The Forgotten Past

Revelations Part I

Chapter 6

Kaoru glanced from one direction to the other. This was definitely the strangest and infuriating time in her life. Furthermore, she couldn't even blame Kenshin; everything that was transpiring to her was because of her. Kaoru looked back at a frozen Tokio who currently was staring at her husband with look of utter surprise, behind her stood two dark silhouettes, which had currently turned mute since they revealed their hidden position. "Well," said Kaoru finally, as the minutes seem to stretch. "Shall we go inside the dojo?"

Saitou let out a stream of smoke transferring his cold amber eyes over to Kaoru. "That will be an ideal task, but don't open the door yet, the idiot Battousai is about to join us." He turned his attention back to his wife.

The dojo's back gate opened quietly as Kenshin appeared with sword drawn. "I do not know who you are; but in Kaoru-dono's absence, I will allow no harm to come to her home." He stiffened as he recognized the kis and forms of Saitou and Kaoru. He sheathed his sword turning to glance at the dojo's mistress. "Kaoru-dono," Kenshin said with a touch of uncertainty. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but he knew his touch was unwelcome by her feral personality. "How did you get out of jail?"

"You can thank my wife, Battousai," replied Saitou as he threw his cigarette down stamping out the weak flame. He gestured to the female still clasping Kaoru's forearm. "She is a woman of many hidden talents and one of them includes breaking murderers out of jail." He waited for his wife to rise to the baited statement.

Tokio remained taciturn but a flicker of pain flashed in her eyes.

"I am not a murderer," screeched Kaoru. "How many damn times do I have to tell you? I've never killed anyone in my entire life." A picture of a wakizashi slashing through person after person flashed quickly in her mind. Well, she wasn't a murderer on what she remembered. Saitou wasn't psychic, so he couldn't have known about her waking up in a bloodied kimono.

"As I informed you Kamiya Kaoru," responded Saitou, sneering at the young female. "I have a witness who says otherwise and my trust in him is without fail."

Kaoru glared at police officer. It didn't matter what she said; he wouldn't believe that she had nothing to do with any murder. She was getting damned weary of defending herself about a murder she didn't commit. Her head began to throb incessantly. The pain felt like someone repeatedly pricking at her inside her skull with a sharp tool. "Mou!" her head fell forward as she rubbed vigorously at her forehead. Her hair fell free from its ribbon to cascade around her face becoming a black curtain. Her breathing began to speed up with the aching in her head. Her vision blurred; the voices around her became muffled tones.

"Kiiroi-sama." Tokio leaned forward grasping Kaoru around the waist trying to support her weight without taking her eyes off her husband or the Battousai. "What's wrong?" Tokio leveled angry eyes at her husband. "What did you to her?"

Saitou arched a regal ebony brow as he stared at the Kamiya girl in his wife arms. "I haven't done a thing to the Kamiya female...yet." He was mildly surprised but he refused to let the emotion cross his face. Observing the Kamiya female writhe and moan in his wife's arms reminded him, that during his interrogation the Kamiya girl had began vigorously rubbed at her forehead before she asked him for a short break.

Kenshin watched Kaoru double over in pain. He badly wanted to rush to her but he knew what was about to occur. He'd seen it enough. This transformation had engraved itself permanently in his memory. Her head began to throb; she rubbed vigorously at her forehead, while her eyes would close and then they would assume a blank hollow look, and other persona would control Kaoru's body. "Kaoru-dono," he whispered. It tormented him that he couldn't be the one comforting her.

Kaoru's groaning halted. She shook off the supporting hands of Tokio and glared at Saitou. "Listen, you cop prick," spoke the harsh voice that Kenshin knew all to well. "I haven't fuckin' killed anybody in a while, so why don't you back off and leave that topic alone, before I decide to kill you."

Saitou lifted a brow as he inspected the female before him she was not the Kamiya girl he was conversing with earlier. This was a new persona. He prided himself on not being easily shocked, but he was startled nonetheless by the sudden swift change in personalities. He was grateful he'd long ago developed a strong control over his outward emotions. He studied the darkened blue eyes and the harsh demeanor that seemed to cloak her body. It didn't escape his attention that Kaoru kept darting her eyes back and forth. "Who are you?"

Kaoru sneered. "Have you suddenly gone stupid? I'm Kamiya Kaoru. I'm also known as--"A whimper fled past her lips as Kaoru dropped to the ground in a heap.

Kenshin and Tokio rushed forward as Kaoru collapsed to the ground. Kenshin had stood still not wanting to draw any attention to him when Kaoru's less than pleasant self emerged. From the conversation earlier with the other dojo residents and the icy reception of Kaoru when she changed, any attention to him or from him unwelcome. "Kaoru-dono," Kenshin put his hands under her body supporting her head as he prepared to carry her limp form into the dojo.

"Get your hands off her Battousai," snapped Tokio. "If you want to keep them attached to your body." She reached her left arm back toward one of the iron fans she placed in the small slits of her belt. Tokio watched as the Battousai's eyes widen in shock at her statement. She waited until he backed up before she moved her piercing blue eyes off him to shoot a withering looking at the murky shadows behind her. "Would one of you standing corpses come help me?"

"Your wish is my command," replied the taller shadow, the rich suave velvet voice wafting gently through the night air. "In all the years we've been apart, darling you've yet to lose your poetic way with words." He bent down quickly, swooping Kaoru's body into his arms. "Kiiroi-sama has put on some weight. I don't remember her being this...filled out."

"You should watch it with the "darling,"" said the other obviously feminine voice. "The look Saitou-san just gave you rendered me with chills." The shorter silhouette stopped next to the others. "Now, what do we do, Tokio?"

Saitou reached into this pocket for a cigarette. "Why don't you let me answer that question, Wife?" He nonchalantly examined the cigarette in his gloved hand before he slid it back into the pack. "The way I see it is you have two options: you can hand over the Kamiya girl and give me an explanation, or you fight me and I beat an explanation out each of you." He smirked. "Which one do you prefer? I can tell you the one that I like."

Kenshin stepped forward as both Tokio and her other companions reached for what he could only assume as their weapons. "I have one more option. We could go inside and have Kaoru checked by Megumi-dono and then we can each give an explanation of who we are."

"We don't need to explain ourselves," hissed Tokio. "And we already know that Milbu's Wolf and the Battousai stand before us."

"Well, I should hope you know who they both are," snickered, the feminine shadow. "You were married to one and the other isn't hard to mistake with this his cross-scar and redhair."

As Kaoru opened her eyes, she was confronted with one of the shadowy figures from her mirror. Kaoru let out a squeak of surprise choking back her preferred scream. "Please, let me go," she begged the shadow once his eyes focused on her. "I promise not to runaway."

He let out a robust chuckle. "Kiiroi-sama, you don't have to ask me anything. I am here to serve you eternally." He winked at her as he gently placed her on her feet. He bowed to her as she backed away from the trio.

Using her peripheral vision Kaoru spotted Kenshin and began retreating until she stood next to him. "Did I blank out again, Kenshin?"

"Aa," whispered Kenshin pleased when one of her hands clutched at his hakama. "Daijoubu de gozaru ka?" He searched her face for any sign of her lingering headache.

"Iie, Kenshin." Soft tears began to fall from her eyes. "I don't know what's going on with me. One minute I was telling Saitou-san that I hadn't killed anybody and next I'm waking up in a strange person's arms. What's happening to me?" Kaoru's concerned orbs swept over the people assessing their health. At least I didn't hurt anyone when I went under this time.

Kenshin patted Kaoru gently on the shoulder ignoring the snort of contempt coming from his archenemies. He was needed again. He hadn't realized until recently how much he had come to rely on Kaoru to make him feel desired in more than just as her protector physically, but emotionally as well. He required that semblance. "Don't worry de gozaru yo. I won't let anything happen to you."

Kaoru stared at Kenshin a wistful look in her blue eyes. "I wish that was true." She turned away from the group heading for the door. "I'm tired. I need to lie down." Walking inside the dojo Kaoru threw over her shoulder: "You can return me to the jail in the morning Saitou-san."

Saitou sighed rubbing a hand over his long face. "I, too, would prefer some sleep." He signaled to Kenshin. "Battousai it would seem that you have guests for the night, since I'm not leaving the Kamiya girl's side, and I doubt that my wife will leave the Kamiya girl to your able hands either."

Kenshin growled. "I don't know why you can't call Kaoru-dono by her name." He jerked his head. "Follow me." He waited for only a minute before the two shadows led by Tokio followed behind him and Saitou. This was going to be an uncomfortable night.


Inside the dojo, Megumi and Sanosuke waited on the front porch for Kenshin to reappear from checking the disturbance he detected as he patrolled the perimeters of the dojo before retiring for the evening.

"He has been out there a long time," whispered Sanosuke, he began chewing on a long blade of grass. "I wonder if he's all right."

Megumi's blue-eyes narrowed as she glowered at her friend. "Of course not rooster-head. Kaoru-san is losing her mind and not only does her other-self not want anything to do with Kenshin, neither does she." She shivered lightly. "It's weighing on him heavily that he can't do anything to help her and she won't allow him to help her, or tell him what is wrong with her."

"Do you know what's wrong with Kaoru?" inquired Sano, taking his jacket off and offering it to the shivering female doctor. "When you spoke with her this morning, Jou-chan must have said something to you. I know how you girls are."

Megumi nodded her head in thanks wrapping his jacket around her shoulders. "Kaoru-san didn't say much to me this morning." She thought back to the private conversation she had with her friend. I think I'm evil. "I do know something is wrong with her and whatever is wrong with her is trying to breakout or takeover. Kaoru-san is headed toward a mental breakdown."

Sanosuke sighed. "You would think among this abnormal group that Jou-chan would be the only 'normal' person. I was hopeful for her but she had to go and prove she was as angst-ridden like the rest of the group."

Megumi giggled, letting the cooling breeze blow play with her raven hair. "I can't believe you thought anyone in our group of friends would be classified as normal Sanosuke. We all have a past we're either running from or seeking atonement."

"So, which do you think is Jou-chan's?" asked Sano. "Is she running or looking for atonement?"

Megumi pushed her hair back, "I think she's running and her nightmares are proof that whatever she is running from is gaining speed."

Sanosuke crossed his legs leaning back on his forearms he glanced up at the night sky. "What will happen when she's corned and there is nowhere she can run? Will she crack allowing us to view the real Kamiya Kaoru? Or will it be like nothing ever happened?"

"I don't know." Megumi leaned back to gaze at the stars twinkling like small fireflies in the midnight sky. "I don't know, Sanosuke. All I do know is it won't go away and there is no way to pretend this hadn't happened. I just hope Kaoru-san's prepared for whatever ensues."

Sanosuke nodded his head. "I hope we are prepared also to meet the real Kamiya Kaoru." He turned his head in the direction of the gate as is swung open to reveal the object of their conversation. Sano sat up quickly his mouth gaping open and closed like a fish. He cleared his throat. "Shit! Jou-chan, what the hell are you doing here?"

Kaoru let out a wry smile. "Last time I checked Sanosuke this was my dojo and I lived here."

"Well, yeah," said Sano, jumping to his feet. "But last time I checked you were in jail on a murder charge. Don't tell me Saitou fell to the charms of your womanly wiles, and he let you out of jail."

"Ahou," came the sweet sarcastic voice of Sanosuke's nemesis. "My wife decided that murder was no longer a crime and removed Kamiya from my protective supervision."

Sanosuke watched as three shadows slipped into the dojo courtyard. From their stances, they looked relaxed but he could tell they were on guard. He glanced at Kenshin who whose attention was on Kaoru. "So, who are those guys?"

Kenshin turned to look in the direction his friend was indicating. His forlorn gawking at Kaoru wasn't going to achieve anything. He had put too much distance between them and now he couldn't close the gap." Those are some friends of Kaoru-dono."

Sanosuke raised a black eyebrow. Since when did Jou-chan have those kinds of friends, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. In addition one of them was Saitou's wife, why didn't she ever mention that fact to any of her other friends? He remembered a maxim that his captain once said to him when he was younger. 'Things and people are not always what they seem.' Sano had lived by that creed when he was known as Zanza; he didn't trust anybody that breathed. He never thought he would have to apply that same tenet to Jou-chan. It wasn't supposed to apply to Jou-chan!

Megumi got off the porch laying Sanosuke's jacket down on the steps. She approached Kaoru warily; she didn't know if the other presence in Kaoru would be able to overtake their friend in her tired state of mind. "Kaoru-san are you okay?"

"No," Kaoru said in a soft voice. "I'm really tired. I need to lie down for a while; my head hurts."

"I'll walk with you to your room, if you don't mind." Megumi placed a gentle hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Megumi-san," smiled Kaoru, removing the hand. "I may be losing my mind, but I do remember where I sleep. I'm not that crazy, yet." She held up a hand stopping Megumi's rebuttal. "Please, don't say I'm not losing my mind. I know I am. I have faced that much at least. Could you do me a favor and help Kenshin setup rooms for our guest?"

"Of course, Kaoru-san," replied the doctor concern wavering in her eyes. "If you need anything please don't hesitate to call me. You know I am here for you."

Kaoru smiled and started walking off toward her room.

"Matte," called Saitou, halting Kaoru in her steps. "I hate to interrupt such a touching exhibition, but let's us not forget that Kamiya was arrested for murder and I won't allow her to sleep in her room alone."

"What do you propose de gozaru ka?" questioned Kenshin glaring at his rival. "You sleep outside Kaoru-dono's door?" He didn't want to voice the other alternative currently floating around his brain.

Saitou pulled out cigarette; his long lean fingers caressed the tobacco length. "Nothing so drastic, Battousai." He flicked his amber eyes in Kaoru's direction. "This is a dojo, so I propose we make use of it."

Kaoru turned around slowly. Her eyes began to flicker between light and dark. She could feel a headache beginning but she was using what was left of her strength to hold it back. "I gave you my word I wouldn't escape Saitou-san."

"It isn't you, I'm worried about Kamiya," replied Saitou, placing the cigarette between his lips. "It's my wife who I don't trust. She seems to want to keep you away from me. It would not surprise me to wake-up in the morning to find you and her friends missing from this compound."

"Fine," came the weary reply. "Kenshin and Megumi, please setup the dojo so we can all get some sleep tonight. I'm going to get my own futon. Saitou-san, you may accompany me."

"Kiiroi-sama," called Tokio. "Do you need us to do anything?"

"No, no," said the exhausted shihondai. "You have done enough already. Please, don't try and cause anymore trouble tonight."

"Kiiroi-sama," whispered Tokio. "I'm sorry. I thought you were in danger. It is my sworn duty to protect you."

Kaoru smiled. "Somehow, I figured you would say something weird like that. You remind me very much of Kenshin."

"The truth stares you in the face, yet you don't believe?" said a voice that Kaoru was all too familiar with hearing. "Danger is approaching and you speak of the Battousai. You shame me Kaoru. I can't believe you are I; you need to flee tonight, away from the Battousai. Leave with your squad. Forget the Battousai."

"You don't exist," murmured Kaoru swaying on her feet. "I'm daydreaming. You don't exist. I gave my word that I wouldn't leave. Kenshin is my friend. You can't control me. I am Kamiya Kaoru."

Saitou Hajime had faced many dangers before the Bakumatsu and during the Bakumatsu. As the leader of the third division of the Shinsen Gumi, he'd come across all types of degenerates of both the male and female gender. He prided himself with the belief that because of the dangerous life he had led there wasn't anything remaining that could surprise him. He was wrong. Kamiya Kaoru was an enigma and she was a dangerous enigma that had to be solved soon. He witnessed the cold glint in her eyes; those eyes told him in those few seconds many had perished underneath her hand and she did not mind adding one more body. What the hell had he gotten himself involved with?

Kaoru was acutely aware of Saitou's perusal of her. She didn't blame him; she was as crazy as they came. She talked to herself; she blanked out and often awoke to see her friends had been hurt, and the voice in her head taunted her day and night. What happened to her yellow kimono? While she had many questions that even herself couldn't answer: where did the blood come from and whose was it?


The words echoed in her mind. She wasn't a killer; she wasn't a murderer. She was Kamiya Kaoru. She was a shihondai in the town of Shimatachi, she taught kenjutsu. She was a normal woman who was friends with an ex-hitokiri, ex-thief, ex-drug dealer, and an ex-sword-for-hire guy. A wry smile fought its way onto her lips as the thought about the colorful menagerie; they were her best friends. Best friends her alter ego was determined to kill.

Kaoru stopped at the door to her room and burst into tears. "Why is this happening to me?" She looked back to see Saitou's stunned expression; she quickly tumbled into his arms. "Why?"

Saitou was baffled. He hadn't expected her to begin crying into his chest. When she had hesitated at the door, he thought she was about to run. He hadn't expected her to burst into tears. He looked around him, hoping that the Battousai would appear so he could pawn the woman over to him.

No one came.

Saitou closed his amber eyes and shook his head. He did the only thing left for him to do. He placed his arms around her and began to soothe her nerves as adequately as he could. "This is not my day."


They were all in the backyard of the small house hidden deep within the heavy foliage. A man with long silver hair dressed in Chinese clothing held the hand of sickly figure sitting in a chair.

"I am glad it's a full moon tonight," the man in the chair rasped. "I would hate to die without seeing one last full moon. It is beautiful, ne?"

The silver hair male glanced up at the huge orb in the sky surrounded by tiny twinkling lights. "Yes, it is nice. But I bet the one over China is better, Modoka-san."

"You could be right Gin-chan," laughed Modoka. "However, I will not be picky in these last moments. I will take a full moon over any country."

"You should not speak so," whispered Gin. "What will the others think of such talk from our leader?"

Modoka hacked and coughed, his lips speckled with blood. "I am leader no more. I will draw no breath after today. That is why I sent for you."

"I will not allow it, Modoka-san! You will live!" Gin kneeled in front of his childhood friend. "You can beat this. You are strong."

Modoka lifted a hand he placed it to his friend's face. "I will miss you, Gin-chan. You have been more then a friend to me than I have been to you. Don't shake your head at me. You know I speak the truth." He wiped away a tear. "I'm proud to leave the group under your leadership. And you will lead them well." He snapped his fingers. A solider nearby passed a package to him. He placed it his lap. "I'm sorry."

Gin looked up at his friend tears pricking his eyes. "What for?"

Modoka leaned back against the chair his breathing erratic. "For wanting peace between our clans. For not doing what I should have done, for being so idealistic."

"It is not your fault Modoka-san," wept Gin. "We all wanted peace. We all believed her. If anyone is at fault it is she."

Modoka smiled. Tears rolled out of the corners of his eyes. I wish I could see her again. Blue eyes flashed in his mind, siren's laughter drifted through his ears. He could feel her ebony hair underneath his fingertips. Happier times. "I'm glad the moon is full tonight." He smiled at his friend. "Gin-chan…"

Gin waited for him to speak. "Modoka-san?"

He clasped his friend's hand. "Take care of the clan." He pressed the package into the hands of Gin. "The Akai Ryus are now yours to lead. I will miss you my Gin-chan." Modoka took a breath and glanced up at the moon. His exhaled the last breath with a small cough.

Utusmi Modoka was dead.

Gin stood up to face his clan. "I, Saigo Gin, assume the duties of Akai Ryu." He leaned his head back letting the tears slide into his silver mane. And I will make that bitch pay!


Kenshin watched at the doors to the dojo opened to reveal Kaoru and Saitou. He let out a sigh of relief. He had been anxious that Kaoru might have suffered another one of her 'changes' and either gotten herself hurt or worse killed Saitou.

Kenshin chuckled at the thought surprising himself. In last week or so he had barely found anything to laugh at, but the thought that his precious Kaoru could succeed where he had failed was enough to make him chuckle aloud.

"Would you care to share Battousai," remarked Saitou watching Kenshin snort to himself. "I'm sure we would all like some levity at this time."

Kenshin stopped himself from curling his lip at his rival. "It was a private thought."

"Then keep your laughter to yourself," replied Saitou, irritated for no reason.

Kaoru stepped forward before more verbal spars between the pair could commence. "Kenshin did you get the spare yukatas from the house?"

"Hai de gozaru," replied the rurouni. "We left the sleeping arrangements to be handled by you. I know you would prefer to select your own place to rest."

Kaoru dipped her head in thanks. "Since, Saitou-san wanted us to sleep in the dojo together, I can assume that he would prefer to sleep near the entrance to guard against unwanted entry or exit." She glanced around counting the people she had left to find room to sleep. "I guess Sanosuke and Kenshin can sleep underneath the school's banner. Megumi and I will sleep next to the left wall. That leaves Tokio-san and her friends to sleep adjacent to us." She regarded the group, "Is this acceptable?"

They all agreed.

Kenshin handed out the extra yukatas. "We'll let the women change in here. We'll knock before we return."

Sanosuke opened his mouth to object to changing in the cold air, but he was promptly quelled as Megumi imparted the use of her hand to the back of his head. He snapped his mouth shut frowning at her he followed the other men outside the dojo.

Megumi moved to stand next to Kaoru while spreading her futon lengthwise with from the wall. She turned to make sure the door had been tightly closed before she changed into her nightclothes. She watched as Saitou's wife and one friend left in the dojo with them appeared to be arguing over something. They stopped when the caught her unyielding gaze. Blushing, she quickly snapped her head back around to undress.

She shrugged into the yukata. "Kaoru-san," she whispered. "How are you feeling?"

Kaoru looked up with a sickly grimace on her face. "I have a slight headache and I'm a little tired of people asking me how I am feeling every time I turn around." She belted her yukata. "But I guess I can't complain, since I haven't been myself lately. I just hope I can sleep without any incidents."

"Don't worry," said Megumi. "I'll be right next to you. Remember they are nothing but dreams. They can't hurt you."

"That's where you're wrong Megumi-san," said Kaoru. "They hurt me in various ways. They've even made me afraid to go to sleep. I don't want to see destruction and death in my dreams. I want--"

A knock sounded at the dojo door.

Kaoru jumped at the knock. Scowling she snapped her fingers at Tokio. She looked back to Megumi who had a bemused expression on her face. "What?"

Megumi glanced between the spot where Tokio had been standing and Kaoru. "Did you know you just snapped your fingers at Tokio-san and without protest she moved to answer the door?"

Kaoru frowned down at her hands. She had been avoiding them since her nightmares. Within minutes, her hands were saturated with blood and her ears began to echo screams from the past. The wakizashi materialized in her left hand its blade gleaming with someone's blood. Kaoru stifled a scream; closing her eyes she wished away the image. She looked up into her friend's concerned face. "Dreams can hurt."

Whispering goodnight to the people of the dojo Kaoru laid down hoping tonight she would be gifted with a dreamless sleep.


The darkness around her was redolent with the same tangy scent from her first nightmare, she heard soft footfalls sound behind her and Kaoru knew she wasn't alone. Cold fingers clasped her upper arms. She moved trying to pull away, but the hand that grasped her was stronger.

"Where are you going Kaoru," murmured the sickly sweet voice. "There is something I want you to see."

Kaoru shook her head sending her raven locks flying back and forth. "No, I don't want to see. I don't want to see any more bloodshed. I don't want to hear any more screams. Please, stop haunting me." She struggled against the hands, but to no avail, they seemed to get tighter as she battled against them. Kenshin, please help me, she cried silently to herself.

"There you go again," spat the voice of Ka-chan, her words full of venom. "Always calling out for the Battousai to help you. Never trying to help yourself, what are you going to do when your precious Kenshin is no longer around to help you? Hmm?"

Kaoru refused to answer.

"No answer, huh?" snickered the voice. "I guess that much. Have you completely forgotten me? Have you forgotten what our mother taught us? You have sunk very low Kaoru, if you need the help of the Battousai to save you all the time." The hands tightened their hold on Kaoru, restricting blood flow to her upper arm. "Do you know how disgusted I was when you were kidnapped by Jin-e? Do you? You could have easily got away from him, but you turned and screamed for that fucking Battousai to help you."

"I did break his Shin no Ippou before it strangled me," defended Kaoru.

"That was nothing," retorted her feral self. "And don't deny you broke free only to save the Battousai from himself. He if hadn't decided to revert back to his old form you would have stayed tied up, struggling to breathe."

"I was working on breaking the technique," protested Kaoru defending herself. "I would have broken it without Kenshin reverting back to his Battousai self. My mental techniques are rusty. I've developed my sword techniques more."

"Oh, Kaoru," laughed Ka-chan. "You don't know what you are really capable of doing." She swung Kaoru around to face her. "After what I show you, you won't be needing the Battousai to rescue you ever again."

Kaoru rubbed her upper arm, glaring at her other personality. "What do you mean?" Mou, her arm hurt, her dream self did not seem to remember that they had delicate skin. "I don't want to see anymore bodies. I don't want to see me killing anyone else."

Ka-chan grinned evilly. "Too bad, Kaoru-dono" she said mockingly. "There is no Kenshin in this dream-world to take all your hurt away. So, you're left defending yourself against me--who is stronger. Therefore, you are subject to what I want you to hear, see, smell, and feel."

Kaoru pushed her hair out of her face. "What do you want me to view? More killings?"

"No," replied Ka-chan as she began to walk away. "Our Mother. I want you to see our mother."

"Why?" asked Kaoru, but Ka-chan had disappeared. "Where did she go?"

At once Kaoru's felt a heaviness fall over her eyes. "This can't be happening. I'm already asleep. You can't dream within a dream!" She fainted.


In the distance, Kaoru could hear childish laughter along with the sound of students practicing in the dojo. Running, she found herself at the edge of the dream, that Ka-chan had induced upon her other dream.

It was the dojo. The dojo before her parents had died and the students had disappeared. The prosperous dojo she had tried to reclaim from her memories. The one she finally let go. Kaoru watched as the scene unfolded before her.

"Kaoru-chan," called an alarmed female voice. "Where are you Kaoru-chan?" The tall ebony-hair female wearing a slender version of the traditional dogi scowled as she scanned the courtyard. "Where have you hidden yourself my little chameleon?"

A child's giggle came from the bushes. A little Kaoru dressed in a custom made dogi launched her small body at her mother. "I got you, Okasan." She hung onto her mother's slim waist.

Madiha smiled at her daughter. "So, I see. That was a good try, my flower, but you gave yourself away when you giggled. If I had been an enemy, I would have been waiting for you to attack." Madiha hefted her daughter up in her arms; grinning at each other they rubbed noses. "Since, I am your Mama, I guess I won't attack."

"Arigatou, Okasan," replied Kaoru wiggling herself down, falling she plopped on her posterior. "Ouch. Are we going to do more secret training?" She gazed up at her mother with anticipation lighting her blue eyes.

Madiha laughed at her daughter's expression. "Well my little fan, yes we are, because soon I want you to become my graceful fan."

Little Kaoru scrunched up her nose as she regarded her mother out of admiring blue eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be as graceful as you, Mama." She clasped her mother's hand in hers.

"One day, flower," smiled Madiha, her own eyes forlorn. "You will be as graceful and sweet as your name. And one day you will lead the Kiiroi Ryus, like your mother."

"But I want to learn kenjutsu," replied Kaoru looking into her mother's eyes. "Otousan said that since he did not get his son, he would teach me Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu."

Madiha's eyes hardened. "Your father is too soft. His ideals are admirable, but they too will lead toward destruction. Kenjutsu is kenjutsu." She glanced down into her daughter's eyes. "You, Kaoru, will learn both my fighting style and your father's. And I pray that you never have to use either." She stopped in a secluded part of the forest that she used to train her daughter. She pulled out a wakizashi and twirled it before handing it to Kaoru. "We will begin your training with this today. First off it is not a toy, it is a weapon used to defend your body and family."

Kaoru watched wide-eyed as she followed her mother's instructions. Assuming the first position, she got prepared to defend herself from her mother's first attack.


The scene faded. Kaoru remembered. She remembered her mother teaching her how to jump from tree to tree. Her mother had taught her how to walk silently on dead leaves; how to hid in the woods, and how to use the animals to sense danger. Her mother had trained her in not only in the deadly arts but in also how to recognize and defend herself against other styles of fighting.

Her mother's legacy.

"See, Kaoru," said Ka-chan. "Our mother left you the legacy of not only of the title of the Kiiroi Ryu but the legacy of her shinobi skills. And yet, you desecrate her memory by needing the Battousai to save you. Don't you recall what he did to us?"

Kaoru shook her head. "Whatever happened is in the past? Kenshin has changed. He is a new person. I try to practice forgiveness with my friends."

Ka-chan snarled. "Forgiveness is for the divine; we are only human."

"Demo…demo," stammered Kaoru.

"Enough Kaoru," Ka-chan sighed, her eyes filling with tears. "I'm tired…awake."

Kaoru's snapped opened; she was staring at her own dojo's ceiling. "What happened?"


Kenshin awoke early; he hoped he would be able to cook breakfast for the residents without waking anybody. He turned to his left and found Sanosuke still sleeping soundly. He gingerly sat up and quickly realized aside from Megumi, Sanosuke, and him the dojo was empty.

A huge stack of futons and blankets lay in one corner of the dojo. The door had been left slightly ajar letting in a cooling breeze. He purple gaze regarded the draft of sunlight; from its brightness he surmised that it wasn't as early as he had thought. He had overslept.

He leaned over to shake Sanosuke awake. "Sano."

Sanosuke smiled as a vision of a beautiful redhair female leaned over to kiss him awake. He pursed his lips to receive the kiss; he lifted his arms to slide around her lithe body. "Good morning, beautiful."

Kenshin panicked; he was trapped. He didn't want to kiss Sanosuke. "Sanosuke!" he whispered fiercely. "I am not a woman de gozaru yo."

Sanosuke's black eyes snapped open as his beautiful woman melted into his rurouni friend. "Kenshin! What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Oro…Sessha," cried the nearly sexually assaulted rurouni. "What are you trying to do?"

"I was having a beautiful dream about a redhair female vixen," defended Sanosuke.

"Well, I was trying to wake you when you tried to kiss me," replied Kenshin.

"You're both disgusting," said Megumi, who had been jolted out of her dream to have her eyes visually assaulted by a half-naked Kenshin wrapped in Sanosuke's arms--especially after the nice dream she had about the rooster-head. She got up and began folding her futon and blanket. "You could at least get out of each other's arms!" Megumi slapped her bedding down on top of the other stack of bed linens and slammed out the dojo.

"Oro," said Kenshin blink wide violet eyes at the slamming of the dojo door.

Sanosuke pushed Kenshin with an annoyed grunt. "Stop oroing Kenshin! Get off me."


Saitou sat on the porch quietly sipping his tea, as he cursed himself for the umpteenth time. He had awakened after his wife, her friends, and the Kamiya girl. He didn't understand how they were able to creep past him and out the dojo without waking him.

Saitou snorted. I must be getting old.

His amber eyes closely watched the two people he had been able to locate ever since early-morning. The duo stood a few feet a part from each other with their backs facing him; obviously they were guarding the dojo. They were both dressed in an ensemble that resembled his wife's clothing, including the yellow dragon insignia. He knew his wife carried metal fans as a weapon and he could see a whip on the male to his left, but the other girl had no apparent weaponry on her. Nevertheless, he wouldn't underestimate them, they were too heavily guarded.

Who was Kamiya Kaoru?

Likewise, what was his wife involvement with her?


Dr. Gensai ambled around one corner his mind on the problems with Kaoru. He had to go visit her in jail. He didn't know exactly what she was dreaming, but he had an idea. He lamented silently to himself, if only her past had stayed buried. He would hate to lose her friendship. Gensai rubbed a tired hand over his face. "Did I do the right thing?" he whispered to himself. "Was I wrong? I only wanted her to be happy. Is that such a bad thing?"

"Do what right thing?" asked Yahiko appearing behind the older doctor. "Who did you want to be happy?"

"Yahiko-kun," wailed Gensai, calming his furious heartbeats. "You need to announce your presence when you are around older people."

"I did but you didn't hear me," shrugged the junior samurai. "You were too busy talking to yourself, who were you talking about? Does is it have something to do with Kaoru?"

"Nothing right now, Yahiko-kun," said Dr. Gensai shaking his gray hair. "I need some time to think things over."

Yahiko regarded the doctor with a solemn expression in his dark eyes. "You don't have much time left. Kaoru isn't getting any better." The young boy sidestepped the doctor to finish investigating the nice aroma that had roused him from his slumber.

"I fear you may be right," murmured the geriatric doctor as he watched the yellow gi speckled with green disappear from his sight. "I suppose my deception is over."


Kenshin chatted with Sanosuke as they rounded the corner. After taking turns with the bathhouse, their senses were assaulted with the delicious aroma of food. Sano decided they should make haste to the dining house. Since, Kenshin had been with Sanosuke and the smell of Kaoru's food would be an acrid burnt odor floating over the dojo that left them with only Megumi's cooking. He didn't want to miss a chance for free food cooked by the female doctor.

Sanosuke hurried around one corner smacking right into Yahiko, not being able to keep his balance he flung his arms out catching both Yahiko and Kenshin by their hakamas. They ended up sprawled on top of him.

"Great coordination Sano," Yahiko snickered. He raised himself up to peer into the ex-gangster in the eyes. "I can see why the Seikihou Tai is still around with members like you."

Sanosuke's eyes narrowed. "Tame…when I get up I'm going to beat the shit out of you brat."

Kenshin threw back his head roaring with laughter. He didn't know why he found the scene so funny, but he could stop the rising giggles. He rolled over into Sanosuke's arms his slight body shaking furiously with unrestrained laugher. "Maa…maa…"

Megumi chose that moment to call the missing trio to breakfast. Glancing down at the male bodies draped across each other a look of ire flashed on her face. How many times would she see him in these compromising positions? She snapped. "How many damn times am I going to see Ken-san curled in your arms rooster-head? It's not enough I wake-up to you two hugging each other in an shameful embrace, but now you've drug Yahiko-kun into your dirty orgy." She let out a screech. "If I see you in Saitou's arms, I'm taking Ken-san's sword and running you through." She whirled around, stomping off she shouted behind her: "Breakfast is ready!"

"Oro," Kenshin blushed, he tried to hide his blushing face in his hands. He wished he could sink into the Earth. "Sano, you are trouble de gozaru yo."

Yahiko jumped to his feet allowing Sanosuke to resume his own upright position. "What did she mean; you and Kenshin were wrapped in each other's arms?" He stepped back looking between the two adults.

"Nothing," mumbled Sanosuke. "It was all a misunderstanding. And if I find myself in Saitou's arms I'd take Kenshin's sword and I'll kill myself."

Kenshin nodded his head. "A huge misunderstanding."

Yahiko ran to catch up with his friends. "Oi, why did Megumi mention Saitou?"


Kenshin walked into the room to see that Saitou and the rest of the dojo's unexpected guests were already seated. "Ohayo de gozaru." He bowed to the group. Kenshin got his first real view of his guests without benefit of darkness to hide them; glancing at each face carefully the rurouni let out a startled gasp. "Kaoru-dono," he whispered his voice unsure.

The Kaoru figure shook its head. "No. I'm not Kaoru-sama," said the mimic. "I just strongly resemble her." The fake Kaoru smirked.

Sanosuke and Yahiko stood behind Kenshin both of them silently regarding the Kaoru impostor. She was beautiful, which made her definitely a phony Kaoru, and this Kaoru had darker eyes than the original.

Yahiko went to open his mouth to say something when a slight movement to his left gained his attention. "Holy shit," he exclaimed getting his first real look at Tokio. He let out a low whistle. He glanced toward Kenshin. "Wherever you've been getting your women from Kenshin, you have got to take me there."

Tokio blushed prettily. "Domo arigatou," she said in her rich honeyed voice. "But unfortunately I did not come here accompanying the Battousai. I'm here for Kamiya Kaoru."

"Kaoru," repeated Yahiko scratching his head as he sat down across Tokio. "Well that bastard over there," he nodded his head indicating Saitou. "Has her locked up in jail."

"That's not quite true Yahiko," interrupted Kenshin take a position beside the young boy and opposite Saitou. "Some things happened last night." Kenshin began to inform the junior samurai of the latest development concerning Kaoru.

"No shit," said Yahiko hearing the story his voice full of awe. "No offense, but you are married to a prick, however it is awesome that you were able to sneak past Saitou and break Kaoru out of jail."

Kaoru pushed open the door carrying a tea service. "Yahiko, I hope that wasn't admiration I heard in your voice. You can't admire illegal activities." A wince was visible on her face, how would she ever teach Yahiko right from wrong when they were constantly doing the wrong thing to make things right.

"Let me help you Kaoru-dono," said Kenshin jumping to his feet. He reached his hands out to take the burdened tray from her.

Kaoru shied away, "No thank you Kenshin," she muttered. "I can handle the tray. I'm not fragile…just crazy." She placed the tray down in the middle of the group choosing a seat away from Kenshin. She looked at the other-other her in room. "I don't think I'll ever be used to seeing my face on someone else."

The fraudulent Kaoru smirked. "How do you think I feel?"

"I wish you wouldn't say that about yourself Kaoru-dono," replied Kenshin trying to figure out how to maneuver his body so he could sit next to her but remain opposite Saitou. There was no way he could do it without asking Sanosuke and Yahiko to change positions. But from the looks Kaoru was now leveling at him, she didn't want to sit beside him.

Silence descended over the group as they waited for the last two members of their party to arrive before they began to eat.

Tokio leaned forward and began pouring tea for the group. "Here anata," she smiled sweetly. "I made the tea myself."

Saitou smirked. "Should I be worried? I can't really trust you--can I?"

Hurt flashed into Tokio's eyes. "No, you shouldn't worry. And I've never given you a cause to distrust me. My loyalties to Kiiroi-sama supersede my duties to you as wife."

"I've understood that without you telling me," responded Saitou placing his tea in front of him. "I understood that you lied to me at home and in our bed."

"I give no excuses," said Tokio simply as she passed around tea. "And I won't ask for forgiveness for performing my sworn duty."

Luckily, the door opened preventing Saitou from replying to his wife. Megumi stepped through the opening with Dr. Gensai behind her. "Sorry, it took me awhile to track him down." She sat down in the vacant spot next to Kenshin wondering why Kaoru wasn't sitting there.

"AHA!" exclaimed Yahiko breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled over the group. "I knew it." He gestured toward the false Kaoru, who only raised an eyebrow at his outburst.

"What do you know," quizzed Sanosuke.

"Your kind can never fool Myojin Yahiko," the young boy grinned. "I kept thinking there was something wrong with you, but I couldn't figure it out until Kaoru entered the room. I kept glancing between you two and now I know your secret."

"And what secret is that," the feminine voice inquired. "Don't keep us in suspense."

Yahiko frowned at the voice. "Well, you're male."

Sano let out a choked cough spraying the tea he had just drunk. His head swiveled to the fake Kaoru his eyes wide. "You're male? How in the hell are you a man?"

"Kamisori Maneru, I was born that way. How else does one become male?" He replied in a distinctively male voice. "You have good eyes."

Megumi let out a squeak. "So, that's why Tokio-san was yelling at you in the dojo the other night. She wanted you to leave." Maneru nodded his head. The female doctor shook her head smiling and then jumped to her feet pointing an accusing finger at Maneru. "You saw me!"

"I only glimpsed you I wasn't paying attention your figure in the dojo," laughed Maneru. "I was observing Kaoru-sama and Tokio's more mature figures. "I still think I have the better body."

Kaoru sputtered in her tea a tick developed in her left eye. From the corner of her eye, she saw Kenshin fingering the hilt of his sword. "I refuse to comment."

"So do I," said Saitou a deadly gleam in his amber eyes. "Since, you appear to be long time acquaintances with my wife; I'm going to think you've seen her unclothed before. However, last night was your final time to reacquaint yourself with her body. Next time you see her undressed…I will gut you."

Maneru shook his jet hair laughing. "Fine." His eyes moved over to Yahiko. "What gave me away?"

Yahiko beamed with delight at Maneru. "I knew no one with busu's face could be so pretty."

Maneru eyes narrowed he lifted a hand to his hair and began pulling out a small thin pin. His male cohort who shook his head at him stalled his small hand. "Fine," spat Maneru. "Myojin Yahiko, I can tolerate many things, but when you are in my presence refrain from calling Kaoru-sama anything that would be considered an insult. Hana stalled my hand this time, but next time you won't be so lucky."

Yahiko gulped loudly. His comments on Kaoru's beauty were just a joke. However, he doubted that Maneru would appreciate his explanations; beside he'd like to keep it his own private joke. "Sure, fine."

The figure named Hana let out a groan. "Mane-kun, you must work on your people skills."

The group blinked at the sudden change in atmosphere. Megumi cleared her throat. "I think we should start eating." She looked at the doctor still hovering in the doorway. "Gensai-sensei?"

Dr. Gensai stood frozen at the door. His mouth hung open as the stared into the face of his reckoning. He knew the day was near, but he still wasn't prepared for it to be so soon. The yellow dragons had returned. "I wish I had more time," said the doctor tears running down his face. "I'm so sorry Kaoru-chan."

"Dr. Gensai," questioned Kaoru with a confused look on her face. "Why are you sorry?"

Gensai sank to his knees before Kaoru. "Gomen nasai, Kaoru-chan I only did what I thought was best at the time. I did it for you." His hands clinched on his pants as tears continued to poor down his face. "I just wanted you to be happy for once in your life."

Kaoru shook her head her brow furrowing, "What are you talking about Gensai-sensei?"

"I'm talking about the Kiiroi Ryus, Kaoru-chan," the old doctor began wiping furiously at his face. "How far back can you remember clearly? I'm not talking about glimpses of your childhood; I mean do you remember how you celebrated your fifteenth birthday?"

Kaoru closed her blue eyes and tried to conjure up an image of her celebrating her fifteenth birthday. Her mind was blank access to her own memories were restricted. She was being mocked in her own mind. "I don't recall."

"Neither do I," said the doctor. "Kaoru-chan, you weren't at your dojo when you were fifteen years old. As a matter of fact, I don't know how you celebrated your thirteenth through seventh birthdays."

Kaoru let out a hysterical giggle. "You were present on my last few birthdays; remember we went to the Akabeko. You drank too much Sake and feel asleep during the fireworks. I distinctly remember you there."

The doctor shook his head. "Kaoru-chan you are two years older then what you think you are. When you awakened in my hospice that day covered in bandages I told you it was your birthday and you had just turned sixteen, when actually you were already seventeen about to become eighteen."

"Why would you lie to me about my age?" questioned Kaoru. "Why did you lie?"

Dr. Gensai shook his head. "Because you didn't remember, I had said that to test your clarity and when you didn't bother to correct my mistake I continued on with my prevarication." He waited for her to ask questions. "Perhaps I should tell you the full extent of my fabrications, but please understand Kaoru-chan I was only doing what I thought was best."

Kaoru eyes instinctively sought out Kenshin's to give her strength. His violet eyes caressed her lightly for a minute effectively telling her she wasn't alone in the struggle to recover her locked memories. "All right, please feel free to speak Gensai-sensei. I promise not to interrupt."

Dr. Gensai nodded. "When your mother was little her father, my best friend and your grandfather, decided to seek out ancient exotic treatments from China. I decided focus my research in remote areas of Japan, therefore I said good-bye to Katsuhiko. He fled into the night with your mother and his wife to a boat waiting to take him China."

"He fled?" asked Yahiko wondering why Kaoru's grandfather would need to flee his own home. "Why?"

"Ahou," said Saitou leaning forward. "Have you forgotten which side won the war? During the Tokugawa regime, Japanese citizens weren't allowed to have contact with the outside world, to do so would have meant death."

"Oh," said Yahiko mumbling through a mouth full of rice.

"Katsuhiko landed on a remote part of China and immediately began his search," said the doctor reciting the story as if there hadn't been an interruption in his flow beforehand. "He deposited your mother and his wife in a community that was very secretive, but because your grandfather was a healer they allowed him to stay. Your grandmother, Mihoko-san was known for her extreme beauty and grace. Because of unwanted attention her beauty often attracted, she was also very skilled with a katana. She taught your mother how to use it during the day while they waited for Katsuhiko to return."

The doctor reached for his tea to wet his parched throat. "Katsuhiko was always more involved in healing than anything else; I will never know how he managed to woo Mihoko-san." He shook his graying head at his fond memories. "One of the females in the village began to feel friendly toward your grandfather, but of course he wasn't interested but she still insisted on winning his affection. She tried to kill your mother and grandmother. Mihoko-san was injured during the attack, however Madiha-chan was even more skilled with a wazukashi, and she killed their attacker. After helping her mother home, Katsuhiko decided it was time for them to return home. What they didn't anticipate was they had been living along with the dragon triad."

Saitou and Kenshin glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes. This was beginning to be more serious than they first thought. "Are you sure it was the dragon triad," asked Kenshin gently.

Gensai nodded. "Yes, it was the dragon triad: kuro, akai, and kiiroi. Katsuhiko had been living among the secret sect for four years and didn't realize it. They had tried to leave early in the morning, but the triad was waiting for them at the docks. Madiha-chan had unknowingly killed the daughter of the Kiiroi Ryu, the leader of the yellow dragon clan. She challenged your mother to a fight for reparations. Your mother fought her and won. Katsuhiko thought it was over until the leader of the yellow dragons stripped off her dragon insignia and held it out to your mother. Madiha-chan accepted the dragon without understanding what she was doing. She had just agreed to become the new leader for the yellow dragons. Your grandfather and grandmother returned to Japan, but Madiha was forced to stay behind to learn the traditions and go through the vigorous training required of the Kiiroi Ryu. Madiha-chan didn't arrive in Japan until three years later.

"So, what happened after Kaoru's mother returned to Japan," asked Yahiko riveted by the tale he pushed his plate away from him not even bothering to ask for more.

"It's obvious she got married," replied Sanosuke equally intrigued by the story. "Or Jou-chan wouldn't be sitting here."

"Madiha-chan did get married," said Gensai nodding his head in agreement. "However it wasn't for awhile, her parents were afraid of what she would do to her fiancé. She was a little wild and use to getting things when she wanted them. Since, I was good friends with your family; I volunteered my daughter as a way to re-introduce Madiha-chan to more womanly aspects. Aiko-chan became fast friends with Madiha, but it wasn't until later that I discovered what they had been teaching each other. Aiko-chan taught Madiha-chan about flower arrangements and cooking, while Madiha-chan taught my daughter how to defend herself. She made my daughter her retainer." He dipped himself another bowl of rice. "Your father's family didn't want anymore delay and demanded that your mother be prepared for the ceremony of marriage."

"I thought my parents were in love," murmured Kaoru. "Was that a lie, too?"

Dr. Gensai put his chopsticks down on his tray. "No, they loved each other very much. Your father, Koshijirou found out your mother's duty when a red crane with a yellow dragon appeared on the dojo wall one day. Some of the triad had moved to Japan and were informing her of their arrival. Your father didn't want your mother to be a part of the triad, he asked her to give it up. She did until you were born. She wanted you to inherit her teachings of the Kiiroi Ryu; on the other hand you father didn't want you to learn anything that had to do with that secret sect."

Kaoru's mind drifted back to her dream. She had been a young girl when her mother would take her to the forest and they would practice.

"…and your father found out," he uttered despondently. "I know your parents fought, but I don't know if that was the only reason she left the dojo. I know that my daughter received a red crane and she rushed to deliver it Madiha-chan. They left together; it would be several months before we would receive word that Aiko-chan and Madiha-chan had been killed. Since there were many civil wars taking place around the country your father had been asked to participate in halting the rebellions; within a few months Koshijirou was killed in battle, too."

Tears ran down Kaoru's face, her heart remembered the pain of losing her parents within a few months of each other. "Please continue."

Dr. Gensai's eyes watered along with Kaoru's eyes. "You were thirteen years old when I last saw you Kaoru-chan, and I hated giving you the news that your last surviving parent was dead. You had not cried when I told you the news of your father's death. You simply stayed in your room and went to sleep." The old doctor pushed a rice grain around his tray. "I went to check on your condition later and you had run away and taken the shinobi attire and wazukashi that your mother left you." He looked into her eyes. "I didn't see you again until years later when I found you severely wounded outside my clinic."

Megumi cleared her throat. "Gomen, but Dr. Gensai you said that your daughter Aiko-san was Madiha-san's best friend, but was she also Suzume-chan and Ayame-chan's mother?"

"No," said Dr. Gensai. "When Aiko was around eleven, I had a younger son, Genrou. After I lost Kaoru-chan, Genrou and his wife were killed from a mysterious fever."

"But," said Kaoru unsure of what she wanted to say. She gestured to the three warriors that appeared last night. "Kiiroi Ryu?"

"Your mother passed on the tradition and the role of Kiiroi Ryu; you are the undisputed leader of this group of mysterious shinobi warriors." Dr. Gensai nodded toward the three people wearing the ninja attire. "These are your Ryu no Tsume."

Kaoru looked at each of them studying their faces. "My dragon claws. Where did they come from? I've never met them before and I don't recognize their faces." A vein on her forehead began throb as her brain strained under the amount of information she was trying to process: Her mother, her grandfather, the missing years, yellow dragons, dragon claws, and concealed groups. None of this was making sense. She wasn't supposed to be the one with a hidden past. That overused plot line belonged to Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Megumi. Hell, to a lesser extent even Yahiko was more likely to have a hidden past.

"Kiiroi-sama," said Tokio no longer able to keep quiet while her leader was going through her identity crisis. "Is there some way I could be of some service to you?"

Kaoru offered up a wan smile. "I don't think it will help, but I would like to know how all of you have become my retainers."


End. Created [01/06/02] and Finished [04/29/02]. Yea!! I have plot, um, a more coherent plot. But anyway, I'm happy. You don't know how many times I rewrote this one chapter. Nothing sounded good. And I'm sure several of y'all out there think I should have tried to rewrite it again, so please send any questions, comments, critiques, and flames to me. You can reach me at [email protected] or you can leave a message in the guestbook. Shishou M

Straightjacket Musings:

Ryu no Tsume: Dragon claws or Claws of the Dragon.

Dragon's Hierarchy:

1. Yellow Dragons--most powerful and most intelligent.

2. Black Dragons--very fierce, they are mostly protective dragons.

3. Red Dragons--also fierce, but more than the black.

Saigo Gin: saigo means last and gin means sliver. (Or it could mean Last Gin) ^_^

I'm also worried about the Gin and Modoka section. I don't think I placed it right. Should it be moved higher up or lower? Or leave it where it is? Could you help me out on this, please?

Madiha: is not Japanese. I don't know what it means. It was a small tribute to a friend. (Also, I had to break up all those K's.)