Secret Arrangements


Personal Kinks

Al closed the door and watched as his brother stalked through the small apartment they shared. That had definitely not gone how he'd thought it would. None of it had. None of what he and Mustang had planned had gone right, and none of what he and Ed had planned had gone right.

It was all just a big mess, and now his brother was pissed... most likely there would not be sex tonight, which was very disappointing since he'd been looking forward to finally being with his brother...

Al watched as Ed stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. It only took a few seconds before he heard the shower turn on. Well, of course that made sense. He supposed he'd want to shower too if he had dried cum down his legs...

At that thought, Al chuckled a little and made his way to his bedroom. Now that they were home, and he could look back on what had happened, it was actually kind of funny. He'd never admit that to Ed, but it was.

Shutting the door to his bedroom, Al dug the bottle of lube out of his pants and tossed it on the bed before unbuttoning his pants and slipping out of them. He looked down at his flaccid penis before reaching down and fondling it a little. Suddenly the sound of bottles being thrown in the bathroom and loud curses met his ears, making him sigh heavily.


Mr. Happy had definitely had all the fun he was going to today.

Al raised an eyebrow and smirked. At least, all the fun he was going to have with Ed today...

Opening one of his drawers, Al dug under the pairs of boxers he rarely wore and pulled out a pair of white satin panties. He could already feel himself beginning to go hard at the prospect of putting them on and feeling them rub against him.

Pressing the panties against his face, Al breathed in deeply, letting the scent fill his nostrils, before quickly putting them on and digging a white, satin lingerie top out of the drawer. Normally he waited until Ed went to bed before putting any of this on, but with how mad his brother was, Al was sure he wouldn't see him again tonight. Slipping on the nighty, Al ran his hands over the smooth fabric, then lay down on his bed and closed his eyes.

Concentrating, Al spread his legs a little and rubbed the inside of this thighs. He tried to imagine what it would feel like to have Ed there between his legs, then moved his hands to the satin panties and rubbed them over his hard cock. He moaned quietly, then licked his lips before letting his mouth open for more air.

Leaving one hand to stroke himself through the thin fabric, Al brought the other hand up and rubbed it against the nighty covering his chest, letting his fingers catch on his hardening nipples. What would it be like to have Ed licking his nipples... perhaps even running his tongue over...

"What... the... fuck..."

Al's eyes burst open and he quickly turned his head to see Ed standing in the doorway with a towel around his waist.

"Brother..." Al whimpered in embarrassment. He hadn't even heard the shower turn off.

Ed's eyes roamed over him before he walked over to the bed. "You know..." Ed said evenly, then ran his hands over his face, then back into his damp hair. "You've been doing a fabulous job today in destroying the innocent image I had of you."

Al flushed, embarrassed at having been caught. He might have told Ed eventually, but he'd rather find out what he thought about something like this before telling him that he did it...

Ed reached down and plucked at the lingerie. "Where the hell did you get this?" Al opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off. "No, wait. Let me guess. Mustang."

"Well... actually..." He hesitated, then decided that Ed would probably find out everything anyway, so he might as well tell him. "Actually, Winry sent them to me..."

Ed's eyebrow twitched. "The automail whore gave you... Al... what the... Okay, you must explain this."

"The colonel did offer, but... I didn't want him to buy me stuff because then it wouldn't have ever been worn before..."

"Yeah, that's usually how it happens..." Ed muttered.

Al flushed even more and said quietly, "So Mustang sent Winry some money to buy me some. See, she gave me some before, but it wasn't anything new or anything..."

Ed's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Wait, wait... I'm missing something here." The younger teen muttered something and Ed said, "Say that again."

"I said... Winry wears them for me first... you know... er... um... like when she..." Al wasn't sure if he could say it. It was just too embarrassing to say out loud.

"Holy fuck!" Ed exclaimed. "You're telling me you like her to get her pussy juices on it before you wear it?! As in, you like her to get herself off in them?" Al silently nodded, not sure yet what to make of Ed's reaction. "Do you like, watch her to make sure she's really fucking herself too?"

"I have, yeah..." Al answered and to that Ed's eyes widened a little more.

"Fuck... It was a damn joke, Al..."

Al looked away, not able to take anymore of his brother's harshness. For a moment there was silence, then, "Sorry, Al. I guess I was just surprised... I guess everyone has their kink..." Al didn't think Ed sounded very apologetic, but it was probably the best he'd get. "So, uh... what is it about this that you like?"

Al looked back and said quietly, "It's soft, and well... I like to pretend that... you know..."

"That you're a girl?" Ed said, sounding surprised again. When Al nodded, Ed got a thoughtful look on his face. "I guess it makes sense," he said after a moment. "I mean, you do have a softer personality than... I just..." Ed pressed a hand against his eyes before glancing at Al again.

Al's heart beat quickly in his chest as he waited for his brother to say something. After a minute, Ed reached over and quietly ran a hand over the top, stopping on each side to pinch Al's nipples lightly.

"I don't like girls..." Ed muttered, before standing up and letting his towel drop to the floor. Al's eyes wandered down to stare at his brother's already erect penis. Ed moved toward him, rested one knee on the bed, and pressed himself against Al's side. Ed leaned in close and put his lips near Al's.

"I like guys, little brother." Ed stuck out his tongue and ran it lightly across Al's lips. "I like cocks. I like to touch them and feel them." At this Ed reached down and slipped his hand inside of the panties, and wrapped his hand around Al's erection. Al gasped and bucked his hips, thrusting himself into Ed's palm. Ed slowly pumped Al's length as he climbed on the bed and settled himself between Al's legs.

Slowly, Ed moved the panties down with his other hand so that Al's penis and Ed's other hand were showing. "You know what else I like to do to cocks?" Ed murmured with a smirk. Al shook his head and watched as Ed leaned forward and slowly licked the head of Al's cock; stopping to tease the slit with the tip of his tongue.

"Aaaah..." Al breathed and gripped the sheets hard.

Ed grinned and whispered. "That's right, little brother. You're not the only one who can give head. You're not the only one who likes to wrap his lips around someone's cock." At that, Ed bent down, opened his mouth and slowly slid his lips over Al's penis.

Al's mouth and eyes opened wide as he felt warm wetness engulf his erection. Ed bobbed his head once, twice, three times, before slowly letting his mouth move up and off his cock. Al's penis glistened wetly with saliva, and some dribbled from the corner of Ed's mouth down to his chin.

Ed gazed hard into Al's eyes, then bent down and ran his tongue wetly over Al's balls, then up the length of his shaft, then to the head as if he were licking a popsicle. He made eye contact again with Al before sliding his tongue back down Al's sex and to his balls and then to... Al gasped when he felt something warm and wet slide over his ass.

"What are you doing?!" Al exclaimed, then gasped sharply when he felt Ed's tongue push slightly into him. It felt so good, but... but… that was… you just didn't stick your tongue in there!

After a moment, Ed lifted his head up. "You know what else I like?" Ed asked smoothly. "I like pushing my cock into other guys. I like fucking them up the ass while jerking them off." Ed moved back, pulled the panties the rest of the way off, then reached over and snatched the bottle of lube. Al heard the cap snap open, then heard the sound of the gel being squeezed out. Moments later, Al felt a finger slide into him and he sucked in his breath.

"This is what you want, right?" Ed purred. "You wanted me to fuck you, right?"

Al nodded quickly. Yes, that was what he wanted. He'd dreamed of it, fantasized about it... He'd wanted it so bad, and he'd wanted Ed to be his first...

Bending down, Ed slid his mouth over Al's cock again as he slipped another finger inside. Al watched eagerly as his brother went down on him, moving his mouth slowly as he slid a third finger in. Al relaxed his body. He'd seen Ed's cock. He knew it was big... huge in fact, and he'd worked hard to get his body used to something that big. It always felt good, but it wasn't the real thing.

Ed's head came up as he stretched Al's opening. "You really are a little whore aren't you?" Ed asked in amusement as he pulled his fingers out. "I wasn't even sure you'd be able to handle one finger, but you were fine with three."

"Brother..." Al moaned, and thrust his cock into the air.

Ed smirked. "Beg me. Tell me you want it. Tell me to fuck you, to screw you. Tell me you want to feel me fill you up and cum hard inside of you."

"Brother," Al panted. "Please... I need it. I..." He blushed, but felt even more turned on by talk dirty. "Screw me... Fuck me hard..."

Ed's grin widened, and moment's later, Al felt the tip of Ed's penis touching his opening. "That's right. You're my bitch now, little brother."

Ed reached down and gripped Al's hips firmly before he started to work his way in. Al panted heavily, and he felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead. Ed slowly pushed his cock in and moved it back out a little before pushing it in a little more. Al moaned and licked his lips. Little by little, Ed filled him and he thought that nothing had ever felt so good.

Ed reached over and wrapped his flesh hand around Al's cock and began to stroke it slowly in rhythm to how he was pushing in. When Ed was all the way in, he stopped for a moment and Al watched as his brother looked him over. Finally, Ed bent in and took one of Al's nipples in his mouth and sucked as he began to thrust.

Al's eyes went wide at the stimulation of being fucked up his ass, given a hand job and having his nipple in Ed's mouth. It wasn't just how it felt, it was the sight of it happening too. Having his naked brother doing him like this brought him even closer to the edge. In desperation, Al moved his hips forward and back and gripped the sheets even tighter when Ed moved to his other nipple.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Brother! Ahhh, yes, more!" he moaned, then moved his hands to Ed's back. Ed's skin was slightly damp, though whether that was from the shower or sweat, Al didn't know. And really, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the pleasure, and blowing his load. He tightened his grip on Ed, but his fingers couldn't seem to find a grip.

"Brother! Ed! Deeper! Fuck me deeper! Harder!" Al moaned. He barely registered the sound of the mattress creaking beneath their moving bodies. More! He had to have it! Clawing desperately at Ed's back, Al suddenly felt a rush of pleasure in his groin and he gasped sharply when he felt himself cum.

His body sagged back and he watched as Ed released the nipple he was sucking on, moved back, and grabbed his legs before thrusting even harder.

"Al... Al..." Ed panted over and over, lost in his own pleasure, then moaned loudly as he reached his climax.

For a moment, there was no sound in the room except for heavy breathing. Ed's head hung down for a while before he glanced back up at Al. His eyes held the same uncertainty they'd had earlier when he'd learned Al was going to go down on him.

"Al...?" Ed murmured, then swallowed hard. "Is this... was this... really okay?"

Al smiled and held out his arms. That was so like his brother; to do something and think of the consequences after. Ed's lips quirked up and he moved to lay on top of him. Al glanced down at Ed's back and winced slightly at the red marks there. The beginnings of some bruises were already evident and there were also some scratches as well. Al made a mental note to cut his fingernails soon.

"Of course, brother," Al said, glad that Ed wasn't still angry. "This is what I wanted... Is it okay with you?"

Ed let his breath out slowly. "Yeah. It's just... It's just odd, I guess. I never thought about you this way, that's all."

Al reached up and stroked his brother's damp hair. "I've always thought of you this way, so don't worry. I've done enough wanting for the both of us."

Ed nodded, and moments later Al heard Ed's breathing deepen into the measured breaths of sleep. With another small smile, Al turned his head and kissed Ed's cheek before closing his eyes. Tomorrow, they'd plot and plan how to get the colonel back, but for tonight, he'd enjoy the afterglow of reaching his goal, enjoy having his brother in his arms. With that in mind, Al let himself drift off to sleep.