Thanks for deciding to read my little ol' story! means a lot! Okay, i have some thankyou's coz this is my first post on okay, i'd like to thank Sam, she knows who she is, Eva, Kayla, for all her support, and proof-reading! and her fantastic writing. Especially Sam, because she gave me this idea, and without her genius, it wouldn't be around!

Okay, this post is a one shot, so its not continuing, yeah, anyways...enjoy! flourishes hands thankyou bows

P.S i will be writing more, just not on this songfic, cheers:P

Doctor Who Songfic "Who Knew"- Pink

You took my hand

You showed me how

You promised me you'd be around

Uh huh

That's right

I took your words

And I believed

In everything

You said to me

Yeah huh

That's right

The re-generation of the Doctor had been a turn of events for Rose. Sure, he was still the same Doctor inside, but he looked different, and, he seemed different. It wasn't her Doctor.

Rose drummed her fingers on the control panel, waiting for the Doctor to say something. They had just saved New New York, Rose had snogged the Doctor, and she was awaiting his reply. Surely he had something to say, she could see it on his face. His hair flipped into his eyes and he gazed down blankly at his feet.

Rose coughed quietly, and the Doctor looked up quickly, a concerned, anxious expression on his face.

Several uncomfortable silent minutes passed and still the Doctor didn't speak a word. Rose felt the tears brimming, and bit her lip to stop herself sobbing loudly. She breathed deeply, and took a step closer to the Doctor, who didn't look up.

"Doctor, please, say something? Anything…?" Rose said, failing to keep the hurt out of her voice. She wanted to hear him say that he loved her, that the kiss was amazing, and that she was everything to him, but his confession never came.

"I have nothing to say Rose, it meant…nothing." He finished quietly, continuing to look down.

If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them up

Cause they're all wrong

I know better

Cause you said forever

And ever

Who knew

"You can't keep lying to yourself!" Rose yelled angrily, taking the Doctor by surprise. The tears now fell freely down her pale face.

"You can't keep lying to me! I know what's happening; you're scared to get close to anyone. And once that happens, you push them away! Well fine! You wanna push me away? I'll leave on my own accord!"

Rose stormed out of the TARDIS, slamming the door angrily. The Doctor cringed slightly and sighed, this was all too complicated.

Rose made her way down the wet London street, her shoes slapping the ground as she stomped angrily onwards. She knew the Doctor was going to come running after her, he always did.

Sitting down on a park bench, she watched her breath come out in little clouds. She was right, she only had to wait 15 minutes, and then she saw the familiar outline of the Doctor running up the street to see her. She glared at his approaching figure, and looked away angrily. No excuses…he wasn't going to be forgiven that easily.

He pulled to a stop in front of her, his cheeks flushed from the cold air. His hearts beat wildly as he looked down at her, and he couldn't help but feel a tug of sadness. He'd lost her.

Remember when we were such fools

And so convinced and just too cool

Oh no

No no

I wish I could touch you again

I wish I could still call you friend

I'd give anything

"Rose…please…don't do this." He said quietly. She looked up at him with a scowl, and opened her mouth to say something, but then thought the better of it and closed her mouth quickly.

"Rose…it can't work! You know that, I know that. As much as I want to…I mean, seriously…I want to. You know that I'll end up outliving you! I don't want you to have to go through that! I don't want to watch you suffer, I'll have to watch you age, and I can't bear the thought of watching you slowly die, and not being able to do anything!" The Doctor was slowly getting exasperated at the look of defiance on Rose's face. Wasn't she listening to a word he was saying?

"Rose! I can re-generate! At the first sign of danger I'm outta there, and I'll always be safe, no matter what! I cheat death Rose, I'm a coward! You have such a short life compared to me! How am I meant to get over that once you die? Your life…your existence, and what you've lived so far, are nothing compared to what I will continue living. I'm more than 47 times your senior! And I've only just begun! Oh Rose…I want to, but I…I just…can't."

The Doctor looked solemnly down at the ground, not wanting to catch Rose's gaze, in fear of what she'd be thinking, or the way she'd be looking.

When someone said count your blessings now

For they're long gone

I guess I just didn't know how

I was all wrong

They knew better

Still you said forever

And ever

Who knew

"Fine!" rose said quickly, rising to her feet, and taking a few steps backwards. She was ready to walk, she was ready to run, to run and never stop. How could you escape from yourself?

"Rose, please…" the Doctor said, reaching out his hand. Rose gazed down at his hand, contemplating her choices. His hand looked so reassuring, so comforting, and so familiar. And yet, it represented everything she could not have. Her whole relationship with the Doctor, it all made sense now, she had been awaiting his promise of more, more than just friendship, and now she had been refused, what she was waiting for was never going to come.

The Doctor's hand was still perched in the air, now quivering slightly, as if for the first time the Doctor was afraid. Rose shook her head, and stepped back.

Yeah yeah

I'll keep you locked in my head

Until we meet again

Until we

Until we meet again

And I won't forget you my friend

What happened

The Doctor's hand dropped limply to his side, and he looked awestruck. Rose was now crying again, and try as she might, she couldn't stem the flow of hot tears cascading down her flushed cheeks.

"Well- well, I guess this is…goodbye then." Rose said softly. She almost couldn't bring herself to say it…and as the dark storm clouds over head rumbled threateningly, she couldn't help but marvel at the timing. The Doctor nodded slightly disbelievingly, and gazed up at the sky, as heavy raindrops began to fall onto the two lone figures standing in the park.

"Everything's going to change now isn't it?" Rose asked quietly, looking at the ground. Gazing up, she saw the Doctor nodded solemnly, and wasn't sure what to say.

"I'd, I'd better go then…" the Doctor trailed off. He turned around and began to walk away, but before Rose could say another word, the Doctor turned back to Rose, and seized her, kissing softly. Their lips lingered, and Rose could taste the sadness in his kiss. It was finally goodbye…forever.

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again

Rose pulled away, she wasn't shocked, she wasn't happy, she wasn't anything. The Doctor looked at Rose, and tried to give her one last wacky grin. Rose felt her heart tug, and she watched sadly as the Doctor disappeared into the distance.

Just wait…he'll come back, he always does…But this time he didn't, he didn't come back, and Rose trudged home sadly in the rain, her mind a complete blank.It was all over, he wasn't her Doctor anymore...

And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Who knew