Samurai Champloo
Genre: Romance/General
Type: In-Progress
Pairing: MugenxFuu
Title: Utroque (from both sides)
Summary: He kissed her in the middle of a sentence.
(drabbles collection; angst, romance; mugenxfuu)
He kissed her in the middle of a sentence.
It wasn't planned, and he doesn't know why he did it, but it happened and it's done now and he can't take it back. They were fighting, and she was yelling (screaming), and all he could think about was how much he wanted her to shut up, how loud she was—how close they were. Him looking down, her looking up; almost chest to chest, nose to nose; mouths so close their breath blew hot against each another's faces; eyes so narrowed, intense, and demanding they scorched each other raw.
There was nothing gentle about it.
It was rough, harsh; insistent and full of frustration. He pulled her forward, kissed her hard, made her forget the topic of conversation. And she pulled back, kissed harder; reached for him angrily while fisting red fabric and digging deep.