This quick note is just to let my readers know that, yes, I am still alive. After years of working myself into the ground for minimum wage at a soul-sucking company, piles of stress, a mountain of what is commonly known as writers' block, too many plot bunnies and half-written stories to count and the loss of my mum I've decided to try my hand at writing again. Had a read of this to determine if the last chapter was a good stopping point or to soldier on with the little bit of the next chapter I've got. It actually is a good place to stop, but I'll try to push on. What I have of the next chapter features hints at the arrival of a character famous for going "Ohhh-ho-ho-ho!" Guess who.
Thank you for reading. Wish me luck! If I can sort all the plot bunnies and finish the half-written, I may be able to finish this and present you with Dethmagic, Ranma Potter, Konoha no Ranma, and a few untitled stories starring Harry Potter and/or Naruto featuring Little Britain, World of Warcraft and Avatar characters. Bear in mind that my main stumbling block when writing is fear of slipping into too many clichés, which causes me to stop and eventually forget about the story for... well, years it seems.
Again, Thanks for reading, and watch this space. :)