Note: Okay, this is the first chapter, so go easy on it. I promise though. It WILL get more intense and cooler and awesomer and everything else you want it to be! But in order for that, I kinda need to know what you all even want to see in this story, so R&R and I can make your dreams come true! LOL Neways, on with the FIC!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist...But if I did... OMG I WOULD ROCK!--and I would also be a man...Yeah, owning FMA, would totally bypass the whole having to be a Guy thing...LOL


"The First Encounter"

'Humankind cannot gain anything, without first giving something in return,' we learned this the hard way. Giving everything we had to offer, to gain one. Ed was lost in his thoughts, as he looked down at his right hand, clenching it into a fist.

He suddenly looked up at his brother when he heard him speak after a long moment of silence. "So, what do you think the colonel will say to you this time, Ed?"

Ed rolled his eyes at this comment. "I dunno." They were nearing the military Headquarters Gate entrance in East City, where Ed was unfortunately ordered to come for a meeting with Mustang. Of course, Ed and Al knew exactly why the colonel made this arrangement.

"He'll probably something like, 'Fullmetal, you took things too far in Lior. I sent you on a simple task, and you ended up destroying their whole government. Not to mention, you killed their prophet, Cornel-'"

Ed's sarcasm was cut short, when a vehicle exploded right in front of them. "What the hell? Al, that was a military car!" Ed shouted to his brother over the sound of the explosion, and terrified townspeople.

A small crowd of people began to form near the flaming vehicle. All of them with an expression of utter shock and repulsion, except one.

It was a young girl, looking to be about Ed's age, with long, brown hair, up in a stylish ponytail. She was wearing a long, red dress that had a slit up the right side, with black high heels, and a black leather jacket. She was just glaring at the fire. And for a brief moment, a small grin traced across her slender face, and her dark blue eyes lit up,then she started walking away into a dark alley.

"Hmmm, a car blows up, and people are freaking out, except one. What seems to be the problem with that picture?" Ed exclaimed still staring after the girl.

"Yeah, that is strange. But do you really think it was her? We better report it back to the Colonel." Al stated solemnly, already knowing what his brother was going to say.

"No way, Al! C'mon, what are you thinking! Let's go after her, and find out what's up. Besides, if we bring her in, the colonel will owe us one. And if he owes us one, that means, he may bypass the lecture that's waiting for us about Lior!" Ed smirked as he rushed down the alley that the girl disappeared in.

"Ed! OOHH! Ed, wait up! You know the Colonel's going to be mad that you didn't follow his orders!" Al called after his brother as he rushed passed the crowd of gasping people still in shock about the car.

"Oh,like I care!That bastard had it comin' the way he treats me, honestly! Sometimes he acts like I'm his pet or something!Now hurry up, Al,before we lose her!" Ed shouted back behind him.


Soon enough, the two boys reached an intersection. "Umm, which way do you think she went?" Ed asked confused.

"Uh, well, I don't know. Maybe we could split up and-"

"No, there are four different ways to go, Al. There are only two of us. For all we know, she could've gone a completely different way. I guess this was all just a wild goose chase." Ed sighed and slumped down onto the ground.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound coming from the left alley. Then they heard a quiet whispering sound. "That's it Al! Let's go!" Ed's eager smile returned as he jumped up and ran down the left alley.

"Wait up!" Al called after him once again as they both took off in the direction of the sound.

Then, before they knew it, they were standing in the middle of a large area, surrounded by buildings, and shadows. It was about as big as a parking lot, and it was also really dark. They could still see, but barely.

But, what Ed was excited about was that there was only one way out, and they were standing in front of it. "Okay, come out! I know you're here! We followed you, plus there is no way out!" Ed shouted this enthusiastically.

Suddenly, a soft, gentle voice came from in front of them. But, because of the darkness, they couldn't see the source of the voice. "Well, well, well. Finally, I get to meet you two. The Elric boys I presume?"

Ed smiled for a second. "Yeah, so, you've heard of us? Well, maybe we've heard of you. Speaking of which who ARE you?" Ed asked indignantly.

"Oh, well I doubt it. But, I guess I COULD humor you. My name is, Laddawne. And, to answer your first question, yes, I've heard of you. Often actually. So, you're the Fullmetal Alchemist? I guess Envy WAS right. You are rather short."

Ed's face turned red at this notion, as he tried to contain his fury. As usual, it didn't quite work. "WHAT! I AM NOT SHORT! And besides, I'm STILL GROWING, YOU IDIOT!" Ed kind of calmed down after Al tried to sooth him.

She chuckled for a moment. "Yep, Envy told me about your temper, too." Then it clicked. Finally. After the second time she said it. "Wait, did you say, Envy?"

Laddawne stifled a brief giggle, which the boys found rather familiar. "Yeah, I did. It's not important, though. I met him one day; he told me how he knew the Fullmetal Alchemist, and blah, blah, blah. I stopped paying attention after the first ten minutes, so I don't know quite everything he said." She rolled her eyes then smiled once again.

"Anyways, now that we are past introductions, would one of you mind telling me why you are stalking me?" She asked as she walked closer.

Al was going to begin. "Well, we wanted to ask you about-"

"We wanted to find out why you blew up that military vehicle, and how?" Ed interrupted. Laddawne's face went cold. "Who says I did it?" Ed was taken aback by this statement.

'I don't know why I didn't expect that.What wasI expecting her to do, confess? HA!' Ed thought.

"Well, you WERE the only one out of many to not freak out over it. And if it wasn't you, why did you come this way?" Ed stated using an accusatory tone. Laddawne chuckled again.

"Well, I'll save you boys the trouble of questioning and skip right to the point. Yes, I did do it. Why? Because for some strange reason SOMEONE told me to get your attention. So I did. Does that answer all of your questions?" Laddawne said, placing her hands on her hips.

"No, it doesn't! Who told you to distract me? Why? And HOW did you blow up that car? Are you an alchemist?" Ed shouted louder than he intended.

Laddawne sighed, "Ohh, Fullmetal. So young, yet so eager and full of questions. First of all, I just met you, and you're a dog of the military, so I refuse to tell you anything about WHY I had to do this, or who told me to."

A sly grin spread widely across her face. "However, I can tell you how I blew up that car." Laddawne lashed her hands out in the direction of Ed and Al.

"Al duck!" Ed tried to push him and his brother out of the way, until, "Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast! Edward,here issomething else you need to know... I NEVER MISS!"

Suddenly, Laddawne put her hands together in front of her, with her palms facing towards Ed, as he tried to run from the attack, cursing as he went.

Then, her hands suddenly started to turn a bright red/orange color, until… "AHHHH!" Ed fell to the ground in pain. "See, I told you." Laddawne began to make her way over to where Ed lay gripping his burned side in pain.

"You-bastard! How did you-What did you"- these questions swirled through Ed's mind, as he tried to spit out the right one.

Finally, Al's cries called Ed back to reality. "BROTHER! GET UP!" Ed snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the beautiful demon smiling down at him.

"What…are…you?" Ed struggled to stand up, but made his way over to his frightened brother. Yet again, Laddawne's gorgeous chuckles filled their ears. "Why Ed, haven't you figured it out yet? If I'm not human…Then…" She trailed off, hoping that Ed would finish the rest of her sentence.

"Then, you must be…A homunculus. Then that explains how you created those flames, and blew up the car. I get it now! You expand the molecules in the air, forming heat, which you then retract it to your hands. And by using pressure. Force it onto your opponents. But since you heated the area's air that surrounds you, you can't ever miss, since the flames will just form in your desired location, directed at your enemies' body heat." Ed inquired this as he readied his fighting stance.

Laddawne clapped a few times slowly. "Very good Ed. Now tell me, what the scientific way of explaining this is!" Suddenly Laddawne threw her hands out again, but this time instead of flames, it was-Lightening!

Ed then noticed that on each of her hands was the homonculi's "Symbol". Ed clapped his hands together, and then placed them on the ground. Suddenly, Ed and his brother were hidden behind a huge blockade of rock and dirt, this is what Ed calls a "Rock Block."

"Oh, do you think that a little bit of dirt is going to stop me?" Laddawne shouted right before Laddawne's lightening struck the Rock Block, and then the fort disappeared into a pile of smoke.

Before Laddawne could react in time, Ed then transmuted his automail into a handblade. He started charging at her, but suddenly, when he was not even two feet away, she jumped into the air then gracefully landing right behind Ed.

She whisked her hands out again and before the attack, she said calmly, "think fast." He flew across the arena and hit the wall face first. Before he could get up, she simply remarked, "Too slow."

Then readied herself again. Ed jumped to his feet and ripped off his jacket so he cold run faster. He then clapped his hands together, and threw them at the ground, baracading Laddawne with "Stone spikes."

"Ha, beat that one La"- Before Ed could finish, a long chain of flames made its way to Ed. Before he knew it, he was on the ground, burned on every inch of his body.

"OWW! Al, run!" Ed shouted this command to his brother. In response, Al stood where he was. "AL! GO!" Ed was getting angry, so he stood up once more and turned from his brother to face in front of him.

There she was, standing inches away from him. "Hmmm, gee Ed. I've seemed to forget which arm Envy said was the real one. So, let's try both!" Suddenly, without warning,she wrapped her hands around his right arm.

Then, right before their eyes, it blew up into a million pieces of bolts and nuts. 'Winry was NOT going to be happy about this one…' But to Ed's surprise, even though it WAS the metal one, it still hurt like hell!

He yelled out in pain, as he grabbed his right shoulder. "hmmm, well, now the next one!" Laddawne giggled for a moment then bent down to meet Ed's ear.

"Now you'll know, not to mess with me. I cannot be beaten. So if you value even one inch of yours or your brothers lives, then I suggest you leave now." Ed heard pain in her voice, she must be concealing it with anger and hate.

That's why she is holding back-Wait. She's holding back? I can hardly beat her now! Let alone if she was actually trying!'

I wonder…. Suddenly, Ed's stubbornness got the best of him. "No, I am NOT giving up! We've come too far, and suffered for too long to give up now! Especially to a girl!" Ed suddenly regretted these words, when he saw Laddawne's face tighten and her hands turned to fists.

"Alright, I warned you! But if you are that eager to die, then fine!" Laddawne began to thrust her hands at Ed, until a flash of flames hit her and threw her a few feet away.

Suddenly, a booming, yet familiar voice called out, "Ahh, Fullmetal. I was wondering wear you ran off to. As for you young lady, I should have you arrested. For destruction of a military vehicle and harassing my dog."

Of course Ed knew who it was. And he also didn't appreciate being called a dog. Especially HIS dog. But he was too weak and defenseless to fight about it now.

And surprisingly, only a few fights he has gotten into, have left him like this. He must admit, she was strong. Laddawne stared atthe manas she stood up. "Who, are you?" Was all she could muster.

The man grinned for a moment then replied, "I am Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang, but I am known as The Flame Alchemist." Laddawne's sly grin grew across her smug face once again.

"Oh really? Well, that's a dissapointment. I mean, I've heard so much about you, and now, well the rumors don't live up to expectations. I bettergo tell the others how your not as tough as everyone thinks. It figures, I mean, you are just a "Dog of the military."

Before she left, she gave Ed one final look, then stated, "This isn't over yet Fullmetal. The homonculus' you've met, aren't the only ones out there….There's three more now…That are even stronger than me...And pretty soon, looking to kick your ass!"

And with that said, Laddawne gracefully did a back flip high into the air and landed on the building above.

"Until next time." Was the last thing she said before disappearing into the evening sunset sky.

Ed sighed, then crawled over to his brother. "Whew, glad that's over with! Now we can focus on"- Ed was cut off by Mustang's minacing stare as he approached them, followed by Hawkeye, Hughs, Armstrong, and two other State alchemist Ed had never officially met before, but had seen frequently.

"Oh, um, hey Colonel." Mustang just stared at him. "You disobeyed a direct order Fullmetal. And you blew up a military vehicle. What were you thinking? Also, about Lior…"

Ed looked in shock. "I DID NOT blow up that stupid car! It was that girl, Laddawne! That was why I chased her here in the first place." Ed tried to explain.

The Colonel looked dumbstruck. "I am very ashamed of you, Fullmetal. Blaming a beautiful young girl like her. And by the way, how do you expect me to believe that when you are as reckless as ever?"

The colonel began to grin knowing how much Ed hated lectures, adn so he decided to pour it on... (That means lecture more,and nag him and question him, it's a payback thing.)

"...Plus, even if you DIDN't blow up that military vehicle, you still DID destroy half of Lior, along with KILLING their prophet Cornello. How do you explain that one Edward Elric?"

Mustang questioned as he continued to lecture him on responsibility. Ed finally gave up on proving his innocence, and fell over backwards preparing himself for a long speech from Mustang. 'Oh, this is going to be a looong afternoon.' Ed thought as he looked up at his brother and smiled. 'But I'm gladyour here, Al...'


See, I don't really do cliff hangers. Well…at least not on the first chapter…Look okay, I know this chapter sucked! But the next ones won't it's just that I HAD to start the story off SOMEHOW! So sue me! LOL Neways,

Love always,

To those who review,

We salute you,



PLEAZE REVIEW ME! I need to know how bad this chapter REALLY sucked!


1.Which main character is your favorite? (out of the guys.)

2.Which couples do you like if any? (Good guys or Bad guys.) name two.

3.Who is your favorite bad guy?

4.Who is your favorite female good guy character?

5.Do you like my story so far? (Be honest!)

6.Do you think Ed is as hot as I do!

7.Are you sad that the show is over?

8.Do you think that this story will turn out bad or good?

If you were man enough to review, thank you! I will be sure to think of someway to repay you awesome, polite people: )