I'm a healthy 23 year old Canadian ex-boybander turned producer. If that doesn't scream life experience I don't know what does. Yea sure some 83 year old gramps may say I don't got a clue but he probably never traveled farther than 30 miles from his childhood home. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just trying to express that I'm not naive. I've seen a lot in my 23 years, experienced a lot. You take the good with the bad, the 10 shots of tequila with the hangover and you sure as hell take the awkward morning wake up after your latest one night stand. You see like I said before, my fair share of life experiences. And it's with all these experiences that I've come to the conclusion that the girl who's name I can't remember when I wake up the morning after is not the same girl I'm taking home to my mother.
Really it's a worn out complex if you think about it, it's the whole slut vs. virgin thing. I'm no scholar, grade 8 never even heard of me in fact, but supposedly it's some hot topic in literature classes and the such. Now I can't quote the Great Gatsby and the whole Myrtle vs. Daisy thing, that's more of a Sadie rant. But I can quote music. In my opinion they're sub par lyrics meant only to entrance the public while the next faceless rapper is being de-virginified by his first bullet to the chest, but they serve their purpose for showing the average mind set of a guy, "I want a lady in the street and a freak in the bed." As I said not the best but it does have a pretty solid beat to it and it's good to grind on a girl with. But my thing is that a girl can't be both . . . or can she? Better yet am I still the same guy who only wants the never ending sexcapades or do I want the family dinner with Mom? Maybe I want both but as the cliché states, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
And as if on cue she enters. I look her up and down, then look her in the eyes and I can't help but wonder. Maybe I can have it both ways . . . .