A/N Ok guys I'm sorry it has taken so long my brain seems to have deserted me and ran of with my muse. I really have to apologise for confusing everyone with James and William Potter, I actually wrote the third chapter on another computer because my laptop had died for a while and I only had the 2nd chap printed and it didn't mention his name. So I just took a guess as to what I called Potter. Sorry for the confusion he was meant to be William.
OK to all you people who don't care or don't like offensive people this is a rant that I just wanted to get off my chest and I needed to put it somewhere as the people in my boarding house would be like wtf you going on about??
I am sorry to "Voldemort" who reviewed my story and decided that it was not canon it was uncharacteristic and my spelling and grammar was sht! (not in those words exactly but you get my drift)
Oh and you aren't a native English speaker, so who the hell are you to question my spelling? I admit my grammar is not the best. Oh and by the way I AM AUSTRALIAN we spell differently to America not to mention a few other countries. Also by the way, I have just recently aced my ENGLISH EXAM with top marks in spelling and comprehension! I also aced my careers testing spelling test….they suggested I be an author, a journalist or a lawyer.
Also as a point I am human meaning mistakes will be mad, sorry if this inconveniences you.
I also ask you to define canon???
Oh and besides JKR who the hell are you decide what's characteristic and what's not? By your definition it's uncharacteristic…what about everyone else's definition?
Well I am so sorry if I offended your eyes but other people seem to enjoy this story so excuse me if I decide to continue it.
Ok everybody its safe you can read the rest of the note:
Alright, I can deal with flamers generally but not naïve flamers who just want someone else to feel like crap, give me constructive criticism with examples of what I have done wrong, I don't just want someone's negative opinion (yes I realise this exactly what a flamer is), if you don't like it tell me why and what I can do to fix it. I want to improve my writing not feel like I don't want to finish the story.
Also I allow anon reviewers because some people don't like signing up to internet sites and I understand this and generally you anon guys are really good about reviewing so I have no desire to disable it but please be respectful…someone is putting in alot effort and soul for this story and probably others. It is by no means easy to post a story and allow people to review it and tell us what you think.
I am really terribly sorry for being such a btch but that really annoyed me, I find it hard to post my story unless I have read through and edited it a lot so again constructive critics are welcome straight negative opinions are not.
Finally here is the new chapter (sorry it might even be shorter than the A/N LOL). I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I have a snowballs chance in hell of owning this lot, so why ask?
Minerva ran through the castle in her tabby form, she was going to be late for the feast if she wasn't quick. She slid around a corner and suddenly found herself being lifted into the air by someone. She struggled and hissed trying to escape. She took a swipe at the person who was holding her in hope they would let go.
"Tabby my dear please calm yourself, you almost ran down to where the students were gathering." A soft male voice spoke in her ear. Minerva transformed to find herself in Albus's arms in an empty classroom. He put her down quickly. She turned and glared at him "You said you would wait for me!"
Albus bowed "I am terribly sorry my dear, I had an errand to run."
She rolled her eyes "Well we are late, come on before they send out a search."
Albus nodded as she pulled him down the hall to great hall. They strode down to the side chamber and slipped in. Albus took his seat on the left side of Armando, Minerva sat next to him. Quinn was on the other side of the table much to Minerva's relief. She was also please that Poppy was sitting next to her.
Albus and Armando struck up a conversation as they waited for Professor Binns to bring in the first years.
They were all soon having animated conversations but they died away as the doors opened and the Sorting began.
After the feast Armando got up to speak "Good Evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome. I assume we have all had a pleasant summer and your brains are feeling decided empty!" There was a chuckle around the hall. "Well I am not going to keep you from you bed for much longer but I need to first give a few notices, the Forbidden Forest is as the name suggests out of bounds to all and you would do well to remember that. Quidditch trials will be held within the next few weeks and first years are reminded that they are not permitted to own their own broom. We have a new head boy and girl as well as prefects. Please respect these leaders as they are here to help you.
Also this year we are welcoming four new members to staff. Madam Poppy Pomfrey has arrived as our new matron of the Hospital wing from St Mungos." Poppy stood and inclined her head. "I also welcome Professor Quinn Grindelwald as our new Arithmacy professor." Grindelwald stood and bowed. "From the Auror department of the ministry we welcome Professor Minerva McGonagall as Defence Against the Darks Arts teacher." Minerva stood and bowed also.
"Finally last but certainly not least also from the Auror department, Professor Albus Dumbledore as Head of Gryffindor and Transfiguration professor." Albus stood and swept his at off extravagantly, a few birds and a bat flew out of it causing the whole hall to giggle.
"Sorry about those, I
must not have cleaned it out properly." The whole hall roared with
laughter as Albus sat down smiling; Minerva rolled her eyes at him.
He grinned and winked.
Soon after Armando dismissed the students
and the staff escaped to the staffroom where they all sat discussing
what could happen on the first day and trying to remember what
happened the night before, especially Quinn who could remember past
arriving at the staffroom.
Minerva and Albus began a chess match when they became bored of the conversation which caused the staff to begin laying bets down on who would win.
"You must be really bored." Minerva observed as she moved her knight out of harms way.
"It's the first day of school tomorrow and as it is not advised to be hung over for it we will go to our next vice, gambling." Sandra Thomas the herbology teacher explained.
Minerva rolled her eyes "What would the students say knowing how improper their professors can be."
"They would die of shock and we would no longer be professors." Flitwick answered promptly. The staff laughed as Albus took this as his chance and checkmated Minerva. There was more laughter as money changed hands and a few good naturedly scowled at Albus.
After that they all decided it was time to retire.
Minerva and Albus rose early and descended to a practically empty Great Hall, there were a few students taking advantage of the early morning to compare notes on holidays and have a peaceful breakfast before the hordes descended.
Albus smiled at Minerva as they sat "You ready?"
She smiled faintly "If I say yes will you believe me?"
Albus squeezed her hand and smiled gently "Probably not."
They poured themselves a cup of coffee each as they watched the steady filling up f the hall. Commenting of children of people they knew and how life had changed. The staff table was soon full. Grindelwald was looking a little faint but revived over coffee and toast.
Minerva was distracted by Sara Rhode the Muggle Studies teacher as Albus descended down to the Gryffindor house table and began handing out the timetables that had appeared next to his plate.
Soon after he and Minerva left to prepare for their first lesson.
Minerva luckily had the first years so they didn't have any idea of how another teacher was. She had slipped on her stern mask as she parted with Albus, which caused him to chuckle to his class.
The first years filed in as she stood at the front waiting, they were slow a few obviously lost.
"Defence Against the Dark Arts is one of the most dangerous and serious subjects you will do during your time here at Hogwarts. It is designed to help you in the real world should you be threatened. This being so I have high expectations of all my classes. Punctuality is one thing also respect, for others and the magic you do. I am a trained auror for those who don't know what that is, we are essentially dark wizard catchers. We are elite physically and mentally, Defence Against the Dark Arts stems from what we do."
Minerva went on to explain what they would be doing that year and then within the lesson. The first years responded well, not talking and trying their best. Minerva was impressed by their work ethic but decided that that would fade as they grew older and more confident in their surroundings. She decided with a smile is that they just needed to grow their ego and arrogance and all would be right in the rebellious teenage world.
Albus on the other hand walked into a sixth year lesson. They had high expectations of this new teacher, he smiled as he realised this. What they didn't expect was that he had higher expectations.
He strolled into the class and casually leaned against the desk at the front. He flicked his ponytail over his shoulder and smiled at the class. Who all regarded him with a mixed expression of nerves, excitement and suspicion.
He looked around at his class and nodded approvingly "So I suppose you all got an E in transfiguration for your OWLS?"
The class nodded cautiously, Albus laughed "Fantastic, Ok so I demand respect in my classroom for me and your class mates, I don't care how much you hate them or love them you will be respectful. Now I am an easygoing man but mess with me and you will regret it. Do what I ask, show me your talent, enjoy this class and we will get on fine."
The class nodded as Albus grinned and waved his hand at the board where a set of instructions appeared.
The class soon realised that despite his stern words at the start Albus was a very fun teacher and was determined to make them all enjoy Transfiguration which they did immensely despite how hard the work was. Albus was very please to see them all leave with smiled on their faces.
Minerva allowed her first class to go and sank into her chair in relief. It hadn't been as bad as she had anticipated. She had the next period off before lunch then she had Gryffindor and Slytherin fourth years.
She sighed and stretched before sitting straight at her desk and pulling her lesson plans to her.
She had been working steadily for fifteen minutes when, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled and she looked up.
Grindelwald grinned at her as he slid from his place in the doorway of her classroom.
He grinned slyly at her "How was your first lesson?"
"Fine." She answered abruptly not interested in why he was there.
"So tonight to celebrate surviving our first day, if we do, do you want to join me for a drink or two?"
"Sorry no, I actually already have plans." She smirked at him, she actually didn't but knew Albus would cover for her. She would send him a message as soon as possible.
Grindelwald slumped slightly but regained his posture quickly "Oh well some other time maybe?"
Minerva stared at him as he grinned at her, turned and left. That man was impossible, one day she was going to hex him to next week.
But right now she needed to somehow destroy his hopes of ever dating her.
Maybe she could pretend to be lesbian? Rolanda would so be her "partner".
Minerva giggled as these thoughts rampaged through her brain. She was so going to use one. Maybe a threesome of girls….
A/N2 Ok so the last bit was me having fun, but I so using a kinky idea to put Grindelwald off. I just realised this story has no real sense of purpose but I am going to create one somehow….hmm I will work on that. Anyway read and review. Sorry it might take awhile until I write the next chapter…life is calling sorry guys!!