Author: PsychoKittyUK
Category: Slash
Rating: M+
Content Warnings: WINCEST. (Set before Provenance)
Disclaimer: They are not mine nor is Supernatural.
I wish they were, cuz oh the fun i'd have!
If you don't like Slash, then don't read it!
All feedback is loved and welcome!
This chapter is un-beta'ed. As my regular one is away for a few months working! Gonna miss you girl!
Thanks to jka1, SupernaturalGurl, fairyntoad14, skycandygirl, HoneyX5-452, MissCourtney002, lilbaby6688 & Rkhiara for your reviews!
I finally got this chapter done! I just hope you all like it!
Chapter 7
Dean and Sam sat in the Diner. Just as Sam took a drink of his coffee, Dean spoke.
"I wanna suck your cock." No expression, just a statement of fact. Sam sprayed coffee everywhere and gave Dean a shocked look.
"What?" Dean asked. "WHAT?"
"Dean! Watch what your saying! Someone might hear you."
"I didn't say anything!"
"Yes you did, you know what you said!"
"I didn't say a fucking word!"
"I heard you."
"Dude! I think maybe you're drinking too much coffee!"
"Whatever. I heard you."
"Pfffff." Dean said dismissively.
"I'll meet you at the car." Sam said frowning as he got up from the chair and walked out the door.
"Cack yer kecks!"
"What?" Sam asks as he's driving the Impala.
"What did you just say?"
"Cack yer kecks."
"What does that mean?"
"I dunno."
"Then why did you say it?"
"It sounded funny."
"Where the hell did that come from?"
"A book."
"YOU read a book?"
" Screw you!"
"Been there, done that, got the t-shirt."
"Yeah, one of my fucking best ones too, asshole."
"What the hell kind of phrase is 'Cack yer kecks'?"
"I like it, it's a good one."
"So is 'fuck you Dean'!"
"Do you know what happens to little brothers, that give shit to their older, wiser and sexier brothers?"
"They get an award?"
"Bitch! They get jacked!"
"This pregnancy is making you delusional."
"Bite me!"
"Yeah, but you love it." Dean grinned.
"You are a cocksucking, ass fucking, bastard!"
"Ok, that's it. I'm calling Dad!"
"And tell him what? I'm calling you names!"
"No, that you fucked you're pregnant brother and that you are treating him like a $10 dollar lay!" Dean pulls his phone out off his jacket and dials.
"Dean? Dean!"
"Hello Dad!" Dean says into the phone.
"Don't you dare!" Sam hisses.
"I've got something to tell you about your little boy, Sammy."
"Last night he..." Sam grabs the phone, he put it up to his ear, but hears nothing but dial tone, he hangs up. He looks at Dean furiously.
"Dude! You're face! It was priceless!" Dean is holding his stomach as he laughs heavily.
"You're a real asshole!"
"You look real sexy when you're pouting." Dean says seriously as he stops laughing and stares at Sam. "What? You do!"
"How about we stay the night, then head out tomorrow. We could have some fun. You, me and lube..." Dean wiggles his eyebrows.
"We have to stop the Witch Dean!"
"That's no fun." Dean huffed. "How about a blow job?"
"Oh come on Sammy. I have needs here!"
"I have the need to whack you, but you don't see me getting what I want!"
"Fine!" Dean folds his arms over his chest, sulking.