Seduce Me, My Lustful Pharoah

Chapter Five

Torturous pain, sexual drive, intense pleasure…

It hurts often. The memories that I can't seem to erase. They flash in my mind like lightning. I don't remember much about what my parents looked like, I don't even remember why they abandoned my brother and me. I don't dwell on that part of my past. Not anymore anyway.

And then Yami came, or should I say Atemu. He was something new, fresh. So alive and vibrant. I don't know what his true intentions are if he even has them. Maybe he does just want to be with me, without a price. But it's so hard for me to believe that. Everyone has always wanted something from me.

Why is it so hard to trust? You always trusted everyone brother. You trusted me and look where it got you. Why? Why did I kill you?

The bottle of whiskey was running low, but Kaiba didn't seem to notice after going through two others. Drinking had become a priority everyday after returning home from work. The masnion was so quite, nothing seemed to fill the empty holloness that seem to always reside there.

Mokuba used to play the piano. He would play at night, so when I got home, there would be music in the house, and it would seem alive. He wasn't very good, I never told him that though. But even though he was the best I had ever heard. Maybe because he was my little brother. Maybe I just felt sorry for him. I don't know. God damn fucking son of a bitch, why can't I think clearly?

Kaiba lifted the bottle to his lips, thought he was drinking but after a few seconds he held the bottle up, shook it and releaized it was empty.

"Fuck." the word was muttered in frustation. But he stood and walked down the stairs with a drunked gait. He stumbled to the kitchen fumbling for the light, finally finding it.

"Godamn light, tear this whold fucking place down if I have to. Fucking light never where it's supposed to be." Kaiba continued to curse as he tried to find a bottle of his favorite drink. "Found you you son of a bitch." his head suddenly felt light headed so he leaned against the counter. He laid his top half of his body on the cold stainless steel counter, savoring the feel.

He groaned and mangaed to pop the bottle cap off, bringing the neck to his lips. He took a deep gulp before making his way out of the large kitchen. He brought a foot up to the first step, but stopped and stumbled backwards.

There was a knocking on the door. He took another swig of the drink and walked to the door. He mangaed to get the locks undone, not bothering to ask who was there. He opened the door, closing his eyes as a wave of nausa washed over him.

"I leave you for two days, I go to your office, they tell me you havent been in. I search everywhere for you, don't find you. I come here, practally every hour on the hour, no answer. So now I come at eleven o clock at night and what do I find? You drunk."

"Do you have to nag? You sound like a goddamn bird. Squak, squak, squak. Never shut up." Kaiba turned around, nearly tripping on his own feet.

"Dear god." Atemu grabbed Kaiba's arm and pulled him up the stairs and to his bed. "give me the bottle Seto."

"No. It feels funny in here or is that just me?"

"It's freezing in here. When was the alst time you turned on the heater?"

"Dead cold. Lovely." ANother gulp was taken from the bottle.

"I thought we talked about this Seto."

"Who's Seto?"

Atemu sighed, and bent down retrieving the other bottles from te floor. "Goddamn it Seto." he muttered.

"Go to hell you…you, whoever the hell you are."

"Can't even remember my name. and no I'm not going anywhere until you sober up."

Kaiba suddenly exploded. "Get the fuck out of my house!" Kaiba threw the half full bottle across the room, where it shattered against the wall, the drink splashing all over the place. The shatter ogf the glass was deafening in the deathly quiet house. "I don't need you here! God damn it! Now I have to get another fucking bottle."

"No you are not, get in the goddamn bed."

"Fuck you bitch! You're the one trespassing! I'll just call the cops." Kaiba grabbed the phone from the bed side table and started dialing numbers in the phone, not even knowing what he was hitting. "Fucking numbers, where's the nine?" he was stunned and confused when the phone was wrenched from his fingers and he was slammed back on the bed.

"I'm not going anywhere and you are not drinking any more whiskey. It's going to kill you."

"What the fuck do you care? No one cares. No one ever will." Kaiba rolled over and off the bed. He growled as he picked up a Chinese black vase and threw it across the room, where it to shattered against the wall, the sound echoing. "I hate this fucking place, it's always so fucking quiet. Nothing here." another glass item was thrown at the walls making noise in the house. "Nothing here, nothing here."

A lamp was ripped from the wall and tossed in the corner where the bulb and glass were broken up. "Fuck everything, fuck you, fuck my brother, fuck life, fuck fucking everything." He pulled the picutes from the walls and tossed them over his shoulders where they crash landed on the ground, not bothering to stay together. He tossed one out the window, only taking a second to admire the now broken window.

He grabbed the small table by the rocking chair and slammed it into his plasma screen tv. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." he repeated the words as he fell to his knees, energy now exhausted. His voice was now raspy and lowered to nothing more than a mere whisper.

Atemu made his way around the glass without stepping on anything or making one sound. He lowered himself down and pulled Kaiba into his arms. Resting Kaiba's head against his chest.

Tears began to slide down Kaiba's eyes, as he pushed his face in Yami's chest, trying to find safety.

"That's it baby, that's it." Atemu's murmured softly. "Shhh…"

Kaiba's eyes closed and sleep over took him.

Authors Note

I apoligize for the wait, I was having difficulty with my internet