Sum: The Titans, as we may call them, are normal kids at JCH. Richard Grayson is secretly in love with Kori Anders, who shares these feelings, but Kori's sister Amanda Anders wants to steal Rich for herself. Kori's best friend, Raven Roth, a wise goth girl, has offered to help, but it's really hard to concentrate on getting Rich's eyes on Kori when all Raven can think about is Garfield Logan, the suprisingly hot and occasionally serious class clown. Gar should barely have time to notice Raven when his girlfriend is Tara Markov – so why can't he get her out of his head? Meanwhile, Gar and Rich's fast friend Wally West has fallen for tough, defensive Jennifer Hexington, but can he make her change her ways so she'll notice him? And in the midst of it all, how can Fuschia Bright explain the mysterious disappearance of Vic Stone, who doesn't seem to come into this plot but probably will eventually? RobStar, RaeBB, some TerBB, JinxKF, CyKole, maybe AquaBee later; sort of comedy, sort of suspense, sort of angst, a little cursing, and total romance. NO FLAMES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beast Boy: looking up Just get on with it!
Me: Yeah, okay, okay! Just one more thing…
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot. Yet I adore the Titans, and wish they belonged to me. Plus, um, I'm not going to write this a billion times, thank you. Okay. Here we go.
Two huge violet eyes burst open. Raven rubbed the grit out of them, still in her black nightshirt. Crap, what time was it? 7:21. Okay. School started at eight. She still had time to get dressed.
Raven pulled on some simple black jeans, a plain black tee, and a navy blue, side-hugging hoodie. She quickly ran a comb through her black-brown hair and looked at herself in the mirror. Her ashen skin and pale, thin lips remained stoical, and although there was annoyance at her stupid alarm clock for not going off, the expression in her bright doe eyes was hidden by the shadow of her hood.
She rooted through her bookbag. Poetry project, due today – check. Adequate supply of paper, a few slim pencils – check. Astronomy binder – check. Okay. Great. Breathe, Raven. Breathe. She was ready for the day.
Thank God. Trigon Roth's snores came from the bedroom across the hallway. Raven prepared herself, then ran. She rarely liked to confront her rude, cruel stepdad. If Raven had made a list of favorite people, Wally West would come before Trigon. Raven hardly even knew Wally West.
Kori's pretty feminine shoulders tensed. Her large, pale green eyes stared around anxiously. She was new at Jump City High, having come just that year, a foreign girl. She spoke Engish very carefully, with overly perfect grammar.
Her crimson hair was picked up and tossed about by the wind, and her rounded bangs blew around wildly. She suddenly tripped over an unseen object, and fell flat onto the hard, cold cement.
"Whoa...sorry," said Richard Grayson uncomfortably. Kori's face flushed bright pink. Richard held his hand out to help her up. He wore baggy khakis, a red-and-orange skater T-shirt, black sneakers, and thick black sunglasses which were so intensely shaded that Kori wondered, as she had many times before from afar, how he could see through them. You obviously couldn't see past them from the outside.
Kori and her friends, Raven and Jen, had always been distantly connected with Richard's "gang", which included muscular jock Vic Stone, three-year-running class clown Gar Logan, and track star Wally West, Jen's former boyfriend.
Kori felt a hot flush run up her cheeks, a sort of electric shock, as Richard took her hand. She didn't have much experience with boys. But Richard looked just as embarrassed as she did. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "Erm…"
"Richard!" crowed a familiar voice from behind them. Kori whipped around. Her rude, mean older sister, Amanda, stood there. "I see you've met my little sister, Kori Anders?" she asked, enunciating the word little, gripping Kori's shoulder, and flashing her sister a glance that said, 100: Stay away from Richard. He's mine.
Boys always fell for Amanda. And not just boys; every time Kori tried to even say hi to someone, Amanda would come out of nowhere and grab their attention. However, Raven Roth and Jen Hexington always ignored her. That was what Kori liked about them. Although Raven was more dry than "sweet", and Jen was a kind of tough chick, they always stayed true to Kori.
But – "I have, Amanda. Ages ago. Now would you mind if I talked to her? Without you butting in?"
Amanda looked appalled, but stormed away nevertheless.
Richard turned to Kori with a friendly smile. "So, Kori, what's up in your life?"
He laughed. "Expression. What's…you know, going on?" He shrugged, looking faintly flustered.
Kori smiled warmly back at him. "I suppose you call it 'the usual?'"
You might have called Gar Logan a sidekick to Richard Grayson. As usual, today they dressed the same, hung out in the same places, talked to the same JCH girls. But although Rich was a more leaderly guy, they had no sidekick-type-thing. They were best friends. End of story.
"Hey, Gar! Guess what! I just had a whole convo with Kori Anders!" Richard came running toward him, an expression of little-boy glee on his face.
"Awesome." Gar rolled his eyes. Ever since the second day of term, Rich couldn't stop blabbing on about the attractive redhead.
"Isn't she amazing?" Rich gushed.
Gar didn't look up from his yearbook. They had come early this year. He hoped his photo looked all right. "Sure, Rich."
"I mean, she discusses these topics like the inflammation of fungi, the processes of a common poisonous spore's life – "
Gar cut in, still looking down, "So you're going out with mold girl?"
Richard looked concerned. "Don't call her that! Garfield, if you met a – " He cut himself off, stopping dead in his tracks. "Did you just say…going out with?" His face had turned red in both anger and embarrassment.
Here we go, thought Gar, a bit timidly. He had gone too far. He unzipped his bookbag and stuffed the yearbook inside, preparing himself for another one of Richard's outbursts.
"Gar, you know I've been going out with Donna Troy since October! You can't say that I like – "
"I also know," interrupted Gar smoothly, "that you broke up with her last week. Don't try to fool me, Rich. I've seen the way you stare at Kori." As class clown, it was kind of Gar's job to critique people on their assumed – or sometimes obvious – romances. He burst into a fit of laughter.
"Okay, okay, so I spend more time with her than with…most girls," Richard admitted. "That doesn't mean I like her, and even if I did – "
"Even if," muttered Gar.
" – who said anything about going out? She's kind of shy, if you ask me."
"Okay, fine," said Gar. "Just let me know when you guys have kissed at least eight times, okay?"
Richard growled.
Wally West was behind her again. Jen could smell the burnt marshmallow from where she was. Surprisingly, her former boyfriend was an outdoor-y type of person, not something you'd expect from a flirt like him.
Jen need not have sniffed the air. She would have learnt of Wally's presence soon enough. "Jennifer Hexington! What are you doing beside my locker?"
She turned sharply. Two huge blue eyes met her gaze. "Assembling what I need for the school day, FYI. What are you doing away from the track?"
Wally gave her that heartmelting smile. Jen did her best to look away, and pretended she was simply giving the usual eyeroll, something she had picked up from her friend Raven years ago. "'F-Y-I', Jen, I'm getting ready for school. Now kindly do me the favor of opening my locker."
"With pleasure, pedboy."
He raised an eyebrow. "Pedboy?"
"Ped- means foot. Haven't you been paying any attention in Latin Studies?"
"Never, sweet one."
Jen sighed. "Wally, cut with the sweet one. It's over between us, okay? God, how many times to I have to explain this to you?"
He gave her a mock-sad glare, then turned away. Jen sighed. If it really was over, and she was the one to decide that, then why were those blue eyes etched in her mind where there should have been room for algebra?
(A/N: I added more onto this chapter, hope you don't mind, but I thought it needed more. Kay, I'll be back with part two as soon as possible! MWAH-HA-HA!)