Dino Catastrophe


Black Rose

Chapter Three-Double Dream

A man was walking around the forest in the middle of the night.

"What is going on?" he asked himself.

He was wear is school clothes, and then looked at his right arm and saw that this black Dino gems was still there. He moves it in front of him.

"Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent, Hayle, come in, can anyone hear me?"

All that came out of the communicator was static. He removes he's hand and looks around. He starts to walk around, then out of know he hear voices and dogs coming form the distances. Something didn't sound right there.

The next thing that he saw was a young woman with long blond hair running very fast.

As she ran past him she was wear a very old looking dress, and she looks very familiar too him.

"Kat?" He thought He was about to run after her, when about ten to fifteen men with guns ran his way, and what looked like hunting dogs.

"This is not good." He thought. He closed his eyes and disappeared.

As the dogs ran past him, he could hear that the man wear saying.

"We need to find her, the master will not be happy if she gets away with it."

"Don't worry, we toke care of her family, and she dosen't know how to use it so…" said another man has the walk past and out of site.

The black Dino ranger reappeared and looks around.

"What is going on here?"

Before his mind could finger out what just happen his communicator went off.

"Dr.O come in, it's Conner."

Tommy moved his Dino gem in front of him.

"Conner, its Tommy, go ahead"

"Man, Dr.O where are you?"

The Black Dino Thunder ranger thought about it, but couldn't come up with anything.

"Conner, I have no idea where I am. What about you? Where are you?"

"I don't know. It looks like I'm near a river, but nothing looks like it should."

"Conner stay where you are and I'll be there in a little while alright?"

"Dr.O, that's good and all, but how are you going to find me if you don't know where I'm?"

"Conner, you said that there was a river right? I can hear one not too far from here, alright?"

"Alright, Dr.O"

Tommy looks around and takes off running.

Conner looks around and sees a log lying on ground. He walks over to it and sits down, thinking about how he got here.

"Man, the last thing that I remember was going to bed, then the next thing I'm in his forest, and then here's Dr. O's voice on my communicator, and now waiting I'm for him. This is weird."

Something moves in the forest next to him, he jumps up and gets ready for what ever it may be. The next think that come out is something he would have never thought. A young woman with blond long hair, and was wearing what looks like very colonial-style dress. She was looking around and then saw him, and took off running down near the river.

"Wait!" Conner yells and takes off run after, but dosen't get far when out of nowhere, five dogs come out of the forest and started going after him and the young woman.

Conner stops and moves out of the way of one of the dogs. One of the dogs tried to jump on him, but he saw it and activated his super speed. Why Conner was trying not to get bit by the dogs, the men that were after the young woman come out of the forest and sees what was going on.

"Who the hell is this?" asked one of the men.

"I don't know or care. Kill him and then keep looking for the girl, we need that coin." said the leader.

The men got in a line and aimed the guns at the Red Dino Ranger, but they couldn't get a good shot because he was moving so fast.

"Sir, he moving too fast for us"

The Commander was about to give an order, when something hit him in the back and knocked him to the ground. The next thing that the others knew was that they were also on the ground.

"Who hit me?" asked a very anger Commander.

"It wasn't us, sir" replied his men

Conner saw this, and knows that it was his teacher. He started to run around the dogs very fast and making them very up set and running away.

Conner stops and looks at them men, some were getting scared and what looked like the Commander was getting worried.

"Men, retreat. We'll find the girl later," he said running away. The others followed him.

Conner started to laugh as Dr.O reappeared next to him.

"Man, Dr.O that was funny."

"Conner, this isn't the time. Do you know were that young woman went?"

Conner thought about it for a while and nothing came to him.

"I saw her run, I tried to call out to her, but it was like she didn't hear me."

"That's alright,"

A fog started to roll in and the next thing that they heard was a deadly scream, and very thing went black.

Conner heard a beeping sound and opened his eyes and saw that it was 7:15 in the morning. He hit alarm, got up, and got ready for school. He said good-bye to his mother and father and drove to school. As he parked his car, he got his school bag and met up with Ethan, Kira, and Trent. The four rangers headed for class.

As they entered class they saw their teacher Dr. O writing something on the board.

They walked up to him and said hello.

"Good morning, Dr. O" said Ethan

"Morning" said Kira

"Morning, Dr. O" said Trent

"Morning, Dr. O. Have a good night's sleep?" asked Conner.

"Morning guys and Conner, we'll talk about the dream after school, all of you" Their Teacher told them.

The four nodded their heads and went to their seats and started class.

A/N- Sorry about the long update, work is killing. Anyway I hope you like his chapter; I need to get this part out of the way. I hope to have the next chapter soon, thanks for the reviews- Black Rose