Hey!!! Okay so we FINALLY update...or at least I do. Before my computer is taken over by my Daddy to do a vrius scan. And I'm at the comtech room, on my computer writing my authors note. Natalie should be here. And she is.

Hi um... well viki FINALLY updated god i thiught she would never put it up and then i was thinking that everyone who put this as a favourite story would have maybe deleted it from their favourite list or everyone was mad at us for not updating o well here it is anyways Nat

Act 2

It's Saturday. Jay is pacing back and forth in Archie's Room.

"Dude, don't worry. And STOP PACING! You're making me dizzy."

Theresa runs in, "Are you ready? The plane leaves soon."

"Yeah, I guess." Jay says nervously.


"Relax. Dad'll love you." She says confidently.

"I hope…"


Theresa runs to hug her dad.


Her father hugs her back, "Hey sweetheart! Oh, I missed you!"

Jay hesitates nervously; Theresa took his hand a bit nervous now.

"Uh, Dad? This is Jay, my fiancé."

Jay holds out his hand, and Theresa's father shakes it.

"Nice to meet you sir." Jay says nervously.

"Nice to meet you too Jay. So…you made a good choice. But don't you think you'll go insane by her constant nit picking?"

"Well…yeah. Like at prom, she wouldn't let me put of the dorm until everything was perfect." Jay says with ease.

"HEY! You looked good!" Theresa protested, Jay and her dad laugh.


Archie and Atlanta are in the living room. Archie is sitting on the couch watching TV drinking Coke. Atlanta comes bargaining in with piles of books, pamphlets, magazines and turns off the TV.

"HEY! I was watching that!"

"Too bad. We've got a wedding to plan" She reaches for his coke and drinks it, "Thanks I needed that!"

"I was drinking that!" Archie protests.

Atlanta ignores him, and she becomes PLANNER ATLANTA.

"Okay. Whadaya think about getting married on June 30th?"


"And I was thinking Theresa as the Maid of Honor, and Jay could be your best man! Of course, we'll have Herry, Neil and Odie A Ushers. What do you think of Mexican food after?"

"Atlanta? ATLANTA?" Archie tries to get her attention.

"Whadaya think about Tulips for the flowers?"

"ATLANTA?" Almost shouting, Archie says.

"And I'm thinking, Theresa's dress will be a pale purple, mine will be white of course with a purple bell and bow. You guys will have pale purple bowties so it matches and Whadaya-"


She just notices Archie has been trying to get her attention. "Yeah?"

"Calm down. If you wanna get married on June 30th then we have a month to plan."

"June 30th? NO! I wanna get married August 5th!" Atlanta says confused.

"But you said…"

She shrugs it off, "May have said that. But how could I possibly plan a wedding in one month?! I mean, you gotta get caterers, florists, the churches, invitations, organists…EVERYTHING!"

Archie looks at her sternly. "I'm not gonna talk wedding unless you calm down"



They're looking in from the door.

"He's lost." Odie says shaking his head.

"Poor buddy. He didn't have a chance" Herry says sadly.

Neil brightens, "But think of the action he's gonna get!"

Herry shoves him into the wall, when he moves you can see the indent of Neil's shoulder in the wall.

"Don't say that!"


Theresa is finishing up a long winded speech, "…and so Jay and I will be married in June on the 25th."

Jay, who is half asleep, suddenly jerks awake.

"What? We're getting married when?"

"June 25th."

"Where are you two getting married?" Her father says interested and tired.

Theresa and Jay look at each other blindly.


"I dunno…" Theresa says embarrassed. "On a beach maybe?"

"A garden for photos?"

"Right. And your honeymoon?" he asks unimpressed.

"We're sailing,"

"-to Hawaii!" Theresa says brightly.

"Do you have ANY plans at all?"

Theresa and Jay sheepishly shake their heads. Her father sighs and rolls up his sleeves.

"Okay, we have a lot of work to do."


Atlanta is talking on the phone. Archie is reading "Young Bride" magazine.

"Thank you, are you sure? Oh well, Thank you. Thank you very much. Good bye." Atlanta says super polite. She hangs up the phone and throws the phone, accidentally hitting Archie's magazine that goes flying across the room. "UGH!"

Archie, mildly picking up the phone and magazine, "Let me guess, that church is booked too?"

"YUP! And for a funeral! Who cares about a funeral?! Our wedding is more important!"


Neil is rolling on the ground in pain. Herry and Odie are just staring at him.

"OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! I think you broke my shoulder!" Neil cries out in pain.

"Do you think he's done?" Odie asks bored.

"I dunno. I didn't hit him THAT hard…"

"OW! Yeah you did!"

Archie and Atlanta walk into the hall and see Neil rolling on the ground.

"Is he okay?" Atlanta asks.


Archie looks interested at the dent in the wall. "Herry, what did you do?"

Herry moves in front of the dent, "NOTHING!"

Archie nods, "Right. Me and Atlanta are gonna go get dinner."

Atlanta and Archie go out the door.

"See ya."

"Buh-bye! See you later! Go see a movie!" Odie says brightly.

He pushes them out of the dorm. They stare at him weirdly.

As soon as the door closes, Herry kicks Neil.

"YOU IDIOT! You almost ruined it!"

"OW! OW! MY BACK! MY BACK! What are you talking about?"

"Okay, whatever. We'll be in Herry's room. When you stop being a wussy, you can help us plan the bachelor parties"

Yeah...now to thank everyone from the past two chapters who reviewed! Please review again!


Mermaid Gurl 95



Sugar stars

Tough Girls Don't Cry


Independant Angel

The OddBird

Mrs. Morbid Snape

left-hand freak

Thank YOU!!

Hee-Hee Neil is funny... :D

Love and please review ,Viki, and Natie