Yay! DomekixWatanuki fluff! Rejoice!
Watanuki liked the cold. If he was cold, it was always a simple matter of putting on another blanket or sweater. Of course, because of his startling inability to just put on a coat when he was a child, he had grown rather immune to the cold and usually required very few blankets at night.
That, annoyingly enough, was no longer the case. Recently, his regular few blankets were no longer enough. He would wake up late at night and toss and turn, curling up in search of his lost warmth. He would consider getting another blanket, but he could never bring himself to abandon his small patch of warmth (inefficient as it was.)
He would lie in bed, miserable and tired, wondering why he was so cold.
But then Domeki would come back from the bathroom, crawl back into bed and wrap his long arms around Watanuki, surprisingly warm for his cool exterior.
Suddenly, it wasn't quite so cold anymore.
Wrote this when I was freezing in bed one morning. Heh. Fun times, eh?