Chapter One

1.It all begins...

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own D&J.

Drake! There's a package for you!" Audrey Parker-Nichols, Drake's mother, yelled.

"Coming!" Drake shouted back. He put his guitar down and jumped from his bed to the couch. Hurrying downstairs, he took the package from his mother and examined it as he went back to his room. His step brother, Josh Nichols, was sitting on his own bed when Drake came back in.

"Who's it from?" Josh asked. As Drake shook it gently, something thumped inside the box.

"I don't know. There's no return address." Drake said in confusion.

"Well, open it!"

"Okay. Let's see what's inside." Drake opened the box and dumped the contents out onto his lap.

"A headless teddy bear?" Drake picked up the toy, sounding a little worried. "And a note."

"Read the note!"

"Okay. Here's what it says:

Drake, here's what I'm going to do to you since you broke my heart.

What?" Drake yelped, jumping up and tossing the letter away from him, as if it were poisonous.

"That's a pretty serious letter, Drake. Which girl did you dump this time?" Josh sighed. He always knew that one day his brother would get into trouble.

"Let me check." Drake said, pulling out a list that went down to the floor. Josh stared, dumbfounded.

"Well, yesterday there was Stephanie, before that there was Hannah, before that there was Olivia, then –"

"Huh? Drake, with a list that long you're never going to find out who sent this!" Josh exclaimed.

"Boy, do I know! I mean, I've gone out with every girl from school at least once! What if by accident I go out with this girl?"

"I don't know, but if I were you I'd watch my back." Josh said. Drake nodded, shivering.

"Maybe Megan tried to prank you?" Josh asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised. She's such a brat! Remember when she put Dad's special liver in our shoes?" Drake shivered at the memory.

"Yeah. And then she told Dad we threw it out. Boy, she got us in trouble."

"Well, I'll go ask her." Drake got up and went to Megan's room hesitantly.

"Megan?" He called.

"What up, boob?" Megan appeared at her door, an annoyed look on her face.

"Did you try to scare me again? I just got a headless teddy bear and a creepy note, and I know you have something to do with it."

"Drake," Megan shook her head and stared at him, "do you honestly think I would do something like that?"


"Well, I didn't. I have no idea what you're talking about. Now, leave my room before I make you."

"Oh, yeah, you'll make me? Ha ha ha –" Drake began, but stopped as he was suddenly electrocuted.

"Owwwwww!" He yelped, jumping and running back to his room.

"Megan's such a witch! She claims she didn't do it, but I think she did!"

"Yeah, she is rotten."

Later on that evening, Drake was in a panic mode.

"I have a date with Alicia, but what if the person who sent me that package shows up? Or what if she's the one? She didn't seem too happy after out last date." he exclaimed as he paced back and forth.

"Dude, don't worry. I'm sure it wasn't her."

"But what if? I've gotta call and break up with her." Drake said, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.


"I can't go out with her! What if she sent me that package?"

"Well… but you can't just end a relationship with a phone call."

"I know. I'm going to text message her." Drake said.

"Look, Drake…"

"Okay. Now that that's done."

"You broke up with Alicia using a text message?"

"Yep! Isn't technology today amazing? Now I don't even have to call her to dump her!"

"Ohh, Drake, when are you going to start considering other people's feelings?"


A week later, Drake still was terrified to go out with anyone. He hadn't been on a date at all.

"Come on! That package could have been from anybody. Hey, there still is the possibility that Megan's setting us up."

"I know, but if it wasn't Megan, and I accidentally go out with the person who sent me this you might be identifying my body at the morgue." Drake said, holding up the headless teddy bear.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous!"

"I just won't date anyone, Josh, I won't do it!

Hee hee... I'm back! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please read & review!