Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Now then…to the story.

Just Want to be Loved

Shinji walked into the room, looking slightly disoriented. He appeared to be tired from the day's events. Though to the trained eye, one could tell that he was distressed about something else. Kaji heard the boy enter, but chose to keep reading the manual he was currently holding.

"Kaji." "Hmm?" "Kiss me." Kaji's head shot up as his book fell unceremoniously to the ground. "What?" Shinji looked at him with pleading eyes. "Kiss me." Still slightly taken aback, Kaji chose his words carefully. "I don't think you understand what you are asking me. You should get some rest Shinji, it's been a long day." Shinji grabbed a handful of the front of Kaji's shirt. "Please?" "Shinji..." "Please..."

Kaji was about to get up when he saw the demanding look in the younger boy's eyes. I can't do this. He is just a boy. Shinji's eyes slowly became glazed over with what would in moments to pass become tears. Shinji...

Kaji slowly pulled the boy in closer to himself, giving him a chance to turn back if he so chose. Seeing that the boy left his body in his arms, it looked like he wanted to follow-through. "I'm a dead man for this."

At first he pulled Shinji in for a very soft kiss, but was soon overcome by his own emotions. The boy was too delicious to pass up. He pressed his lips up against Shinji's with all the might he was brave enough to muster. He became quite demanding himself. At first he just wanted contact, but then much more.

He pushed his tongue up against Shinji's lips. Little more than a moan escaped the boy before he let Kaji have his way. Kaji let his tongue delve into the depths of Shinji's previously unexplored mouth. He found himself savoring the friction of Shinji's tongue against his own.

What was he doing? Initially it had been to calm the boy down, but that's not how things turned out. In the end it was all about what he wanted. He was slightly ashamed of his voracious actions with the boy. He reluctantly pulled away. "Shinji?"

"I just want to be loved. That's all I ever really wanted." "So you came to me?" "Is that too much to ask for?" Kaji rubbed Shinji's back, in what he hoped was a soothing manner. "No. Not at all." It appeared that those tears had fallen after all. He didn't know why, but it pained him.

Kaji had no idea how things took such a drastic change. At the end of the day he was left with a boy attached to his side, and a bitter-sweet taste in his mouth. He knew he was being selfish, but he would savor it. It was a moment he would etch into his memory, to look back to for all eternity.