Eh? You thought it was finished didn't you? Hmmm? Well there's just a epilogue, Ha!

I'll be quiet...



The blond android lifted her head to face her brother.


"Well ... do we Androids have emotions?"

She smiled at her brother, then burst out with cold, hard laughter.

"Of course not 17, why would you think such thing?"

He looked down then gave his sister a side way glance.

"Oh, just thinking. I mean we can laugh and you know have fun - 18 gave him a cold smile- so don't we have other emotions?'

18 stared at her brother for a moment then laughed silently, he was to much 17. Too -well- human.

"Why 17, worried that your turning into a human?"

She said the last word with a malicious tone that made 17's skin crawl.

"No, dear sister. Just wondering, you know curiosity, intelligence. Not that you'd have any."

Putting her hands on her hips she glared at her brother, blue eyes dancing with fire.

"Shut up 17, well at least I'm not sympathising with humans"

17 gave her a sharp glare from beneath his curtain of black hair.

"Who said I was sympathising with Humans, besides 18 weren't you just showing emotion just then? Anger is an emotion isn't it?"

She face faulted then quickly regained her composure. She wasn't about to be bummed out by her annoying and to-intelligent-for-his-own-good brother!

"Oh be quiet 17 I don't have to go along with this childish fight, I'm going to go and blow some innocent humans. Goodbye!"

And with that she turned on her heel and flew off.

"Hey sis"

18 turned around at the sound of her brothers voice.

"Can I come?"

She smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, whatever 17"

The End.

THATS IT! Hope ya enjoyed it!

Finished! Thank you reviewers and people who helped. God I feel like an oscar winner, oh well good readin to ya.