AUTHORS NOTE: Warning! Contains scenes of a very graphic and violent nature so please don't read this if you are going to get offended. You've be warned

I am locked in a dingy little cell with only one torch burning outside the bars. I am fucking exhausted because no one has fucking fed me for days and there is no fucking water either. I can't fucking move because I am so exhausted in this dungeon, even though I haven't done a fucking thing!! THAT FUCKING PHARAOH!!!!!!!!!! I try to sit up but I lose my resolve when I hear footsteps. Please, sweet Ra let me die now!

Someone stops at the bars even though I can't see who it is I know who the fuck it is. I can feel his twisted fucking stare looking at me lying naked on this sandy floor with my hands and feet chained to the fucking floor. Please kill me, Ra. Not again! I can't take it again! The door opens and I hear the Pharaoh come in with his guards in tow. The cell door slams closed. 'Water,' I beg in my cracked voice.

All I hear is their fucking laughing.

'I'll give you something to drink,' one of the bastards taunts as another one pulls me on to all fours. I meet the Pharaoh's cruel fucking eyes and he's already pulling off his belt with that cruel fucking smirk on his face. I feel someone behind me grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I scream out loud as he penetrates me because it hurts so much, I've lost count of how many times they've been here.

I start crying because it feels like I am being stabbed every time he thrusts. The Pharaoh is laughing like a fucking maniac. 'Time to quench that thirst of yours' he chuckles as he grabs a fistful of my hair. 'Now, be a good little dog…'

I wake up with a fucking scream feeling sick as fuck and panicking because suddenly I am back in that fucking dungeon with the fucking Pharaoh. I sat up too fast because suddenly I feel really really dizzy. My head falls back down to the pillow it was lying on and I become aware of something solid around my neck. A fucking collar!!!!!! I pull at it, it's only about the width of my finger but it's really bloody strong. There's a chain attached to it too chaining me, with no fucking room to maneuver, to the bedpost.

Ah! That's right I'm another fucking dungeon only this one has a huge ass 'compensating for something' four poster bed instead of a pile of straw. I sit up again more slowly this time and I am alone in this huge bedroom with only this bed, not even a window, and a door that is probably locked.

How the fuck did I get in here? Probably the effort of my fucking host. Bastard. My rage has sorta boiled down to a cold fucking anger because I want to hurt him so bad that it is hurting me just thinking about it. Anyone who made me remember those times was someone that no plague could stop me from killing with my bare hands.

Priest or not, that fucking bastard was going to die.

Because I was both tired and dizzy and couldn't stop myself I began thinking about those times in Egypt again. I tried not too but the harder I fucking tried the harder it was. I slipped back into my nightmare, only this time it was before he put me in his dungeon, before Ra decided that he wanted to punish me for my very existence.

I am in the market place staring up at the Pharaoh's palace, it's too fucking hot to be outside but I've just arrived in the city and I've got no where else to go. People keep giving me strange looks because of my eyes but it's not my fault, it's just the way they are. I wander along looking at all the wonderful food because I am bloody starving and no gold to buy anything. There is an oasis so I decide to go and drink at least, it's beside the palace and I want to get a closer look because I've never seen such a huge building.

The streets are so fucking busy with people that I can hardly breathe. I jump aside as a bunch of slaves are whipped passed me by a cruel man with an evil smile, he looks at me and my spine quivers because he is so bloody scary. My legs are running before I even know it. By the time I reach the Oasis I can hardly breathe and I plunge my entire head into the water and drink until I can't drink anymore. I look up at the palace again, it creeps me out now that I see it so close.

'You there boy!' Someone says from behind me making me jump. I spin around to see who it is and its some important looking bastard with a lot of gold necklaces, one of which in particular catches my eye. 'The Pharaoh commands that you see him straight away.'

'Why?' I ask though the bastard looks pissed that I interrupted him.

'Because he is the Pharaoh!' he shouts and grabs me by the arm and pulls me back down the street and out of the city towards the pyramid that is being built so the Pharaoh can show how wonderful he is. Even the slaves stop to stare as he throws me onto my knees before the pompous bastard sitting on a golden throne in the middle of a desert. I look up at him – it's the cruel bastard from before.

'You look hungry,' he began. 'How would you like to eat as much as you want?' He gets off his throne and comes over to me. Our eyes meet but I can't keep the stare. He runs his finger down my cheek. 'Your complexion is so fair, I desire it for myself.'

I pull away from his touch and fall in the sand as I stumble. I managed to knock the Pharaoh over in the process so I lie there with a look of sheer horror contorted on to my face. My heart has completely stopped. He looks so fucking angry!!!!!

'Insolent child!' He shouts and smashes his whip into my back. I scream in pain and try to get up but he knocks me back down with another thundering blow. This time I get to my feet, crying and desperately looking for a way to escape. He's looking at me different now, his eyes no longer crazy but something much darker. 'Forgive me, I lost my temper. It's the heat you see.' I doubted it – he'd be a crazy bastard even if it was snowing. 'So boy what do you say? In exchange for becoming my consort you can live like a king!'

'I'd rather starve,' I scream back at him and run as fast as I can back towards the town. No one chased me but I did not stop because I was so fucking terrified. I ended up in some dark alley but I didn't fucking care.

I hid there all night.

I woke up scared shitless again and sprang, or tried to, from the bed but the fucking chain pulled me back down. I'm shaking worse than before and wonder if crazy hallucinations are a side effect of the drug that bastard priest gave me. Part of me wants to know where he is because I can't stand fucking curiosity and because I feel strong enough to throw insults at him again. I could probably even find the strength to kill the bastard!!

I feel dizzy as soon as I think this but I'll still lunge at the bastard again if he shows his pretty boy face.

I am thirsty as hell and hungry as well but there is no where to get anything so all I can do is lie here and think about fucking useless things. My mind keeps slipping back to those fucking memories like they are something I actually want to remember or that they are fucking important or something. It took me a long fucking spell in the Shadow Realm to bury those times so why the fuck are they plaguing me now?

Ra, sweet Ra.


Some time passes and because I have no attention span I manage to amuse myself by seeing how long I can suffocate myself with the chain before I have to stop. It becomes boring as hell so I start cursing in the old tongue at the top of my fucking voice to see if anyone will come. I can't even hear anyone walking past and I am fucking bored again.

I start thinking about those fucking times again and it is really starting to piss me off cause I don't want to think about it.

Damn Kaiba!

This is all his fucking fault.

The guards wake me up as they charge into the alleyway. Someone grabs me roughly by the arm and I scream as they drag me into the street. It is only morning so there are not too many people but more than enough to make one hell of a spectacle. I see a crowd gathered at the Oasis and wonder what the hell is going on.

'What's going on?' I ask wildly as they push towards the crowd. Everyone is silent. I see the man from yesterday, the man with all the gold necklaces. He catches me looking at the one in the middle, the one with the pyramid and the eye, and smirks in a way I really don't bloody like.

'Here is the perpetrator!' Declares the guard with a death grip around my arm throwing me to my knees at his feet and training his spear on me.

'See he is covered in blood,' the man with the necklaces declares. 'This proves that he committed this foul act!!'

'Please, I don't know what I have done! This is blood is from yesterday. You were there! The Pharaoh he-'

'I do not know of what you speak! Show this dog his crime!'

They grab me again and pull me through the crowd. Someone grabs a fistful of my hair and directs my vision towards the water.

My stomach comes into my mouth and I manage to throw up all over the place at the sight. I try to turn away but they won't let me. Lying in the water, red from blood, is a body. A boy, his face contorted in terror, his throat and his wrists bled like a pig, is staring up at me from empty eyes. I think I am going to pass out.

'Take the murderer to the Pharaoh. Let him judge,' the man with the necklaces commands with a wicked smile.

'Please I didn't' I scream in shear panic but there is nothing I can do to make them let go of me. They grow tired of me shrieking and punch the shit out of me half way up the road so I leave a trail of blood in the sand.

We reach the palace.

'Hail the Pharaoh!' The man with the necklaces declares as his guards dump me on the floor in a flutter of agony. We are in a high roofed room with lots of pillars and the Pharaoh is sitting on his huge ass throne in front of it all. I look at his face and know that this bastard is behind everything.

'What is going on?' He asks as if the whole fucking thing is a surprise. 'A murder in my own city? And this boy here is still covered in the poor child he murdered! Take him to the dungeon!'

'YOU MURDERING BASTARD!' I scream as some guards haul me towards another door.

The Pharaoh looks at me, pissed as hell. He gets off his throne with his whip in hand and a cruel smile on his evil face. 'Let me see to it personally that this dog gets what he deserves.'

I jerk awake again and see the face of Seto fucking Kaiba dancing before me. I feel so sick and I think I am going to fall asleep again. I don't want to finish this fucking trip down memory bloody lane. 'You fucking bastard,' I spit and try and lunge at him. The chain pulls me back and I pass out again.

The dungeon is dark and cold and full of noises as I am dragged past. We stop in a large circular room with lots of passages leading off. There are things hanging on the wall, things I do not even want to know the function of. There is a square stone about the height of my waist in the centre with manacles chained to the centre.

'Chain him to the whipping post,' the Pharaoh demands. I renew my attempt at escape and am rewarded for my effort with a fist smashing into my cheek. I stumble and dizzily I watch them place my arms on the top of the stone, chaining them there mercilessly.

I begin to tremble uncontrollably as the Pharaoh walks behind me. The bastard stops and I can't even turn around to look at my fucking tormentor. I can hear his bloody lackies snickering and it makes me want to kill the whole fucking lot of them.

Something comes over me, a strange fucking feeling that makes me want to tear their throats out and laugh maniacally whilst doing it. I find the man with the necklace again because its all his fucking fault that I am here in the first place. His necklace makes me even crazier, the fucking thing is begging me to take it. I start to laugh because for some reason the whole thing seems so fucking funny. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I BE SCARED OF THE FUCKING PHARAOH!?

I ask him as much and am rewarded for my trouble with an angry lash on the back. I can feel the fear trying to sneak back but I laugh out loud again, allowing the wildness to possess my fucking mind once more.

'What is your name?' The pompous bastard asks me. Like I am going to fucking answer him?

'I think he has gone quite mad, my king,' the man with the necklace tells him when I can't stop laughing.

'No! He is afraid. He is trying to hide it,' the Pharaoh says and I laugh even louder because it is the fucking truth. 'Your name, you slowly scum!'

He brings his smug face in front of mine and I spit right in between his fucking eyes. I can't hold out any fucking longer. I've got no fucking stomach for torture but the Pharaoh is whole heartedly pissed that I just did that. I keep on laughing because I have no idea what else to do now.


Sweet, merciful Ra – deliver me from this crazy bastard!

'You are a prisoner in my dungeon now,' he tells me in a dead serious voice that is scarier than if he fucking shouted. 'I think its time we taught this dog some obedience.'

I stop laughing as soon as soon as they all start snickering and moving closer to me chained helpless as a fucking puppy in the middle of the room. Someone grabs my neck and presses it into the stone so I can't fucking move and I feel claws scratching at my tunic as a pair of hands snap my belt and toss it aside. I hear the cloth ripping and the cold air of this fucking dungeon upon my back.

'STOP!' I scream but they just laugh even fucking louder. Someone grabs a shred of the material and secures it in my mouth so I can't fucking scream anymore.

Suddenly the Pharaoh is standing in front of me, and I am crying I am so fucking scared at what I see. I try to struggle but it's no fucking use! Paralyzed I watch him there, catching sight of him as naked and fully aroused as the rest of his guards.

'Make sure he doesn't move around too much,' the bastard taunts as I feel him hard against my exposed body. He thrusts without warning and I scream despite the gag at being penetrated so violently. He keeps on thrusting even though it feels like a bloody sword and I can do nothing as he fucks me over the whipping post.

He comes at last and I feel it and the blood trickle down my legs as he withdraws. Panting and shaking all over I pray to Ra that it's all over, that its all just some fucked up nightmare. The man with the necklaces grabs me so hard that I know it could only be real. I shriek even louder as he fucks me mercilessly, it hurts even more this time and all the while I can here that necklace bouncing against his chest.

He comes inside of me and one of the guards steps up.

I loose count of how many people rape me that morning and want nothing more than to fucking die. I am sobbing like a baby by the time the Pharaoh gets his guards to pick me up.

'What's your name?' He asks for a final time.

'Bakura,' I reply tonelessly.

He smiles and they dump me in a black cell and I hear them laughing even after they are long gone.

Naked, bloody and broken I lay there crying.

By my count I was thirteen years old.

I wake up screaming from this fucking nightmare and almost fucking knock myself out again. I manage to survive this one but Seto fucking Kaiba is still sitting there and it manages to piss me off. 'You fucking bastard,' I tell him because I am still pissed off about having that nightmare.

'Tut tut, is that all you can say to me?' He asks leaning towards me. I pull back, or try at the very least because this chain doesn't give much fucking leeway. 'Having a nightmare were we? I bet I know why.'

'It's because of you, asshole,' I sneer. 'Now let me go before I fucking kill you.'

'I am afraid that cannot happen.'

'Why the fuck not?'

The bastard glares at me. 'Because you owe me a debt.'

'What the hell do you mean? What the fuck did you ever do for me?'

Kaiba folded his arms in that superior asshole sort of way.

'I saved you from the Pharaoh.'

AN: Thanks for waiting so long for this one folks. There are too many people to thank by name so I am just going to say thanks to everyone all together.

Stay tuned for part 6