A drabble from CCS Movie 2 – from when Sakura finds out that she has to give up her 'most precious feeling' to capture the card, and up till the end. It's short. It's a drabble. It's a one-shot.

Enjoy. –heart-

(And I might turn this into a collection of one-shots/drabbles)


i. his smile


There's this aching in your heart.

You have no will to make it go away.

You ache because you've given your heart to someone and asked for nothing in return.

Although he's already told you before how he felt, and now it's your turn, but you're always too nervous, too scared, and you hate yourself for being so.

And now there's this aching because your heart's going to be taken away.

You're going to lose this precious feeling of yours.

And it hurts more because it seems like he doesn't care.

There's a time that you can recall where you witnessed a world without love and feeling. It was an empty world.

A lonely world.

A cold, cold world that you didn't want to be apart of.

And you're scared because you don't ever want to be apart of this empty, lonely, cold world.

Then time comes for your heart to be taken from you, and instead, you see his being taken away.

And it hurts more.

And you ache more.

And everything inside you feels like it's shattering.

Even when he smiles at you, it still hurts, it still hurts.

And you believe his heart's gone forever.

So you cry.

And you ache.

And though you're too late, you tell him how you feel, how you've always felt.

And you can't bare to look at him. Because it hurts.

He looks at you.

And he smiles.

And you realize he still has his heart.

The aching stops then.
