The next day was ominous, everyone walked to school with their parents, many telling their kids if they felt uncomfortable being there they could come home.

Muffy was walking to school she heard someone crying, it was Molly, she looked at Molly,"What?"

"What's wrong?"

"Binky and Rattles are dead so is Toby..."

"I know how you feel…"

"You do?" Molly replied as she wiped away her tears.

"Yes, my best friend died as well…"

They both walked to school talking about their problems.

George and Arthur were walking to school together, "I am sorry about what happened."

Arthur smiled at him, "Don't apologize; I know Buster was a bit obsessive at times…"

"Do you want to do something after school?"


They both walked through the double doors of the school.

Sue Ellen was in the school she wasn't in the best of spirits, she thought Buster was around, she ran into the school afraid, of what was going to happen next, she kept saying "Buster is here, help!" then she fainted.

Moments later she had woke up in the nurse's office, Arthur and Mrs. Armstrong looked over her, "Where am I?"

"Mr. Ratburn said you fainted," Mrs. Armstrong replied, "He said you were basically scared that Buster was here. Are you sure you want to be in school today?"

Sue Ellen got up and all she said was, "Yes."

"Are you sure?" Mr. Ratburn asked, "I know you've been through a lot these past few weeks."

"I am sure…"

Meanwhile a few doors down the same hall as the nurse's office, the Brain took… or in his words dragged Fern to the grief councilor, "She needs help as she is in denial."

"Alan, I am not in denial, I am just a bit shocked about what happened; I know this is starting to affect me…"

The Brain was slightly annoyed now, "Just stay here, and don't try to leave."

Mr. Ratburn was walking down the hallway with Sue Ellen, he looked at her, "Do you need to see the grief councilor?"

"No, I am fine."

As the weeks had passed Sue Ellen and George were doing speeches on gun violence and how it had affected their lives, many were thankful for the generous donation they both gave, Muffy had no comment about it she had applogized to Sue Ellen for her inept words. It had taken a while before everything had gotten back to normal; Sue Ellen wasn't afraid of going back into the school; she wasn't getting driven to school by her mother either.

Muffy knew she had made a difference in Molly's life as they seemed to connect a bit more and eventually become best friends.

George seemed to handle the problem a bit better than Sue Ellen, he was hanging out with Arthur more now, he wasn't afraid at all, as he wasn't at the school while it happened. But still affected him seeing how a few classmates of his passed away.

Fern had undergone weeks of consoling due to what happened the Brain seems to be proud of her progress despite how emotional it was for her to finally admit that she had a problem.

Arthur had finally moved on, he wasn't as upset as he was weeks before.

The End.