He rung the bell a few hundred times and then waited. He could hear someone inside say something along the lines of 'Thats gotta be Neil.'. The door opened and out poked a face lined with bright strawberry blond hair.

"Hey Theresa!" Neil said, giving her a quick hug. "Is Herry too busy to help us out here?" he asked.

"He wouldn't have to if you hadn't brought everything you own with you Neil!" yelled a feminine voice from the opened side door of the car. Neil turned to yell back.

"Thats only a fraction of it!" he defended.

Nikky poked her head out from behind the car, scowling at Neil. Theresa gave a small laugh and called Herry over her shoulder, who appeared at the door in record time. After a few short hellos to the three, he helped carry the vast amount of luggage into the house and to the two rooms. After about three trips to and from the car, everything was inside. Herry flopped down on one of the couches in the living room, watching as the other three walked in, receiving welcoming handshakes and hugs from everyone.

"Nik's right Neil, you must've packed enough make-up and clothes to last forty super models for a year!" he taunted, causing a few snickers to go up.


Gah. too short! Sorry, I would've had a hell of alot more here, but I'm getting a new computer installed tomorrow so this one is being thrown off the deck and all my files are off with it. I wanted to get this up ASAP so I'm sorry if it's rushed. I know putting the same OC in again without finishing her story was a very stupid and shitty idea but it was a random choice. My loath for Starbucks coffee is expressed in this chapter for no reason but my own fun with tampering with one of my OCs. Ha. I keep promising this will come up in chapters but the next one, I promise, the surprise arrival which I know isn't really that surprising will happen. in fact the chapter will be centered on it. so haha and review. I bid you good-bye, for now.