
Part 2: Troubles

AN: Finally here's chapter 2. Hope you guys like this.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon unfortunately.


" I need to go to my room," Mimi blurted out as she flew out the dining room and up the stairs. Yamato followed her, worried of what she might do.

Reaching her room, Mimi threw herself on the bed and sighed heavily.

' I don't believe this,' she thought miserably. ' First they assume I have a boyfriend, and now they think I'm engaged?!'

" Are you okay Mimi?" Yamato asked gently while he entered the room. He was relieved to see her still alive. He was afraid that her family went way too far now and Mimi might suddenly snap. He sat down on the bed, facing her. Worry etched on his face.

" No," she replied glumly. " First day of my return and this?" She made a gesture with her hands, her face unhappy as ever.

" Where did Kari get the idea that we're engaged anyway?"

Yamato hid a small smile.

" I have no idea how their minds function. Every time we try to tell them the real deal, they either interrupt or assume without even asking!"

Yamato smiled gently at his 'fiancé' and rub her back gently.

" I'm sure it'll all work out," he told her reassuringly.

" I sure hope so," Mimi sighed.


" Wow! I still can't believe that Mimi's engaged!" Tai said. He and his wife Sora, along with Kari, T.K., Miyako, and Koushiro were sitting in the living room. Eight hours had already passed and still Yamato and Mimi remained hidden in their room. The sun was already setting.

" Why can't you believe? Mimi's pretty, sweet, have a great sense of humor," Takeru came to his sister-in-law's defense. " Every guy would want her."

" I can't believe because she's not the kind of girl who'll get engaged in a short time. Why, when she left here after Christmas, she and Michael had just broken up," he reasoned. " And besides, you know how much she hated commitment ever since that break-up."

" Calm down Tai," Sora said soothingly. " There's no need to get so worked up over this."

" Brotherly love. You are just way over-protective Tai. Remember that Mimi is not a little girl anymore, who needs protection all the time. Like Kari. You have to let her make her own decisions sometimes," Miyako joined in their conversation.

Tai ran his fingers through his silky, brown hair and sighed. After a few minutes of silence, he and Sora bid the others goodbye and went home.


Kari lay on her husband's arms contentedly (AN: Oh please do not even think it!). Takeru, eyes closed, fiddled with Kari's hair unconsciously.

" I'm really glad Mimi's found Yamato, aren't you honey?"

" Yes, I'm very happy that she finally found someone who loves her. What was the name of that ex-boyfriend of hers?" Takeru whispered. He felt sleep pulling him out of his consciousness.

Kari yawned before answering, " His name's Michael honey. Michael."

" Right," he whispered, and finally drifted into sleep.


Sora exited the bathroom that was connected to their room. She climbed on their large mattress where her husband lay with his arms underneath his head. By the look on his face, it was easy to tell that he's worried about something. Tai's expression was a mixture of anger and worry. Sora sighed. She knew exactly what he's thinking about. The sudden engagement of Yamato and Mimi really took him by surprise. He knows exactly how heartbroken Mimi was ever since her break-up with Michael.

" You worry too much," she teased Tai, who obviously did not acknowledged his wife's presence until now.

He sat up, smiled, and kissed Sora lightly on the lips before laying back on the bed. She placed herself beside Tai and closed her tired eyes.

" Look, Yamato seems to be an okay guy. Sure you didn't know him like Takeru, but it'll all work out. I'm sure of it."

" I just don't want her to be hurt," he answered warily.

" Oh honey," she whispered as she sat up and looked at him " I can understand how you feel. But she seems happy now. That's what matters, right?"
" I just hope he doesn't break her heart as well."


Mimi woke up in Matt's arms, which didn't surprise her at all. The events the night before entered her mind and she groaned. She looked at her alarm clock which says that it's only 5: 54 in the morning.

She slowly got out of bed and tiptoed towards the bathroom so she won't disturb Yamato or the others. She splashed cold water on her face to make herself wake up, then brushed her teeth. After running her hair brush through her shoulder length mane, she went out the bathroom just to meet Yamato.

" Morning," she whispered and smiled up at him.

" Morning girlfriend," he whispered back.

She nodded at him and entered her room which is right outside the bathroom. She rummage through her duffel bag which still held her clothes. Finally finding a pair of white jogging pants and sweatshirt, she quickly took off her outfit from yesterday and put on the new ones, before Yamato decided to pull a Taichi on her as well and barge in the room while she's half naked. Fortunately, Yamato walked in the room after she was done. Like Mimi, he too went straight for his pack and took out a pair blue jogging pants and sweatshirt.

" Want me to wait for you?" Mimi asked as she tied her shoelace.

" Sure," he smiled at her. " That'd be great."


" So, what do you have planned for today?" Yamato panted. They were jogging through Milwaukee City Park (AN: I just made that up.) together. Yamato's blonde hair, without gel, fell on his damp forehead. Sweat ran down the side of his flushed face.

" I thought we're going shopping today," she respond between breaths. Mimi was in no better condition than Matt is. Her mahogany curls that was up in a bun came somewhat loose and a few tresses clung on her forehead. The front of her sweatshirt was soaked with sweat like Yamato's, only it wasn't as noticeable as his.

" Yeah well, I mean after that. What are you planning to do?"

" Uh… we could watch a movie or something," she answered. " 'Atlantis' is already playing."

" Atlantis?!" he laughed. " You have got to be kidding me! That's a kiddy movie."

" Well, I want to see it," she retorted stubbornly. " If you don't want to watch, then don't go."

" Whatever."


Mimi dragged Yamato inside Boston store where she was hoping to find some more new outfit to add to her collection. They've been in the mall for four hours, but all he have manage to buy is a pair of khaki jeans. Mimi on the other hand, had already bought a swimsuit, tank tops, bellbottom pants, and a pair of pink sandals. He sighed as hey enter the store.

" Mimi, we're here to buy some new clothes for me, not you. Or have you forgotten?" he whined.

Mimi turned around and faced him. " Oh. I guess I did forget about that. But I just have to check this out!" she said, holding up a dress that caught her attention. " It won't take long Yamato, I promise."

He sighed. " Fine. But after this, no more!"

Mimi smiled gratefully at him and headed towards the fitting room. Yamato waited outside looking at the variety of clothes. He turned around when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Behind him stood Mimi. Her shapely body was wrapped with silk, light blue dress that reached her ankles. The dress was only held up with thin spaghetti straps. Mimi turned around to show him the back and turned around to face him once again. The dress lack of decoration, but it looked grand on Mimi. (AN: I'm not really good at describing.)

" What do you think?" Mimi questioned excitedly. Matt tried to hide his amazement and struggled to look nonchalant. He turned away from her reluctantly and said, " It looks great."

" You think I should buy it?"

" I don't see why not."

" Well," she hesitated. " It cost $100.95, and I only have $89 dollars left. You know how I hate using my credit cards."

Yamato turned round to face her again.

" Why don't I pay for that? Then you could pay me back when we come home," he told her.

Mimi's face suddenly lit up. " You would?"

" Sure. Anything for my beloved fiancé," he teased.

" Oh, don't remind me," she groaned.

Yamato chuckled as Mimi went back inside the dressing room.

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Mimi clung on to Yamato's arm happily as they head out the food court. They had just finished eating dinner and was on their way to the movies. As they turned to a corner, Mimi bump into someone.

" Oh!" Mimi gasped.

" Excuse me," said the stranger. Mimi looked up to see who it was.

First she saw a head with white blonde hair, then a face with clear blue eyes.

" Michael?"

" Mimi?" they said at the same time.

" Umm… hi Michael," Mimi greeted, her voice squeaky. She cleared her throat.

" Hello Mimi," the man named Michael replied. " H-how are you?"

" Uh, I'm great," she answered, grateful that she's not the only one who's nervous. " This is my friend Yamato."

Michael held out his hand and smiled at Matt.

" Nice to meet you. Michael Thompson," he said.

Matt took his hand and shook it lightly. ' So this is Michael.'

" Yamato Ishida."

Michael gestured for somebody behind his back and a woman, about 25 years of age, came up to Michael.

" This is Harmony Scott. My girlfriend."

Mimi's face fell, but she quickly plastered on a friendly smile before Michael had the chance to catch her expression. Yamato, however, was looking at her in the corner of his eyes so he saw it. He felt a sudden feeling of jealousy, but just shrugged it of.

" Hi," Mimi said as she shook Harmony's hand. " Mimi Tachikawa."

" Hello."

Yamato held out his hand and introduced himself. " Yamato Ishida."

" It's very nice to meet both of you."

" Well, we have to go," Mimi suddenly interrupted.

" Ditto," replied Michael. " It was really nice seeing you again Mimi."

" Same here," she answered. Then she and Yamato headed out the mall.


" You know, he is kind of attractive," Matt commented as they exited the movie theater.

Mimi burst out laughing.

" I cannot believe you just said that!"

" Well isn't he?" Yamato asked, cocking an eyebrow as he look at her.

Mimi didn't answer. She didn't have to, as far as Matt is concern. He already know the answer. They walked towards Takeru's car that Mimi had borrowed for today.

" Let's go to a karaoke bar," Mimi sudden suggested. Yamato looked at her.

" Uh… I don't think so Mimi," he answered uncertainly. " I'm not a gifted singer."

" Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

" No," he said firmly.

" Hmph (?)! Well, we're going!" she blurted out when they had settled in the car.

Not wanting to argue, he placed himself in the passenger's seat and they drove away.


Mimi stumbled out of the driver's seat. Yamato rushed over to her to assist her.

" Oh! That guy is the worst," Mimi slurred. They had just came home from the karaoke bar and Mimi was drunk.

" Oh!" she gasped as she tripped. Luckily, Yamato was there to catch her.

He sighed. Without thinking, he carried Mimi upstairs. She didn't object.

' Man she's light,' he thought as he climbed up the stairs.

When they reached Mimi's room, Yamato went straight to the bed. Thinking that she's already asleep, he gently placed her on the mattress.

" Sleep with me," she whispered into his ear.

Yamato of course was stunned. He stared at her with wide eyes. He didn't say anything.

Mimi was confused. It took her a couple of minutes to realize what she had just said. She giggled.

" Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Matt! What I meant was I want you to sleep on this bed with me again. I hope you didn't take that the wrong way," she said, blushing.

' Duh! Of course that's what she meant Ishida!" Yamato gave himself a mental kick.

" Uh… sure Mimi," he replied. " I'm going to clean up a little first. How about you?"

Mimi sighed heavily. " Yeah, that'd be great."

Mimi stared blankly at the ceiling. It was already 2:00 in the morning, but she's still awake. She had tried counting sheep but it didn't work. She kept picturing Michael and that woman, Harmony, together.

She envied Yamato who had fallen asleep instantly the moment they hopped onto bed, and was now snoring slightly. Mimi gazed at Yamato's sleeping form and sighed.

' At least one of us is carefree,' she thought miserably. Mimi returned her gaze back to the ceiling.

' Darn it! Why won't you leave me alone Michael!' her mind screamed. She felt her eyes beginning to water. ' Why won't you leave me alone!'

She was sobbing uncontrollably now, which caused Yamato to wake up. He looked at her worriedly before wrapping his arms around her.

" What's wrong?" he asked.

Mimi held on to him as she continued to cry.

" Nothing," she managed to blurt out.

" If nothing's wrong, why are you crying?"

She didn't answer him.

" Is it because your family still think we're engaged?"

" N-no," she choked out.

" Then what is it?" he questioned, rubbing her back soothingly.

" M-Michael," she sobbed.

" Shh… it's okay."

" No it's not! He's got a new girlfriend!"

" And you're jealous," Yamato guessed. She nodded. " You still love him, don't you?"

She nodded once again.

" Oh Mimi. Don't be like this. He's just a guy. A stupid guy, if you asked me, who threw away a precious relationship with the most perfect girl in the whole world! There'll be plenty of guys that will love you Mimi. You just have to find the right one. And believe me, Michael is not the one."

Matt pulled her away from him to look at her straight in the eyes. He brushed away a few tears that had rolled down her cheeks.

" Thanks Matt," she whispered.

" You're welcome," he answered as he wrap his arms around her once again and kissed her forehead.


AN: I know it sucks. I was having a writer's block right now, so it didn't come out as better as I thought it would. Hopefully, the next chapter will be out soon. Sorry for any errors.

Bye and God Bless!

~angel joy87~