Wind-edZenith: Okay… an update… that's not two years late… . GOES!
"Hey guys," Sam and Valerie waved from the doorway as Tucker ushered them in and other to the couch area
With two girls in the room, Mikey took a double take before quickly becoming more and more engrossed in his camera. On the other hand, Nathan courageously walked up to Valerie and shook her hand, "Why, you're pretty, would you mind going to prom with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows in what he supposed was a hopefully coy manner
The hunters face turned from a look of shock to revulsion in two seconds before falling flat. She quickly snapped her hand back, stating blandly, "no" as Nathan's hopeful face dropped to the floor. He began to pour sourly, excusing himself to go talk with Mikey in the corner, as Danny introduced himself, with a wave from his position on the couch.
"Hi. I'm Danny Fenton."
Sam and Valerie followed suit and a conversation began to pick up before goth hunter leaned back in her seat, a questioning look on her face. "Fenton…"
Danny turned to look at her, a question across his features, "huh?"
"I know that name…" She leaned forward for a second, not noticing the blue haired teen's large sigh of "oh no. Not again." from his seat across, "Wait! The Fentons! As in the ghost hunting family?" The dark haired girl sat on the other couch, across from Danny
"That's them alright!" Came Mikey from where he had moved close to the corner by now.
But Danny did not want to have this conversation again. Anytime he met someone who felt they knew ghosts or who was coming to Amity and had done research would pull this conversation on him, so he cut his friends and guests off, "Yes. Those Fentons. Are. My. Parents." He then began as though reading off a memorized chart, "My sister and I haven't not exactly followed in their business, although we know about ghosts, thanks to my father blathering about them all the time. We know how to work their equipment… okay most of the equipment… at least the equipment that works… I've seen ghosts, but so has ninety percent of this town…" He continued on his speech for another minute, detailing his parents works and what he had or had not done with that and what, as a Fenton, he did or did not know. None of his speech was forced or a lie, at least to his onlookers, and he had repeated it so many times he knew it by heart and knew not to mess up. The key was to give enough information that they could tell he was a Fenton, but left out a blur of any actual important details which could make the leader conclude that he had any real skills or practice as a ghost hunter.
After he finished, Danny matched gazes with each of his audience members in turn, as though daring them to ask a question.
" One minute ten seconds. I have to say, that speech is a new record. Each time he says it he just gets faster and faster." Nathan spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.
Mikey simply nodded in reply, though he looked as though he was holding in laughter.
Meanwhile, across from him, the three ghost hunters stared, their eyes wide, looking from Danny to one another as they processed this information, a rapt audience indeed.
Having finished lunch and gone off to set up her dorm room, Jazz looked into a large cardboard box, wondering where she had put her bed sheets. "I know I packed them somewhere… Did I leave them in the car?"
Across the room, Mitch played an air-guitar solo along with the music flowing from her headphones. Seeing Jazz's confused look, Mitch pulled an ear-bug to listen to her roomie. "Maybe it's in that box?" She suggested, shrugging as she pointed to a medium sized box underneath Jazz's bed.
"Huh?" Jazz took a look at the box before shaking her head rapidly… "No, it couldn't be in there."
Mitch jumped off her bed, walking across the room and reaching for the box. "How do you know unless you look?"
But before she could reach the box, Jazz grabbed her wrist. "It's not in there… trust me… Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to check the car." She red haired teen swooped up her keys and ID card from her dresser, walking out of the room.
But that still left a confused roommate sitting on the floor, looking at that box with a confused look on her face. Her gaze shifted from the door to the box and back again. "Best friends don't hide secrets." She pulled the box out from under the bed, prying the edges loose, "She wouldn't mind if I just took a peak." She finished with a smile.
Meanwhile, in an ornate lab several counties away, a certain blue skinned ghost was watching his target again, his obsession growing with each second that ticked past.
"It will take time honey-bun," a voice said from at the rear of the lab, the sound tinged with a light electronic tick behind it.
"Yes, my dear, but that does not mean I have to be patient about it." Vlad Plasmius said with a frown. "These children have meet Daniel in both forms… Now I just have to wait…" He paused, looking at the screen once again before continuing, "And you know how bad I am at waiting…"
A grin started to form on the millionaire's face as he rewound the footage once more.
Tucker broke the silence within the common room, clapping her hands together, "Well, thanks for the info, man, but what these lovely ladies are really here for is to gather me so we can learn our way around the campus." He paused, but not before noticing Sam's upturned eyebrow at the lovely ladies comment and Valerie's eyeroll. "But it would be helpful if someone would show us around."
He laughed while he looked expectantly at his roommates.
Mikey got up, "Well. I suppose I need to go fix my camera. You never know when something interesting may happen around here!" And with that he disappeared into his bedroom.
"And I have to go check on the computer lab after the attack this morning and my apologies for not being able to help out," He looked at Valerie, "Especially with you my dear." He smiled, walking out of the room backwards and grabbing his laptop bag as he went.
Danny sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Well… I suppose showing you all around is up to me then." He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets as he lead the other three into the hall, "So where did you want to look first?" He asked, continuing on to the stairs.
Mitch pulled her long hair into a ponytail as she looked in the box, confusion across her face. She began to lift a small, silver and green, cylindrical object out of the box, inspecting it. Finally, finding a button on the side, she pressed it, leaning backwards incase the mysterious object exploded in her face. Instead, a glowing blue net shot out, covering the girl in it.
"Well… It wasn't in my car, so maybe Danny has-" Jazz cut off as she walked into the room, staring at Mitch and sighing.
"I thought I told you to stay away from there… "
The brown haired girl wasn't paying attention to Jazz.. But instead was concentrating on getting the rather sticky net off of her. Standing up, Mitch pointed to the box, "Why do you have a giant box full of ghost weapons?"
Jazz stuttered, wishing she had hid those weapons better. "I- its… Look… First just put down the Fenton Ghost net" She paused, collecting herself. "It's… my parents. You know them. They're just overprotective, so of course they are going to send Danny and me to school with a stash of ghost weapons. You know… Just in case."
Mitch looked anything but convinced as the dropped the Fenton Ghost Net. "Why do I not believe you? Jazz… I understand that I'm missing something here… But what?"
Jazz sighed, wondering where this sudden interest was coming from, "Mitch, just forget it. It's nothing."
"Yeah, and Lancer's lectures keep me awake every day."
"And if you go through there, you will find the math and science building. It's right next to the English department so everything around here is really easy to find." Danny spoke to the three newcomers behind him, pointing out important places as they went around campus.
"So, what do you do for fun around here?" The question came from Sam, who looked bored out of her mind.
"Well… I go to the Nasty Burger across the way for some awesome Meaty Meals." Danny smiled a crooked grin.
"Do they serve veggie burgers or tofu?" The altro-vegitatian asked.
"I'm not sure…"
Sam sighed, knowing that finding a decent veggie burger in this town would be useless.
"Well… we also have a movie theater." Danny tried again. "But if you come this way I'll show you D-hall… It's decent," He paused, thinking again, "Okay it's decent except for on Mystery Meat Thursday s… gasp."
Suddenly, a blue mist billowed forth from Danny's mouth. He paused, stopping the tour momentarily. "And, if you wait here… I just remembered I forgot something!" The half-ghost rushed away, leaving the stunned group behind him to find somewhere to transform.
"What was that-" Valerie started, but was interrupted by her watch beeping. "Ghost." She turned it off, looking at her teammates.
"Well, if nothing else at least Fenton has good timing," Sam stated as the three of them walked across the quad, ready to change behind the closest building.
"Man, talk about being in the center of spectral activity. This assignment's gonna be awesome."
"Sure Tuck… Well, at least we'll get some practice out of this…" Valerie said, her red suit electorally coming on, as she read the power level of her Ghost Spectral Energy watch. "This ghost's only a power 1… Just some annoying target practice."
Sam grinned just before her helmet went over her head, "Then let's go have some practice."
The three flew above the school, seeing their target, a squat, square ghost waving his arms in the air with a bellow of "Beware!"
Panther, already with her gun ready, took aim, right before the target disappeared in a great swirl of light. She stopped, taken back for a moment as she looked around. "Virus, bats? Did you see that?"
The two other ghost hunters shook their head in unison just as a black and white shape appeared several yards in front of them.
Panther took aim again, just as the ghost waved, with a smile and disappeared from sight with a loud whoosh.
"Tricky ghost... Where'd he go?"
Wing-edZenith: Well, I hope this is okay. I have a little bit more planned and this could have been longer and a little less choppy, but that's just how things are ^_^
… But this looked like a good timing space to cut it.
Until next time!