Chapter One

1. Cherry bombs! Cool!

Disclaimer: Didn't, don't, and won't own Drake & Josh

"It's such a beautiful day. You boys should go take a walk in the park. It'd be good for you to enjoy the sunshine. I know its a little cold, but it will do you good to get outside." Audrey Parker-Nichols said.

"Sure, mom! I love the park!" Josh said. "Come on, Drake, let's go!"

"Aww, do I have to?" Drake groaned, strumming his guitar lazily.

"Yes. Now, Drake."

"Oh, fine." Drake sighed and jumped from his bed to the floor.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Josh said.

"Yeah. Whatever." He replied.

"Ohh, this is so much fun!" Drake said sarcastically.

"It's not that bad Drake." Josh replied.

"Yes it is. I'd much rather be inside playing a little guitar, eating a little food, and instant messaging four girls at once."

"Is that all you can think about? Girls, guitar, and food?"


"Come on, just have fun." Josh said, running his hand along the rail, he zapped Drake.

"Owww! What was that? You shocked me!"

"Oh, just the joys of static electricity." Josh replied, doing it again.

"Stop it!" Drake yelled, zapping Josh back.

"Ohh, let's sit a minute. I'm tired." Drake said. He glared at Josh.

"Fine. But just for a minute. I'm having too much fun shocking you."

Drake and Josh sat down and watched the squirrels search for their buried nuts.

Suddenly Drake's foot hit something.

"Huh – Josh, look!" Drake said, pulling a bag out from under the bench. "It's really heavy."

"What's in it?"

"I don't know – I'll look inside—whoa, there are cherry bombs in here!" Drake whispered excitedly to Josh.

"What? Let me see!" Josh said, taking the bag from Drake.

"Let's take them home! We've got to show dad!" Drake said.