The Trials Of A Deatheater

Lucius was silent throughout the trial. The iron spikes of the cage dug into the flesh between his shoulders, with an intensity that even you-know-who would have winced at. Yet he did not flinch, nor blink as his guard tightened the bolts…sniggering as he did so.

Malfoy didn't acknowledge him, and stared straight at the jury in his trial, hoping that he could manipulate them with his stare, make them fold into his hands- that is, after all- something he was very proficient at doing.

"I might get through this!" he thought to himself "a bribe here, a threat there, that is…if we can delay the trial another day or so."

He scanned every one of them for signs of weakness. A small, dainty witch with huge glasses and frizzy hair gave a slight cough and looked away from him, shaking as she did so. The gentleman next to her caught Lucius' icy look and quickly looked down at his feet. A slight twitch erupted from the corner of his mouth as Lucius fought against a smile.

A quick intake of air from somewhere in the courtroom took his concentration. He knew that sound. He strained to turn his head, the spikes from the cage cut into his cheekbone, yet he forced himself through the pain, if he could see her…just once.

Narcissa was seated on the far side of the courtroom, surrounded by ministry officials and Aurors. Considering that the Potter boy, and his friends were seated not far from her- he expected Dumbledore would put up a wall of defence. She looked terribly paler than usual, her long, wavy, blonde hair showing tangles and splits. Yet her beauty shone brighter than any witch in the room. Draco was nowhere to be seen, which did strike a chord in his heart. Where was his son? Did he not care?

He turned his eyes back towards the witness stand. Ginny Weasley, daughter of the pureblood traitor Arthur Weasley, was sporting an impressive black eye and giving her account of the events in the ministry just two nights ago. Her injuries had healed quickly. Lucius replayed the satisfying sound of her wrist cracking in his head. Be thankful it wasn't your neck he thought as he looked at her.

Lucius' lawyer, Marcus Heath -one of the best- never lost a case- Lawyers in the history of the wizarding world, was drilling her with questions.

"Did you get a good look at his eyes?" he asked

"I…er…I don't remember!" The pretty girl was staring at Lucius, the hate steaming from her eyes, yet her body trembled with fear. Lucius allowed a faint sneer to escape. Ginny looked as if she was about to burst into tears and turned away quickly.

"Then how can you prove he was acting of his own free will, don't forget that Lucius Malfoy was acquitted from a similar situation during the first fall of he-who-must-not-be-named, he had been FORCED to do terrible acts by the dark lord, under the control of the imperius curse!"

"Yes…but…" The girl was whimpering,

"And you ADMIT that you did not see his eyes- even when he was THIS CLOSE!" Marcus was ruthless, he sprinted up to the terrified girl and placed his face right in front of her.

He leant even closer, so his eyes were directly in front of hers "I think you would remember if his eyes were glowing white or not…wouldn't you?" he hissed.

Ginny didn't know what to say. She had indeed been that close to Malfoy, his skull mask covered everything but his piercing blue eyes. They were glowing, but not because of any curse. She was certain of that! Yet if she admitted it, he would stand a chance of walking out of the courtroom a free man. Ginny could not bring herself to lie, even if it was to do the right thing.

"Objection!" The other Lawyer Daniel Lambert – a muggle born- stood up.

Lucius noticed Arthur and Molly Weasley seated behind him, his face was etched with seething, whilst she blubbered like a fish at her daughter's interrogation.

"Sustained! Mr. Heath, please bear in mind our witness is a child- I would like to see less aggression on your part." The judge barked.

Heath stepped back from Ginny- his gaze falling back on the cage in the centre of the room- where Lucius was pinned within.

" I have no further witnesses!" Heath removed his glasses and started to wipe them clean. Lucius could see the sweat glistening on his forehead, the nerves were beginning to show!

"Goddamnit! Heath! You're losing them!" he thought, grinding his teeth in anger.

The evidence for his guilt was overwhelming- there was no doubt in the court that he had done the crime. It was whether he could convince them he was under a spell. That was the difference between freedom- and a cell with no windows and a bucket for a toilet.

"There will now be a short recess while the jury reach a verdict! Mr. Malfoy, if there is anything you wish to say to the court I suggest you say it now."

Now was his chance to prove. Lucius' eyes glassed over. "Where is my son?" He asked, his voice breaking ever so slightly. His angst was now visible to the crowd.

The door burst open, Draco barged in, a guard hanging off one arm. He had been removed from the court before the trial had begun, for trying to start a fight with Harry and Ron.

The guards tried desperately to drag him away but the boy didn't seem to care, his eyes were watery, yet his mouth and expression were showing nothing but anger. "I'm here Father!"

A nod from the judge, and the guards released their grip on him.

Draco walked past Harry and the others, without even glancing at them, he moved over to where his mother stood sobbing.

"Son!" Lucius stretched to full height, he wanted to look strong and proud in front of the jury and his son. "Draco…I'm sorry…so…sorry. I couldn't help it. I need you to be strong now alright?" Draco nodded and stood upright – always the image of his father. Lucius looked upon his wife "Narcissa? I love you both more than my life, if I ever did anything to hurt you…while I was…cursed…then maybe it's better this way!" He forced a smile at them both as his cage was lowered into the dungeons below.

Minutes seemed like hours. There were few people down in the dungeon. Lucius had been released from the cage to stretch his limbs in a cell. His cell was larger than the others, and his had a bed. At least the name Malfoy still demanded respect, even in prison. He thought to himself.

"They are ready for you Malfoy." The heavily built, sneering guard- who had become Lucius' only companion for the past two days- was not in the least bit polite or respectful as he had hoped. In fact, Lucius had been subjected to several beatings. Mostly around the ribs, where the bruises would be hidden. His guard "Lug" some called him, was a squib, and a half-blood one at that!

Lucius suspected that Lug had heard that the rich snob Malfoy Senior had been captured, and had deliberately asked to be on watch during the trial.

"Quite ready!" Malfoy sneered back at him. He oozed confidence as he was shackled by a number of guards, and lead toward the cage. Although his body was confident the jury would side with him. His mind was racing. The sheer amount of witnesses was enough to banish him to Azkaban for 10 years, and he had hoped to bribe most of the jury. Unfortunately Dumbledore himself had made sure all the members of the jury had aliases, so that no such thing could occur. Dumbledore knew he was guilty, but he cannot prove it completely.

Free will was the only weapon Malfoy had in this trial. They could not prove that he was doing these crimes by choice.

The door of the cage creaked open. Lucius could hear the murmering through the floor of the courtroom. Mrs Weasley's high-pitched squeals were deafening. "Obviously guilty!" and "Can't believe he's playing the victim" echoed through the bellows.

The door of the cage slammed shut in Lucius' face. A spike caught him just above the eye and he let out a cry of pain. Lug smiled a dark and malevolent smile. He had deliberately moved the spike further in when Lucius was in his cell. He had hoped to take out the pure-blood's eye with it, but alas…he missed. The other guards realised what had happened and quickly opened the cage to let Malfoy out.

"Fetch a doctor! Wand! Anything!" A small boyish looking guard sprinted away! Wands were strictly forbidden in the cellblock, but they did have a medical kit somewhere, with various healing potions and bandages.

Lucius was still screaming in pain. He clutched at the gash above his eye. Blood was dribbling all over his face, in his mouth, everywhere. Still shackled, he made a grab for Lug! "I'm gonna KILL YOU! YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" he roared! His anger overwhelming him. Lug merely stepped back and then looked up at the ceiling. "Strike one – and I think they heard you!" He chuckled.

Lucius stopped moving. A wave of realisation and fear swept through his veins, the hairs on his neck stood on end as a deafening silence filled the air. The courtroom above was silent.