Cousin Sirius came to my house today. Cousin Sirius is always fun. Cousin Sirius sometimes brings Snuffles with him. Snuffles is fun too. Snuffles is a big, black, furry dog. Very fun too. I like Snuffles. Just like I like Cousin Sirius. But Cousin Sirius didn't bring Snuffles today. That made me sad. But Cousin Sirius brought friends! He brought Peter. Peter looks like a rat. I don't like rats. I don't like Peter either. Oh, and Cousin Sirius brought James and Lily too. James and Lily are really good friends. They were kissing alot. I went "EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW! You got cooties, Lily!" James and Lily and Cousin Sirius laughed. I didn't like it when James and Lily and Cousin Sirius laughed. But Remus didn't laugh. Remus is one of Cousin Sirius's friends. I like Remus. He's nice. Remus told me that James and Lily had gotten their cootie shots. I told him that that was good. Cuz cooties are no fun. And then I gave Remus a cootie shot. But it was kinda hard. Cuz I was giggling. Giggling is fun. It made everyone smile. I like making people smile. Then I kissed Remus, right on the nose. Cousin Sirius started laughing. James and Lily went "Awwwwwwwwww!" I didn't like it when James and Lily went "Awwwwwwwwwwww!" It made me feel like a little kid. Peter just sat in the corner like a rat. I don't like rats. Remus had a little smile on his face. Remus asked me why I kissed him. I says "Cuz I like you." He asked why again. And I says, "Cuz you're nice. You don't laugh at me." Cousin Sirius and James and Lily and Remus started laughing. Cousin Sirius started saying "Tonksie's got a crush!" over and over. Lily was giggling. James was patting Remus on his back and laughing real hard. Peter was looking like a rat. I don't like rats. And Remus looked shocked. And happy. And sad. It was weird. Then I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. Everyone started laughing again. I didn't like it. Then Remus told me that he was older than me. And I says that mommy is younger than daddy and I don't care. He says that he is too poor. And I says that I don;t care and that I'm poor too. He says no. I pouted. Then I went to the corner. I told him he was a meanie. Remus came over and says "Nymphadora-" and I says "EW! Don't call me that!" Remus says "Tonks, will you come back if I agree to be your boyfriend?" I says "OKAY!" I grabbed his hand and skipped back to the living room. Then Remus had to go. That made me sad. I says for him to come back soon. He says he will and he won't forget me. But Remus didn't come back. He forgot me.

Years Pass

But I never forgot him.


A/N: If this reminded you of a story that a four or five year old kid would tell, good for you! I tried to imitate the story telling style for this fic. I hope I mastered it well enough.

By the way, if you noticed that the story was ramble-y and sometimes off topic, that was the point. Four/Five year olds never tell a coherent story.

A/A/N: Originally written for a challenge on a HP board. Also, I like reviews. They are nice. So, it would make me very happy if you could drop one by.