I wrote this story a few years ago. I decided to rewrite it (2/11/10)

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its characters


"You have a visitor." A nurse said from just beyond his door. No answer was heard inside. The door creaked open slightly and a foot attached to a blue jump suit stepped inside. It only took a moments glance to tell who it was and it was clear that he was alone.

Of all the people to visit. The idiot comes to see me.

The "Idiot" or Kuwabara stepped inside. He was alone and the door was closed behind him. Judging by the sour look on Hiei's face he could tell that the little demon was not thrilled to see him. "Psh, well look a you." He said. "You're a mess."

His comment didn't strike a positive cord with Hiei. "The hell did you come here for?" He growled. "To antagonize me?"

Kuwabara looked down at Hiei who was glaring back at him from the bed. "Actually, no." He replied.

"Then why are you here?" Hiei asked.

"Well, because you're here." Kuwabara replied, receiving a questioning look from Hiei. "Hey look, if one of my pals is in a dump like this then im not going to sit back and let them rot here all by them self." He took it upon himself to take a seat on the bed next to Hiei. He smiled at him, a wide smile that somehow brightened the dank, boring room.

Unfortunately it did little to lighten Hiei's mood.

Kuwabara's smile faded. He could understand Hiei's sour mood. In a way he never expected to brighten it. "Well here, I got this for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white envelope. "Its a card." He said, handing it to the fire demon.

Hiei removed the card from the envelope. It was colorful and read "We miss you." on the front of it. Although he knew what it was and what it said he seemed puzzled by it.

"It's a human thing. We give cards to our friends and family. Shows them we care." Kuwabara explained.

Hiei still didnt quite understand it. He opened the card. Inside were comments and signatures. Kurama, Boton, Koenma, Kuwabara of course, Yusuke, even Yukina. The longer Hiei stared at the card the more he began to drift off into his thoughts. The thing that broke him from his trance was the sound of Kuwabara getting to his feet. Hiei turned his head, watching the much taller, red-headed male stretch. He got the feeling that Kuwabara was going to be on his way out. And he was right.

"Well shorty, I got to go." Kuwabara said. A comment which Hiei did not appreciate. "I'll come back tomorrow. We'll eh.. pal around and stuff." He said and left.

The room became instantly silent. Hiei stared at the door even long after Kuwabara had left. He didnt like this silence. It was a cold, lonely quiet. Perhaps Kuwabara's visits would turn out to be a good thing after all.

End of chapter one :}