Oh dear. Somehow, reading a limerick by lolo popoki stirred up my muse, and it refused to be silent until I'd typed out half a dozen limericks.
This one didn't look like it was in need of a beta, so I figured it'd go up first.
Enjoy this little snippet of nothing. C:
There once was a RK obsessor,
Who locked Kenshin up in her dresser,
But Watsuki-sama sued;
Her life simply screwed,
She wrote pretty disclaimers, bless her.
Oh dear lord kill me now; I can't even write a decent disclaimer any more. D:
His words always made her see red,
Till her bokken would crack o'er his head,
She screeched out a "chan",
He cried, "I'm a man!"
And they'd banter and bicker till bed.
But wait, there's more!
Well, once I get them beta'd.