Stop- Ninja time! Can't touch this.

Heh heh..this was written BEFORE American Idol started...


If you love somebody, better set them on FIRE!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!

And since I love you guys so much for reviewing...BURN BABY!!!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!!! American Idol.

...No really. It is. I'm writing from Simon Cowell's laptop at the judge's panel. See? (Points to Paula's coke bottle.) Hn, I wonder...(sniffs inside of bottle.) Yep, definetely vodka.

Anyhoo, the reason I'm here is because we're already halfway done Kakashi's secret jutsus, making it easier for him to find me. (Kakashi's got m3d c0mput3r h3ck1ng sk1llz.) The secret location of Anericam Idol's studio is my only safe haven.

What'd you say? That the studio's location in Hollywood is common knowledge?

...Well f(beep)k.

Moving on...

In this chapter of A Thousand And One Jutsus, we will be exploring the secret world of Kakashi's 87 nose twitching jutsus.

Yeah that's right. I made a chapter all about the funny motions your sniffer does. Try and stop me.

And don't you dare press that report for abuse button. 'Cause I WILL cry. And you don't want me to cry. 'Cause I will cry so hard that it'll soak your computer screen. So there.


...But I digress.

Now some of you may wonder, how can nose-twitching possibly be a useful jutsu.

Well it isn't. At all. But Kakashi was bored, so he learnt them.

Some names for the nose-twitching jutsus:

Shakespere no nose jutsu! This jutsu gives the user MaD nose writing SK!LLZ for 66 minutes. This means that their nose turns into a magic pencil with PWNSOME writing skillz. After the alloted time period, the user will have no recollction of the incident. Shakespere no nose is preformed whenever the user is drunk, bored, and probably on crack/weed/heroine/dandelions.

An example is the ever famous Jiraiya. He wrote the ever famous Icha Icha Paradise: Rock LeexEveryone while preforming the jutsu.

Also, I am preforming this jutsu. RIGHT NOW.

Like srsly.

One of the most...odd jutsus is the DDR no nose jutsu. this jutsu lets the user's nose become an expert on DDR. Sad thing is, they don't make noses to be unbreakable. After using this jutsu, the user's nose is probably broken beyond repair. Sadly, you'll have to get a prosthetic nose just to fit in with the geeks at school. Forget about popularity. Well...there is the possiblity of being famous at an Anime Cons...

As you may know, Kiba and Akamaru are very close. BUT...

DO YOU KNOW WHY?????????

...Unless you saw some filler which I have neglected to watch. :(

Anyway, the reason why Kiba's clan is so close to dogs is because a realllllllllllllyyy long time ago, before you were born, (unless you're 565678 years old. In that case, my apologies), one of Kiba's ancestors, Rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl Inuzuka was bored. And because he was bored, he started sniffin' random things 'cause he was a Sniffaholic. Soooo Rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl sniffed everything. He sniffed flowers, ninjas, birds, birds poop, something that looked like raisins but wasn't, robots, UFOS, grass, mushrooms, cowboys, cosplayers...

...until he sniffed the best sniff a sniffer had ever sniffed in the records of sniffs...

It was the smell...


You see, they didn't have dogs from where the Inuzukas were from (They were from the village of Dane Cook) and they just moved to Konoha. Rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl was so ASTOUNDED by the smell of dog, that he bounded off towards the source of the dog smell.

The dog in question was the GREAT AMAZING STUPENDOUS INUYASHA!!!!!!!

Well...not the half-breed Inuyasha. Just some otaku's dog.

Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with the story. Well... has nothing to do with the story. Yeah.

...What was I saying again?

Oh yeah...just keep swimming, just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin' swimmin' swimmin'...

Finally, we come to the Please State Your Password No Nose jutsu. You preform this by joining www.RLRLRLRLLRLRLRLRRLLRLRLRLRLRLRL.capcommie. everytime you try signing in Sakura's voice (who is the current spokesperson) emitts from your nose.

"Please state your password." She will say.

Then, you will state your password. However, it has to be stated. Not questioned, not yelled, not whispered. Stated.

...Sakura's a meanie. :(

Too bad she was voted to be Konoha's Idol. she wasn't nearly as good as Shino. His love ballad on bugs...(sniff). Left me speechless, yo.


See you next time...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!