Back to the Futurama!

By I-am-E.L.F

A/N: Michael J. Fox is one of my favorite actors. This story is dedicated to him, those suffering from Parkinson's Disease and those who are trying to cure it.

This story is also dedicated to my sister and dad, who introduced me to science-fiction movies, The Simpsons, and Futurama.

Chapter 1

July 3005

It was another boring day at Planet Express. Fry, Leela, and Bender were watching "All My Circuits" on TV.

Calculon had returned from a long vacation from Tijuana, when suddenly, Monique was in his room with Boxy.

"Calculon!" she gasped. "I-I thought you were infected with the dealy Robigitis disease in Tijuana!"

"No fatal disease could blow me away from you, Monique," said Calculon. "I love you, Monique, and I always—"

"Beep-beep-beep!" beeped Boxy.

"What?" screamed Monique. "You were my cousin?"

"Beep-beep," beeped Boxy.

"You're my second cousin?" asked Monique. She turned to Calculon "Then that makes me your—"

"We interrupt this program for a special report," said a voice on the TV.

"What?" gasped Bender. "Who the hell is Monique supposed to be?"

"Quiet, something important might be on," said Fry.

"Good afternoon," said Linda. "A special bullentin just came out—the 1020th anniversary of the famous movie Back to the Future is playing again tonight in New New York City at 8 pm. The stars of this famous movie were Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, and Lea Thompson."

"Boor—ing!" groaned Bender.

"How can you say this is boring?" asked Fry. "Back to the Future was one of my favorite movies in the 80's!"

"Fry, Bender's right," said Leela. "The 80's were boring. No hoverboards—"

"In Back to the Future Part II, there were," said Fry. "Of course, they were fake, but they were still hoverboards."

"And what about aliens taking over houses and eating all the food in the house?" asked Leela.

"That's what ALF was for," said Fry.

"Who?" asked Bender. "An' what about lasers and techno music and Michael Jackson and the baby danglin' thing?"

"Bender, that didn't happen until 2002," corrected Leela.

"Oh yeah," said Bender. "But my point is still clear!"

"Guys, the 80's were awesome!" said Fry. "They brought us lasers, techno music, Steven Spielberg, Family Ties, Cocoon, Canadian actors, computers, and lots more! You guys disgust me. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for the 80's."

"Fry, all those things were useless, especially Steven Spielberg," said Leela. "Do you know how many porn movies he's directed in one year? Ten!"

"Oh yeah!" said Bender. "He directed Schindler's List of Party Girls and Shaving Ryan's Privates."

"Why doesn't anyone besides me appreciate the 80's anymore?" asked Fry.

"Good news, everyone!" shouted the professor as he walked into the room. "I have invented something extravagant and wonderful!"

"Behold…my colaphone!" said the professor as he unveiled a thing with a cola and phone attached to it.

"What is it?" asked Amy.

"It's a colaphone! When the phone rings, it automatically gives you a can of cola to enjoy while talking to your friend," said the professor. "Observe." He went into the other room and dialed a number on the phone.


Zoidberg picked up the phone and answered "Hello?" Immediately, a little hose came out of the phone and sprayed cola on Zoidberg, getting him and everyone else wet and sticky.

"Ooh, I knew I forgot to put in cups!" said the prof.

"Who cares?" asked Fry. "If this were invented in the 80's—"

"Will you SHUT UP ABOUT THE STUPID 80'S?" screamed Leela.

"Oh, interested in the 1980's, Fry?" asked the prof.

"Yeah, why?" asked Fry.

The professor had a grin on his old, wrinkly face.

"I've been saving this almost my entire life!" said the professor in his basement, as he pointed to something under a large tarp. He pulled the tarp off and reveiled a weird car with shiny things, blinking lights, and doors that opened up instead of out.

"Oh…my…GOD! It's a DeLorean!" gasped Fry.

"A what?" asked Leela and Bender.

"A DeLorean," said Fry. "This was the car used in the Back to the Future trilogy!" He turned to the professor. "You made a exact replica of the time machine!"

"Indeed I did," said the prof. "But this replica does even more." He put a little Zoidberg dummy in the DeLorean. "Watch." He took out a little remote and pushed a button. The car turned on and the bright lights started blinking.

"Uh, professor, there isn't a lot of room in here to do what I think you're going to do," said Leela. "I mean, we've all seen that movie."

"Uhhhhh…oh!" gasped the professor. "We should probably move this outside. How about we meet here at 7:55 tonight?"

The temperature had dropped from 89° F to 45°F. People have started to gather in the empty lot next to the Planet Express. A giant movie screen was set up, and celebrity's heads wer gathering for the big event.

Meanwhile, Fry, Bender, Leela, and the professor were in the PE backlot, facing the movie spot.

"I can't believe this," moaned Fry. "I'm missing my big chance to meet my favorite actor!"

"Who?" asked Leela.

"Michael J. Fox," said Fry. "Well, actually, I did almost meet him, but then…"

Fry went off in a drift. He started having a flashback.

Fry was 15, so the year was 1990. Fry was walking down the street when he saw a movie being made in an almost secluded area. Little did he know that Michael J. Fox was in a movie called "The Hard Way" and it would come out next year. Fry went over to the gate and saw Michael and James Woods in a parking lot. Fry awlked in and tried to say "What up?" but a big security guard came and dragged him away.

A limo pulled up to the lot.

"I was so upset, I stayed in bed for a week drinking Diet Pepsi and eating turtle ice cream," said Fry. "I won't let that happen again!" He marched over to the lot and banged on the limo's window.

"Fry, don't!" screamed Leela.

The limo door opened and out came…

"Who the hell are you?" asked an old head.

"Mr. Fox?" asked Fry.

"No, Tom Brokav. I'm hear to do a news report on this," replied the head.

Fry walked back. "Let's ride."

"Wait, Fry," said the prof. "We have to test it first."

"Screw that!" said Fry. He opened the door and it went up. Fry hopped in and signaled Leela to hop in, too.

"No," said Leela. "I think this whole thing is stupid."

"Please, Leela?" asked Fry.

"I'd go, but I'm a robot," said Bender.

"No one's askin' you to come," said Leela.

Bender got mad, and he got in the car. Leela felt bad for Fry for being such an idiot that she got in, too.

Fry started the car. "This thing has to go 88, right?"

Before the professor could say anything, Fry drove away and down the street. He set the gear into overdrive and was whizzing down the street.

"Fry, this isn't safe," said Leela.

"What if I get hurt?" asked Bender. "Or my banjo?"

"Why does everything have to revolve around that stupid banjo?" asked Leela.

"He has a name now. It's Bender Jr.," said Bender, holding his banjo tightly in his arms.

Fry, however was getting excited. He was having the time of his life. "I haven't been this excited since they built that strip club made of glass!" What Fry didn't realize was that the time circuits were on and that the time was set to 1991.

The spedometer was rising up to 84…85…86…85…87…88—

The DeLorean was flying sparks from the back of the car. Fry was trying to stop the car but before he could reach the brake, the car disappeared. The professor was confused.

"Oh, wait…it was an actual time machine," he mumbled. "Oh no! I could've been the first time traveler! Oh…Fry better not mess this up."

The DeLorean appeared on an empty road on a hot summer day. The car had ice on the surface.

"Fry, what the hell did you do?" asked Leela.

"I don't know," said Fry. "But we're not in 3005 anymore."