Sora: Congrats. And this story makes four.

Kairi: Quit making so many stories at once. You're gonna have a hard time.


Sora: Well, technically, since you write stories starring us, you do.


Kairi: Discaimer: Khknight doesn't own shit.

Sora: On with the show.

Khknight -snap dancing- Lean wit it, rock wit it...

Moon And Sky

Chapter 1 All New

Kairi opened her eyes and sat up. She yawned, jumped out of bed, and headed to her shower. After finishing her business, she walked to her closet. She chose and put on a small pink collar shirt, a black shirt under it, a pair of tight jeans going as low as right below her knees black belt, and a pair of white Phat Farm sneakers(she's one of the 'popular' kids, sue me). She ran down stairs to find her mom making breakfast.

"Morning mom" Kairi greeted. Her mom turned around and smiled.

"Morning sweetie. What do you want for breakfast?" she asked. Kairi sat at the table, across from her dad who was reading the newspaper.

"Just toast with some orange juice." she requested sweetly.

"Make that 2 please honey." her dad replied after he put down the newspaper. Kairi's mom served the food and they ate. Kairi's dad picked up his suitcase and headed to the door.

"See ya dad." Kairi replied.

"Later honey." Kairi's mom added.

"Bye." Kairi's dad replied out the door. He closed the door as Kairi finished her orange juice. She could hear the car starting and driving away as she brought the dishes to the sink. She grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"Bye mom. I'm off to school." Kairi replied as she grabbed the doorknob.

"Have a good day at school sweetie." Kairi's mom replied as she washed the dishes while watching a soap opera. Kairi walked down the street, listening to her iPod Nano as she looked for her friends. She finally caught sight of them.

"Guys!" she called out. Her two friends turned and smiled. Kairi ran after them as they slowed down.

"Hey Kairi." Namine greeted.

"Hi! Hi!" Rikku greeted eagerly. Kairi shook her head.

"Did you have that cereal again?" Kairi asked.

"Nope! I'm just excited today. I heard that there's this new guy coming to school. Word's gone around that he's cuuuUUUuute!" Rikku explained. Kairi raised an eyebrow and Namine put her hands behind her head.

"Rikku, when will you learn? Every single rumor you tell us isn't true. How are we supposed to know it's real this time?" Namine asked. They walked onto their campus.

"Like this!" Rikku answered. She pointed at the principal's office. Kairi and Namine looked straight at it. A tall, spikey-haired boy was on his way to the principal's office. He turned around and took a breath. He turned around to his previous direction and entered. Kairi and Namine had their jaws open as Rikku squealed.

"OOOooh! He's so cute!" Rikku squealed, jumping up and down.

"He looks nice. He's cute, but he doesn't look like my type." Namine replied. Kairi shrugged and walked inside their school. Namine, Rikku, and Kairi walked up to their lockers, opened them, grabbed their stuff, and walked back outside. There, they found Tidus, Riku, Yuna, and a bunch of other kids. They sat and talked.

"Hey, new kid." Riku replied, pointing at a boy walking inside their school.

"We know." Namine replied. Riku raised an eyebrow. The bell rang and they walked to their classes.

Free Period

The popular group sat on the bleachers of the track field. They talked and ate their breakfast from the cafeteria. Kairi stared into the sky. She looked down and saw someone sitting under the bleachers. She lowered her head to take a closer look. It turned out to be the new kid. She shrugged and continued eating.

"Hey Kairi, you okay?" Tidus asked.

"Yeah, everything's okay." Kairi replied blankly.

8th Period

Kairi sat in her Geometry Class, the only class where she didn't have any friends. The bell rang as a spikey-haired boy walked into the room. Kairi immediately sat up in shock. The boy walked over the teacher's desk and gave her a piece of paper. She shook his hand and pointed her finger to a desk. Kairi stared at the boy as he walked to a desk. To her surprise, he sat next to her. She sat silently as her teacher took attendance. Her teacher passed out a worksheet and the class got to work on it.

Good, it's all review from yesterday. I really need to get some help and a good distraction from this guy. Kairi thought. She silently worked on the worksheet.

"If you're wondering what my name is, it's Sora." the boy suddenly said. Kairi looked at him and he looked at her. He looked at her with no emotion, none at all. Kairi gulped and turned back to her work. She and Sora worked silently for the rest of the period. The bell rang and everyone gathered their stuff. She went outside and waited for Namine and Rikku. When they finally arrived, they walked and talked to their street. They waved good bye and went inside their homes. Kairi did her homework, ate dinner, and went straight to bed. However, she didn't go to sleep. She just kept on thinking. Finally, she went to sleep, stuck dreaming about the boy.

Khknight: WEEEEEEE!

Sora: Still hyped about the dance the other day?

Khknight: -hopping up and down- WOOF!

Sora: I'll take that as a yes.