
Milliardo sighed, looking down at his stack of mail. He hadn't done much since WuFei had left. He moped around for almost a month, hoping that maybe Duo had told him a sick joke. "WuFei," he whispered, leaning back in his chair at the kitchen table. He sighed again, deciding that maybe he should go through it and at least find the bills that he had to pay before the month was out. He sorted quickly, picking up a beautifully handwritten letter. His eyes widened, that wasn't someone's handwriting that he knew very well. "WuFei?" He questioned it, almost wishing that his assumption were true, though he was sure it wasn't. He opened the letter, taking care not to tear the edges or rip anything but the very edges that had been sealed shut. He read it, tears coming to his eyes. He gripped the letter gently, pressing his head to the wooden table.

Milliardo felt the small tears start to press pass his eyelids and rush down his cheeks. He couldn't stop them as he stood and began to pull on his coat. He had to talk to Duo and Lady Une. "I hope you're home," he said, tucking the sacred envelope in the inside of his coat pocket to protect it from the harsh wind and light snow. "I'll get you to come back WuFei, I'll do what ever it takes to make everything right again."

A loud crash was heard as Milliardo turned around towards the door, glass falling inwards.

"What the hell?" he questioned, rushing over to find a brick on his hardwood floor. He picked it up, reading out loud what it said. "You'll die soon." Milliardo snorted, another kids trick. His eyes narrowed, he wasn't going t give up WuFei that easily. He pulled on his coat, thinking of how to take care of the broken glass. Finally he decided to get a piece of wood to jam in the vacant spot until he could get a replacement piece. He gave a nod at the makeshift job, hoping that no kids decided to punch it in, not that it would matter.

The wind outside was biting cold, it was the middle of November now, WuFei had missed Halloween, Milliardo noticed, remembering that Duo had had a little get together. Milliardo sighed, looking up at the cloudy sky, missing the warm weather. "I hope he's there." He shoved his hands in his pockets, hoping that would help his freezing fingers. "I hate cold weather!" He was aggravated the entire walk to Duo's apartment building, cursing the wind and the cold climate until the warmth of the lobby hit his face as he entered.

The elevator seemed to take longer than usual. Milliardo sighed; everything seemed to be so slow anymore. "Hurry up," he whispered, impatiently pushing the up button a few times. "C'mon. C'mon." A ding opened the door, two girls coming out, looking at Milliardo and giggling. He gave a nod as he stepped in, the girls still staring at him.

"Floor 4 Apartment H," one girl said, blowing a kiss to Milliardo. "I'll be back about noon. Wait for me stud." She giggled as the doors closed.

Milliardo nearly threw up. He hated women like that. He always hated when women would just presume that they were hot and that everyman would go for them in a heartbeat. "Nasty…" he whispered, shivering. He turned his attention to the one person he would wait years for. He thought of the other man, hoping that WuFei still thought of him. He hoped, the letter had been mailed to him last month; he'd just been too miserable to check his mail. "WuFei…." He sighed again, the doors dinging and opening to Duo and Heero's floor.

The hallways had holly and garland down them, giving everyone the spirit of the holidays that were fast approaching. He smiled; red and green were always perfect. He made it to Duo and Heero's apartment and knocked. "Duo, it's Milliardo, I need to talk to you. It's urgent," he said, hearing the fast footsteps and the sliding of locks.

Heero was the one to open the door, his cobalt eyes looking the other man over. "What is it?" he questioned, opening the door for Milliardo to enter. He shut the door and relocked the locks before telling him that Duo was in the shower. "He'll be out soon." He ran a hand through his hair, water flying everywhere.

Milliardo nodded, sitting on the couch, remembering it was the one that WuFei was sleeping on the night that he'd left. He felt his smile fade for a moment before coming back full force, the letter in his jacket making him happier than anything. "Have you seen Lady Une?" he asked, watching as Heero stretched out, his naked torso getting goose bumps from the cool air.

Heero shook his head. "Duo would know," he stated, sitting in the armchair next to Milliardo, resting his hands on his spandex covered legs. He looked over at Milliardo for a moment before looking down at his feet. "I've wanted to ask you something."

Milliardo was a little surprised, normally Heero didn't want to talk to anyone other than Duo, and that could be difficult at times. "Ok?" he asked, leaning back and crossing his legs: his ankle at his knee.

Heero sighed, his whole demeanor changing. "Did you ever take WuFei's hair down?" he asked, words coming out softly, his voice seemingly troubled.

Milliardo raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

Heero shook his head. "No reason."

"The answer is yes. I did once."

Heero closed his eyes, nodding. "Alright. Thank you," he said, looking up to see his lover at the doorway, amethyst eyes curious at the conversation they were having. He looked him up and down, the way the black long sleeved shirt seemed to cling to Duo's upper body and the black sweat pants seemed to make him look comfortable but sexy at the same time. He smiled; Duo's braid only half done.

"What are you doing here Milliardo?" Duo asked, finishing up before placing a tie to keep the braid in place. He plopped down on top of Heero's lap with a smile. "What's up?"

Milliardo couldn't help but smile. "Have you seen Lady Une first of all?" he asked, hoping that Duo had.

"She went back to space to get her things this morning. She'll be back in about a week," he said, stretching out before curling up in Heero's lap. He smiled as arms wrapped him up and lips were pressed to the top of his head. "Mmm."

Milliardo felt like he was interrupting. "He sent me a letter…"

Duo and Heero looked over at him, Duo moving to get out of Heero's lap only to fall to the cold-carpeted floor.

"He sent you a letter?" Duo asked, standing and sitting next to Milliardo. "What did it say? Is he ok? How's he doing?" He ran through every question he could before Milliardo could make a single noise.

Milliardo pulled out the letter. He opened it and smiled. "He didn't really tell me anything. It's more of a letter telling me everything he didn't tell me before he left," he explained, reading over the beautiful print. "He has beautiful handwriting."

Duo smiled. "Let me see," he said, taking the letter gently. He read it, a smile quirking his lips. "Can I read it out loud?"

Milliardo nodded.

"Milliardo. No matter what happens to me while I'm here I wanted you to know everything that I couldn't tell you. You make my heart race even as I think of you. My body feels excitement every time I think of our night. You're the only thing on my mind during the days I'm locked inside. No matter what Treize does to me now he'll never take away this spot in my heart you have. I hated you for so long, thinking you were trying to take the one thing that cared for me but I was wrong. You were the one that showed me what care was. You showed me what real love could be like. I will never see you again Milliardo but I wanted you to know that my heart is yours even if I die in this prison. My heart is enclosed to you. WuFei Chang," Duo read aloud, voice cracking and tears coming to his eyes. "Fei…" He gave Milliardo the letter back.

Heero moved to sit next to Duo and take him in his arms. He gave the boy a soft look. He caressed his lovers back with long soothing strokes before tipping his chin upwards to wipe the stray tears away. "Duo?" he asked, Duo resting his head on his chest.

Duo smiled. "He finally moved on. He doesn't love him anymore," he said, wrapping his arms around Heero and giving him a hug. "He's ready to leave that place."

Milliardo nodded to himself. He had to find away to get WuFei out of that house again. He felt his heart race against his chest. Had the letter been a confession of love? Had WuFei tried to say he loved him? He looked down at the beautiful handwriting. "Should I write back?" he questioned aloud, smiling down at the letter.

Duo looked up at Milliardo eyes bewildered. "If you mail it Treize could get it," he said, pulling away from Heero slightly and wiping his eyes.

Milliardo shook his head. "I was going to deliver it to him while Treize is gone," he explained, putting the letter in the envelope. He smiled, thinking of the other boy, and how much he felt alive when he was around. "I love him Duo."

Duo's heart stung. He knew that someone else would be able to love WuFei and one day WuFei would move on from their makeshift relationship. He gave a watery smile, knowing that finally the day had come that he wasn't going to be WuFei's rock any longer. "I know," he said, resting a hand on Milliardo's knee. "Take care of him. Please."

Milliardo nodded, looking over at Heero. "I should go. I don't want to interrupt you two any longer than I already have," he said, standing. He thanked Duo and Heero once more, his mind made up that he would fight to make WuFei his. He left only after promising Duo that he would take care of WuFei.

Duo sighed, closing the door. He rested his forehead against the door for a moment, arms wrapping around his waist. "He's moved on…." he said, turning to curl into Heero's arms. "I guess you were right all along."

Heero hugged Duo tighter. "I was wrong Duo," he said, tipping the other boy's chin to look up at him. "I was angry then but Duo…" He took a deep breath, moving closer to kiss Duo lightly on the lips. "I love you." A blush painted itself on his cheeks as he looked up at Duo.

Duo smiled, kissing Heero passionately. "I love you too Heero," he whispered, resting his forehead against Heero's. He felt his hair being moved, he watched as Heero rolled it in his hands and around his arm.

Heero smiled lovingly at Duo, pulling away just enough to take the long rope in both hands. He kept his eyes on Duo's as he pulled the hair band free gently and unraveled the long tresses. His heart gave a lurch, Duo's violet orbs filling with tears as he ran his fingers through the damp silky locks.

Milliardo made his way to the elevator in silence. Should he tell WuFei he loved him in the letter or wait until he delivered it? Should he even tell him at all? Would it scare WuFei away? Would it bring him closer? His head hurt thinking of all the possibilities. He just wanted WuFei to know that it didn't have to end like this. He wanted him to know that he could be loved without pain and he could be happy without Treize. "WuFei…" he sighed, rubbing his face with both hands as he entered the elevator.

He pressed the lobby button, the idea of WuFei with him again making him smile. "I have to tell him that I love him eventually. "I can't not tell him…." he said, the elevator stopping and opening on the third floor for a mousy looking guy to get on.

"Lobby please," he squeaked, pointing towards the lit button. He gave Milliardo a smile before turning to the corner and staying quiet.

Milliardo offered a smile, staying silent as well. He waited for the elevator to come to a halt, the other man waiting for him to exit first. "Have a good day," he said, giving another smile to the man. He was offered a nod and a smile too, showing that he didn't have many teeth and his face seemed a little bruised up. He turned and took the quickest way home. He had to get this letter written so he could take it to WuFei.

The door creaked open, WuFei looking out. He sighed in relaxation, Treize would kill him if he knew that he was eating behind his back but his stomach couldn't take any more starvation. He made sure not to eat a lot; just enough to make the pain of hunger leave him. He stepped out of the kitchen, looking around the house, wishing that there were something that he could do to stay busy while Treize was at work or out. He hated being indoors; he hated feeling like a trapped animal. He couldn't handle not being free. He looked down the hall at the door to the outside, he knew if Treize found out he would never see the light even. He sighed, this time in frustration.

"I don't want to be your slave," he whispered, angrily looking around at his home. He sat in the front room, pulling a throw blanket around him. He was getting chilly, even in his sweat pants and sweatshirt. "I hate the cold." He laid down, looking up at the sky light snow falling. "Beautiful." His eyes shut almost automatically, his mind taking over as his body began to rest. "Milliardo."

He dreamed of the other man, their days together, the idea of them being together again, this time WuFei would allow Milliardo to take him, make him feel wanted for more than sex. He woke soon after, knowing if Treize found him taking a nap he would be punished. He sighed, he was so pathetic; he just wanted someone to take care of him, someone with a gentle hand. He sat up, tears in his eyes. "Why you Milliardo, why not someone I can forget..." he asked, slipping off the couch and into another room, finding comfort in the silence and the memories he held dear while he was away.

WuFei made into one of their spare rooms, clean and lovely but empty. He looked over at the full body mirror. He looked over him. He'd gotten smaller. The right side of his face was bruised up; from his hairline down to his chin he was black and blue, Treize's handy work from the weekend. He pulled up his sleeves, showing his cut up wrists. He smiled some weren't just from Treize. His legs and torso were covered in bruises and cuts, all but a few from Treize. WuFei looked down, memories flooding him.

The door clicked open. WuFei hurried out to the front door. "Treize," he said, shock taking over. He gulped; there was another man on Treize's arm. Tears welled up in his eyes. "You're home…"

Treize nodded. "WuFei this is my secretary. Be nice to him. We're going out for drinks in a few, I probably won't be back so just eat and get some rest, that burglar did some work on your face."

"Burglar? Were you robbed Mr. Treize? Are you alright?" the other boy asked as he followed Treize into the kitchen.

WuFei felt tears start to fall. He was silent as he watched Treize leave, that look in his eye that he was going to get lucky. He heard the door shut and Treize tell him goodbye but his mind was gone. "He brought someone else home…" he whispered, breaking down, hands covering his face. He didn't want to believe his eyes, not yet, not when he still felt that Treize loved him some where in his heart. "You bastard!"

WuFei's eyes grew angry. "You bastard!" he yelled, standing only to fall to his knees, weakness setting in. He remembered that he'd only eaten once in the last week and a half. He felt his consciousness fade in and out, the day still young. "Maybe I'll die." He closed his eyes, hoping that for once Nataku would have mercy on him.

Milliardo sat at his desk, still looking at a blank page. He didn't know what to write down. He stared at the white paper, a border of gold leaves making it look important. He thought, unsure if he should just say it or skirt around the issue. He smiled, WuFei coming to mind and how he would react to his letter. His smile fell. What if WuFei slammed the door in his face or said that he didn't love him back and he was nothing? What if he went and Treize was there? Would he be putting WuFei in danger?

Thoughts and what ifs began to worry Milliardo. He stood only to sit again. "What do I tell you?" he questioned, looking down at the paper. He felt his head start to bang with the possibilities. He sighed, flipping the radio on next to his desk. He rocked back in his chair, glad he was in his room or else he would have the neighbors wondering what he was doing with the radio on in the middle of the day while he should've been at work.

A subtle song came on, causing Milliardo to think of everything he ever felt with WuFei. He smiled, tears coming to his eyes. His hand picked up the pen and began to write, telling WuFei everything he'd never been able to say aloud as much as he wanted to.


I have so much that I wanted to tell you before you left but I never could because I was too much of a coward. I have feelings for you that I could never explain. To be honest I want to be there when you need someone. I want to catch you when you fall. I want to be the one you need. I want to be there when you cry. I want to make everything better. You're the only one that gets me excited not only bodily but also emotionally. WuFei I want to be with you for the rest of this life and the next. But if you feel the same and you come back to me please never leave me and don't lie to me. WuFei I've been nothing but a mess since you left. Without you I'm nothing. WuFei, I love you. I love you more than the air I breathe and the world we live in. I've wanted to tell you for a long time but I can finally admit it to myself. I love you WuFei, now and forever. No matter what your heart tells you and no matter what you feel is right, I'll always love you and you'll always have my heart.

Now and forever,

Milliardo Peacecraft

Milliardo read it over. He smiled, he was sincere and it was the truth. He hurried to put it in an envelope and pull on his coat that he'd thrown on his bed. "Now you'll know how I feel," he said, shivers running over him. "Now you'll know."

He hurried down the stairs, flung open the door and stopped. What if Treize was home, it was almost six. He had to take the chance to at least get there and give WuFei the letter before Treize got home. He wouldn't be able to sleep that night if he didn't. He looked up, the snow starting to fall a little heavier. He noticed he'd never seen so much snow in November. He hurried down the street, taking turns and hoping that he got there before Treize.

He made it to the steps before stalling. He looked down at himself. His black jeans were fine, his red sweater fine, no stains or food residue. He looked at his feet, nerves taking over him. He looked up, hand coming to a light knock on the door. He waited, only to knock again.

"He's not in, he left bout an hour ago with some little blond guy. I don't think that his little maid's there either," one neighbor said, an apologetic look on his face.

Milliardo thanked him before digging in his pocket. "I'll just drop it off then," he said to the neighbor. "I get his mail sometimes." He gave a smile, pulling out his keys and slipping the right one in the keyhole. Before he could open the door a 'who is it?' was heard. He stayed silent, pulling his key out. He knew WuFei wouldn't answer it if he was there.

WuFei opened the door a crack, looking out. He caught Milliardo's eye before he ducked behind the door. He clawed at his neck he couldn't get it off. He couldn't get the collar that Treize got him off. "Go away!" he called, still clawing at it.

Milliardo felt his heart sink. "I… I just wanted to give you something," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his letter. "Can I come in for at least a moment WuFei?" He waited. He door creaked open just enough to allow Milliardo to pass through before it was shut.

WuFei was nowhere to be found. "Just leave it on the table and go away!" he called, his breathing heavy. "Just leave!"

"Is Treize going to be home anytime soon?" he asked, stepping into the warmed house, looking around for WuFei. "I just want to see you at least once. Let me see you and I'll leave you alone for as long as you want."

WuFei felt tears come into his eyes; he was covered head to toe in bruises, a black collar around his neck with a silver tag that read 'Property of Treize Khushrenada'. He tried to pull it off; it was one of the many presents that Treize had brought home for him to wear.

Milliardo sighed. "Please WuFei, just one more look."

WuFei stepped out from a room down the hall. He looked up at Milliardo, taking in the shocked eyes and for once he was glad that he was wearing long sleeves. He looked towards the ground. "You can't stay here," he said, turning to have his back to the other man. "Treize may come home or not."

Milliardo walked up to WuFei and gently pulled him to him. "I've missed you," he said, resting his face in the crock of WuFei's neck. He placed a chaste kiss there and pulled away. He pretended not to notice the black collar and the red ring around it. "Let me see your face WuFei."

WuFei shook his head. "Don't please," he asked, feeling his own body turn. He looked up into the blue eyes, his own onyx orbs full of tears. "Milliardo…." He fell into the other man's arms before starting to cry. He felt no weakness as he held onto Milliardo's sweater and cried silently.

Milliardo held the boy close, picking him up and carrying him into the large bedroom and setting him on the bed. He pulled his coat off and set it on the ground. He dipped down to touch his lips to WuFei's, feeling the other boy tremble. He felt WuFei pull away. He pulled back, apologizing for being so forward. "I'm sorry. I wanted to give you something, not make you uncomfortable. He reached for his coat, pulling out the envelope. "You sent me one, it was my turn to send you one."

WuFei took the sealed paper gently and opened it. He licked his lips nervously, almost wishing his heart would top beating so hard and he would stop hoping that Milliardo would love him like he did. He unfolded the beautiful paper, and began to read the slightly shaken words. He read silently, tears forming on his lashes as he closed his eyes and looked up. He leaned against Milliardo, his heart warm in his chest. He couldn't say that he loved Milliardo, not while he was in this prison. "Milliardo," he whispered, a hand coming to rest on the soft cheek. He moved closer, pressing his lips to the older man's.

Milliardo held WuFei close, not hard but firmly. His tongue began to probe for an entrance into the little mouth. He was granted access for only a few moments before WuFei pulled away suddenly. "WuFei?"

"You can't stay, he'll be home soon. He always comes home."

Milliardo nodded in understanding. "Can I come back? Can I see you again when he's gone?" he asked, taking WuFei's hands in his.

WuFei shook his head. "I can't. It'll put you in danger."

"I don't care about me WuFei. I can't be away from you. I love you," he said softly, looking deep into the shocked onyx eyes. "I'll do anything as long as I can see you."

WuFei felt his heart stop. He couldn't say no, not when he wanted to see Milliardo just as much. "He leaves for work at six-thirty. He comes home for lunch most days about one and he gets home from work between six-thirty and seven depending on the traffic. Some times he comes home randomly but he does that normally when he has a date that night…. Like tonight," he whispered, tears in his eyes again. As much as he wanted to hate Treize he still loved him and seeing that blond man on his arm still hurt just as much as it would have if it would have happened in the beginning.

"He brought someone home, while you were here?" Milliardo questioned, wrapping his arms around WuFei tighter. He held him, his heart beating in his chest, out of happiness of getting WuFei or the fact that it hurt for WuFei he wasn't sure. He kissed the top of his head, the silky stands tickling his lips. He pulled away and smiled, cupping the bruised cheek and placing a kiss to the tender skin of his cheek. "You're more beautiful than any other man or woman WuFei, now and forever."

WuFei felt his cheeks start to burn. The only one that ever told him he was beautiful anymore and meant it was Duo. "Milliardo," he murmured, touching the other man's cheek as he pulled him down for a gentle kiss. He pulled away with a smile. "You have to go, Treize will be home soon."

Milliardo nodded. He would be back tomorrow and with luck he could get WuFei to come back with him on his own. He took the younger man's hand in his and placed a kiss to the bare knuckles. "I'll be back soon," he said, leaving WuFei on the bed as he picked up his coat. "I love you," he said, kissing WuFei one last time on the forehead and leaving, his heart pounding in his chest.

He walked out, chest held out. He couldn't think of anything that could be better or put him in a better mood. He hadn't expected WuFei to say he loved him back but he just wanted the other man to know and be ok with it. He looked up, thanking the heavens. "Thank you," he muttered, thinking of his mother and father. He made his way back home, opening the door and almost dancing inside. He sighed, the wood still in place, but unsightly horrible looking. "Gotta get new glass."

He moved around his house, thinking of what it would be like the next time he went over, if WuFei would suggest coming back, if WuFei would be happy to see him. He hoped that everything would go fine. He sat at the table only to stand again, his mind starting to work over time on everything he could do for the other man.

WuFei sat there, his mind reeling. He sighed, pulling himself from the bed. Even in all the pain he was he felt like dancing. He smiled, walking over to the closet and opened the double doors. He sighed, his outfits, chains, toys. He hated them, every last one. He looked for the small shoebox he kept hidden under a loose floorboard. He hid his precious letter in there, placing a kiss to the envelope before replacing the board.

"WuFei!" came an angry voice.

WuFei shut the doors and hurried to the entrance, bowing at his master's feet. "Yes Master?" He stayed down, a foot colliding with his ribcage.

"Who was your visitor?" Treize asked, kicking him again, this time in the other side as WuFei rolled, trying to get back to his knees. He bent down, grabbing the boy by the throat, his eyes fiery.

"Milliardo was looking for you," he choked out, hands coming up to Treize's. "He wanted to ask you a question."

"Why was he in my house? How long was he here? Were you fucking in my bed too, you worthless little slut?" He yelled, yanking him up by his hair. "Answer me you filth!" Spit flew from his lips as he questioned and beat WuFei.

"He wanted to talk to you Master! He was only here a few minutes, I swear to you!" WuFei cried, bruises being hit only to cause double the pain. "I promise, you can check, I've been faithful, I swear to you!"

Treize thought at what WuFei had said, ripping his pants down and inspecting his bruised entrance. "Nothing… That doesn't mean he didn't use a condom you whore."

"I would be stretched out even if he had master. He didn't touch me, I swear to you," WuFei murmured, unable to bring his voice very loud. He hurt so badly. "You can check…"

Treize did just that, shoving a dry finger in the bruised orifice. He grinned at the pained cry. "I see you haven't lied to me yet. I'll be calling to see what it was he needed. Go change into your maid outfit and come out here."

WuFei walked away, everywhere hurting more than it had. Tears formed in his eyes, thinking that he was never going to be able to see Milliardo again without Treize finding out. He pulled down the black and white uniform, pulling it on. The long white socks came up to his mid thigh just below his black skirt, a small set of pink girls panties, the top was white and frilly with long sleeves and barely covered him. It was topped off with a white apron that tied behind him. He looked in the mirror, hoping that he would see someone else there, someone that didn't look like him.

Treize smiled, picking up the phone. He dialed Milliardo's number lightning quick, remembering when they had had their little fling. He heard it ring once, twice, three times until it was picked up with a quick hello. "What was it you wanted today?" he asked, leaning against the wall. "WuFei said you wanted to talk to me."

"Oh yes. I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night actually," Milliardo said, quickly thinking of something to tell Treize. He hoped the other man went for it.

"Why's that?" Treize asked dully. "Don't tell me you've had a change of heart and want me back." He watched as WuFei stepped out of their room, head bowed in shame.

Milliardo tried not to snort. "A friend wants to go out for drinks with you."

"You sure it's not you Milliardo that wants to go out and have drinks and fuck at the end of the night?" he asked, watching as WuFei got to his knees and how his shoulders seemed to hunch more than usual.

"I'm sure Treize. Be nice to him though, he's a virgin."

"Like you were?"

Milliardo was silent. "Is it a date?"

"It's a date." He hung up, and kneeled down, pulling WuFei's head to his crotch. "A dirty little maid should please her employer. Open wide," he cooed, unzipping his jeans and pushing his already hard manhood into WuFei's mouth. He shoved it and out, uncaring of WuFei's gagging noises or the tears in his eyes.

WuFei sucked, trying to keep Treize from trying to rip his throat. He didn't dare pull away or it would be another beating. He just kept up, pleasing Treize the best he could. He could feel that Treize was close before the appendage was taken from his mouth and he was pushed back, his back flat against the floor, Treize pushing himself in. He cried out, tears rolling down his cheeks as his entrance burned from being unprepared.

"Look at me." Treize slapped WuFei voice now firmer. "I said look at me you little bitch! Tell me this is how you want it. Tell me!" he screamed, grasping WuFei's hips harder and harder.

"I want it hard," WuFei whispered, trying to watch as the carpet moved beside him.

"Say it so I can hear you!" Treize growled, shoving in deeper and harder.

"I want it harder and faster!" WuFei cried, arms behind him, trying to keep his skin from getting carpet burn. He tried not to look at Treize; the once beautiful blue eyes now nothing but madness and hate. He tried not to cry out as he was violated. He just threw his head back, wishing he could see him and Milliardo grinding together, slow, sweet. He tried to imagine him and the other man curled around each other, bodies locked as he clung to Milliardo as they made love, his white blond hair falling over him, his hands tangled in the long locks, or perhaps fanned out over the pillows as Milliardo held him to his chest as he thrust up into him. He tried hard to think of them making love while Treize continually thrust into him ruthlessly.

Treize slapped WuFei across his face. "Open your eyes!" He grabbed the boy's chin as he slowed to a stop. "Don't close your eyes and don't start thinking of someone else. You belong to me! No one else would want your worthless ass. You're nothing but a whore, a good fuck WuFei. No one is ever going to love you!" He started again, this time twice as hard. He smiled, his path becoming slipperier. He felt the warm liquid around him. "Your blood makes a good lubricant."

WuFei looked down at the floor to one side. Tears were leaking freely, Treize was right, why would Milliardo want someone like him, someone so dirty, so ugly, so defiled. "Treize," he gasped, tears thick and his voice cracking. He looked up into the blue orbs and tried to talk. "I… I love you… Treize…." His vision was blurry, tears causing him to loose focus.

Treize sneered. "Are you expecting me to say it back?" he asked, thrusting deeper now, close to coming inside of WuFei.

WuFei froze, it was now or never, Treize would finally say that he loved him, in his own little sick way. "Please master," he whispered, looking up into his lover's eyes.

Treize smiled as sick smile. "I'll tell you if you give me a good fuck, I'll tell you when we've been together for four years. Will that suffice?" he asked, grabbing WuFei's hips none to gently. He smiled at the nod he was given. "Good."

WuFei waited for it to end, for Treize to finish inside of him, his mind still off somewhere else with someone else. He looked up; beads of sweat rolling down Treize's temples. He started to remember what it had been like. Treize would always be on top, he would grip his left hip as he was stroked in time. Those blue eyes would be locked on his as they kissed and when sweat started to run down his temples Treize would pull WuFei to him, making it so WuFei was riding him while he was sitting on their bed and thrust his tongue into his mouth and fervently start kissing him as he came inside, hand moving quickly until WuFei finished as well.

Treize started to pull WuFei up, thinking twice. He'd done that back when he loved the boy, not now, not when he was nothing more than a doll. He lifted the hips up a little more, his forehead crashing down to rest on WuFei's chest as he came inside, the first time in years, WuFei's name on his lips.

WuFei felt Treize's hand still moving, fulfilling his pleasure once more like he used to, making WuFei come in no time. "Treize!" he cried tangling his hands in the cinnamon locks and hanging onto him. He pulled away, resting on the floor, almost feeling like he had before Treize had started hurting him. He felt Treize pull out of him gently and walk away.

"Get dressed and go to bed," he commanded, zipping his pants and walking off. He turned the corner, looking himself in the mirror. He sneered. "Pussy."

WuFei tried to move, body too heavy. He sat up slowly, his hips shooting pain through out the rest of him. He looked for his pants, pulling them on, wishing Treize hadn't come inside. He felt Treize's seed and his blood oozing out of him, tears holding to his lashes as he crawled to the bed. He got in and covered up, the door slamming and Treize yelling that he would be back later. He sighed, another lover….

The rest of the night WuFei thought of how wonderful Treize had used to be. He waited, finally falling asleep as the sky started to lighten. He dreamed of Milliardo but his mind worked over Treize. He awoke alone, sticky and slimy. He looked around, pulling himself from bed, hips sore from the night before, like most of his nights. He made his way to the shower, almost worried about Treize, he never stayed out for more than a few hours.

WuFei showered, slowly allowing his muscles to relax and ease some of his pain. He let the water run over his back as his hands supported him against the tiles. He sighed, turning off the water, sure that all the soap was gone. He winced as he toweled off and dressed.

"Master?" he asked, looking around the house, calling out to the other man. He narrowed his eyes, thinking about every time that Treize had left him for someone else's arms but he always came back before morning to at least change and go to work. He looked outside, the jeep gone too. He was beginning to get worried, Treize had been acting weird the night before, finishing him and trying to do their pose again, he hadn't done that for almost two years. He sat on the couch, thinking of where he could be, the doorbell causing him to jump. "Who is it?" he called, making sure his hair was up before going to open the door, Milliardo standing there.

"Morning," he greeted cheerfully, a bag in hand. "I brought some breakfast for you. I remembered that Duo brought you waffles while you were in the hospital and you liked them."

WuFei motioned for him to come in, the metal tag of his collar hidden underneath his sweater neck. "Treize is missing," he said, the other man going straight to the kitchen and setting the food on the table.

Milliardo sighed. "He called last night about three, him and one of my co-workers are holed up in some hotel. I had to set him up with someone, to keep up the lie," he said, taking the smaller body in his arms and dipping down to kiss the boy's cheek. "I'm sorry I got you in trouble."

WuFei relaxed into the touch, Milliardo's hand running from the base of his neck down to his lower back in soothing long strokes. "Milliardo…" he whispered, looking up into the ice blue eyes. He watched as the smile faded into a frown. He reached up to kiss Milliardo's lips lightly.

Milliardo smiled, pulling WuFei closer, noticing that he jerked in pain a few times. "He hit you again," he whispered, slipping his hands under the long sweater to rest on the jean clad hips.

WuFei didn't answer, he didn't want Milliardo to worry anymore than he had. "I'm fine," he said, pulling away, his ears picking up the roar of an engine. "Treize!"

Milliardo's eyes widened, taking WuFei's hand and leading him into the living room, sitting on the couch, WuFei standing in front of him a few feet away. "When he comes in I'll be asking you if you had seen him and that I just wanted to talk to him. I don't know what he'll say. I'll try to keep you out of as much trouble as possible." He gave a comforting smile. "Ok?"

WuFei nodded. He waited for the door to start to open, Milliardo firing questions off at him.

"So he's not here?" Milliardo asked, crossing his legs, resting his hands on them. "Well ok, I guess I'll be going then."

WuFei shook his head. "Sorry," he said, the door opening to show his lover a wreck. "Treize?" he asked, hurrying over to him, his shirt torn and his upper lip busted. "Are you ok?"

Milliardo turned. "Hey, what happened to you?" he asked, standing to help the older man sit down. "I know Otto couldn't have done that."

Treize sighed. "Don't worry about it. What are you doing here?" he asked, looking over at WuFei then Milliardo. "What do you want?"

"I just came to see how the date went, I was told you called him last night instead."

"Well it wasn't as good as ours but it wasn't bad. He was defiantly as naïve as you were your first time," he said, resting his head back, covering his face with one hand. "Do you remember?"

Milliardo's eyes were wide, there were some things he didn't want WuFei to know and one was that Treize was his first real lover. "Treize…"

"I remember, you laid there so open and ready, you came four or five times. You were so tight," Treize said, voice softening, memory taking over.

Milliardo didn't say anything; his eyes adverted from WuFei who he knew was looking at him. He tried to say that he didn't want to remember before Treize started again, this time in detail.

"You moaned my name, you hair was spread out everywhere." He chuckled. "You even moaned for more, for it to be deeper. I bet you never told anyone that I was your first, at everything."

Milliardo felt tears start to build behind his lids. He looked up at WuFei the other boy's eyes downcast on the carpet.

WuFei didn't want to hear any of it. He didn't want to think of his lover and Milliardo together, knowing that was the reason he'd hated Milliardo for so long. He tried not to think of it, he tried not to envision everything that Treize was saying. He didn't want to see Milliardo underneath his lover, moaning his name, telling him he wanted him and only him.

"You were such a good lover. I loved you for a long time, even after you left."

WuFei's heart lurched, Treize had never said he loved him but he admitted openly that he'd loved Milliardo. He wanted to run, leave it all behind and fall into Duo's arms like he used to. Tears came to his eyes, Duo would never look at him again, not after what he'd said before.

Milliardo sighed. "I have to go. I just wanted to know about the date… I hope you and Otto go out again. Bye." He turned to WuFei, wanting to say goodbye but only noticing the pain in the onyx eyes. He turned and left, leaving WuFei standing there.

WuFei looked up, Treize sleeping there on the couch. He moved closer, placing a kiss to his forehead. "Goodnight. I… I… I love… you… even… if you never loved… me," he whispered, trying not to hiccup. He walked away knowing that he would never see Milliardo again, not after finding out.


(A/N): Well this chapter was rather dark, had a lot of adult themes but not too explicitly written. I finally know what I want to happen but I'm still working on the middle area. I hope that this chapter wasn't too bad. I really don't have much to say, it's 3 AM now and I'm exhausted so this A/N has a lot less in it. The title is Pages by Three Doors Down, which made me go with the love letter idea, corny but effective for the purpose. Thanks for reading. Ja.

(A/N) 2: Well so I'm updating every week for a while until I run out of chapters or the story is finished. I have the insperation to start again so the chapters are just flying out no problem right now. I hope everyone isn't too upset that I've been slacking. So here we go. Next chapter next Saturday! Ja.

JacktheSinister_Jake theJust