A/N: This is the end...Please R&R!
Chapter 7: Epilogue
Two Months Later...
"I'd like to present the Graduating Class of 2006!" Everyone cheered and stood up throwing their caps in the air. Glad that they were done, but sad to go. Everyone started running off of the football field, towards their parents. All except eight people. They took there time, relishing in the fact that they were together and alive. They didn't want this moment to end, but they soon made it to the crowd, and their parents who were waiting for them. They knew that they would be seeing each other through the summer, and then at college...
The moment was bittersweet, and they separated...getting respective hugs and congrats from family members and friends. When they were done they gathered at InuYasha's house for a huge block party. It felt as if everyone was there. Everyone started dancing and having fun...except InuYasha... His mind was plagued with guilt...he had felt it for the past two months...he wasn't able to protect her... he felt as if he had failed and didn't deserve someone that he couldn't protect... He left the party and headed towards his house. He went up to his room, to do some serious thinking.
He wasn't there two minutes when a knock came from his door... He knew who it was before he even asked. "Who is it...?" He asked quietly. "It's me...can I come in?""Yeah..." He didn't know what she wanted, but he wouldn't deny her... "InuYasha...can we talk?" Sango asked smiling gently. She knew something was wrong, and she didn't want to see her best friend that way. "About what...?" He replied almost in a whisper. "You know what...InuYasha...what's the matter...we all came out of it alive...noth-..." But she was cut off as InuYasha grabbed her in a giant bear hug. "I know...but what if some-..." It was his turn to get cut off.
"There are no what if's... InuYasha...please don't do this to yourself..." She said firmly. "All I can think about is how I wasn't able to protect you..." He bent his head and kissed the top of hers. "InuYasha..." She was speechless. "I want to promise you that I will never leave you...that I will always be there for you..." He whispered into her hair and hugged her tighter. "InuYasha..." 'Dammit woman! Of all the times to be speechless!' Sango mentally thwacked herself. "I want to be with you, InuYasha..." 'There you go...' She smiled up at him. She saw nothing but relief, understanding, companionship, and love in his eyes as he bent down to kiss her gently...
Everyone was crowded around InuYasha's door and they cheered. "Finally!" They screamed all at once. InuYasha wrenched open his door and stood with Sango in his doorframe. They all screamed and began to scatter as InuYasha and Sango gave chase... 'Finally, everything is back to normal...' Sango thought as she beganto chase her friends...