Chapter Ten

10. The alternative ending

Disclaimer: If I owned D&J, I'd have to have, like, a BAZILLION dollars, which I do not have, so I obviously do not own the show!

A/N: This is the alternative ending to chapter 5. It plays back what happened in the beginning of the chapter.

"You are under arrest!" The policemen said.

"What? We haven't done anything wrong!" Drake exclaimed.

"You are being arrested for vandalism; you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?"

"Yes, but we mean to do anything. It was an accident. We were just goofing around when the cherry bombs lit accidentally." Josh replied.

"Oh, is that so? Is that how the mailboxes got blown up also?"

"Huh?" Drake said.

"There have been reports of a gang putting cherry bombs in mailboxes, and since you two just blew up our police lights it is evident that we have the perpetrators in custody."

"Are you talking about us?" Josh asked.

"You'll have to come downtown with us. What are your names?"

"Drake Parker."

"Josh Nichols."

"We will notify your parents to meet us at the police station." One of the policemen said. Drake and Josh were put in the police car.

"Please! We didn't do anything on purpose!" Josh said.

Suddenly, Josh saw a group of three teenagers outside of the police car running towards them.

"Watch out!" He yelled as one of the teens threw cherry bombs at the car. The bombs blew up, the police carswerved and hit a truck, and everything went black.

Drake and Josh were surrounded by white, and in the distance they heard harps.

"Oh no." Drake mumbled.

"Drake," Josh asked, looking around, "where are we?"

"Welcome back, Drake Parker. I didn't expect to see you again so soon." A voice said.

"What is this place?" Josh asked.

"I'll let your brother fill in the details. But you are in…"

"Judgment City." Drake sighed.

Looking ahead 1 week into future:
Josh sat on a couch with Oprah, eating ice cream with hot fudge.

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to you. I mean, I've had a crush on you since 5th grade..."

Meanwhile, Drake was rubbing Megan's feet while she yelled at him for doing it wrong.

"Dumb boob!" She muttered, throwing a lump of coal at him.

"Oww! Megan!" Drake yelped.

"Just finish up, boob. And this time do it right or else I will prod you with my pitchfork." She replied.

Bwa hahaha… I couldn't resist it! Just too tempting to pass up. Lol. Hope you enjoyed reading my story & all. Plz review! I'm begging you, review! Lol. Anyway, special thanks to DoYouMissYourLittleGirl and wordsofjade for all the reviews. Thank you guys so much! It means a lot to me!

I really wish this story wasn't over, but at least now I can focus on my other two stories (I haven't posted them yet, but I will). I'm just kind of stumped. I have no clue whatsoever to write. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me! Plz tell me!